• Dave Griffiths

    Théma Inconfort Lap Bar

    Janky, rough and showing it's age, but the soundtrack is absolutely banging!

  • Dave Griffiths


    Better than space mountain. The queue theming is great, and the ride is smooth with great music and visuals

  • 100DollarHeadache

    Airtimes Temps mort Layout

    The airtime moments are great. Too bad there's not enough of them, and instead we have long helices and a straightaway. The original at Darien Lake had that straightaway over water. Can't Six Flags just put Superman logo rings around that straightaway?

  • Dave Griffiths

    Inversions Confort Fluidité Launch

    Just a really fun ride. It doesn't do anything stand out or special, but it does everything well

  • Dave Griffiths

    First Drop Fun Trop court

    Fairly simple water coaster. The first drop backwards is a little different and fun, and the splash at the end is pretty intense

  • 100DollarHeadache

    Airtimes Fun

    The double up and double down are highlights, along with the ending helix. Well cared for, it's quite smooth compared to the park's other wooden coaster Roar. It's a better wooden coaster than KD/BGW's offerings (though the Grizzly retrack, or just running both sides of Racer 75 again please, might change that).

  • Dave Griffiths

    Théma Lap Bar Confort

    Half coaster, half dark ride. Truly an original experience. If you're prone to motion sickness you may get a little queasy, but a really fun experience and worth a ride

  • 100DollarHeadache

    Launch Temps mort Layout

    To be honest, the ride was one singular defining moment, and a dull meandering roll around before diving into brakes. But that defining moment - LIM launch roaring away, and then flipping out the top of the mountain structure - alone made it a worthwhile ride. I will never forget front row at night. That said, I'm torn between whether Volcano's demolition, or its creation in the first place hacking up the Lost World mountain structure to begin with, was the bigger blow for Kings Dominion.

  • 100DollarHeadache

    Chef d'oeuvre Layout Longueur

    RMC set out to make this their best yet. Usually, RMC shortens the old wooden coaster layouts - a removal of a helix on Iron Rattler, the loss of a lap on Twisted Cyclone, reducing Gwazi from two tracks to one - but Steel Vengeance kept the full length. This is a heaping helping of RMC's signature elements - ejector hops, off-axis airtime, ripping rolls.

  • 100DollarHeadache

    Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    From the first drop beyond vertical ripping your head off, Maverick lets you know it takes no prisoners. Not a single wasted moment on this ride. It even covers up the normally annoying LSM whine/squeal in the second launch with a railroad crossing sound.