• Colorado Coaster Fan

    Théma Vibrations Inconfort A raser !

    This Is One Worst Roller Coaster

  • Colorado Coaster Fan

    First Drop Situation Vibrations Inconfort A raser !

    I really do not like this coaster. I enjoyed the first drop and I do like the setting of this ride quite a bit but I have to say it's the worst coaster I've ridden and it's all due to the restraints. I do not like the vest restraints . These are the worst restraints I've ever experienced. After the very solid first drop, my restraints slammed down and throughout the rest of the ride, I could barely breathe and it was about to give me a panic attack. This ride had quite a bit of potential but the vests entirely ruined the ride and make me never want to ride this coaster ever again

  • Max S.

    Bonne suprise ! Launch Hangtime Trop court

    This is probably a controversial opinion but I have this one rated as the 2nd best in the park for what coasters I rode that day (I did not ride X2 but rate this higher than Wonder Woman and Tatsu). I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed this one. The initial launch is fantastic but not overbearing. I compare this to my home park equivalent of Maxx Force at SFGAm and even though the launch isn't as quick, the absolutely intense hangtime you get on the top of the massive loop makes up for it so much. It gives way better g-forces than the dog tongue element in Maxx Force. I also got to the 2nd launch and had a nice surprise when it launched us backward instead of forward. My only gripe like most people have already said is that it is too short. The ejector airtime you get on the final hill was absolutely incredible but if they could find a way to extend that run so they don't have to use brakes midway down the drop then it would make for a near-perfect launch-type ride. 4.5/5 stars

  • Jonathan de speler

    Fun Temps mort Layout

    Just a fun family coaster.

  • Jonathan de speler

    Sans intérêt Layout

    It's an SBF Visa spinner. What would you expect.

  • LolUrDad !

    Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Ejectors Débit

    Absolutely perfect. Every element somehow manages to give me ejector. The wave turn is my favorite element on any roller coaster, the death roll is my favorite inversion of any roller coaster, and the drop is my favorite drop of any coaster. Not to mention, the last few drops hurt my back with how strong and rapid they were. The outerbank is also amazing. Such an amazing ride and my #1. I just wish it had better capacity so the line would move faster.

  • David W.

    Airtimes Harnais Ejectors

    Airtime city

  • David W.

    Débit Fluidité Layout

    This coaster is a piece of art. Enough said.

  • Jonathan de speler

    Airtimes Intensité Layout Inconfort


  • Jonathan de speler

    Théma Intensité Hangtime Trop court

    You absolutely need to ride this oncce on the left side all the way in the back row. It is something different. You just get yanked over that drop and that airtime hill is also so good back there that you will probably get butterflies. After t he boring immelman you go into a helix that is just pure insanity. You will grey out every time there. The zero-G roll is also pretty good even though I'm not that big of a fan of them.