• Fantastic Coasters

    Airtimes Théma Vibrations Inconfort Temps mort

    As much as this coaster has some great laterals, decent theming and airtime, it is a very rough and uncomfortable wooden coaster! The restraints are terrible, and the ride has a few pacing issues towards the end of the layout. This side is slightly rougher than the red side but not by much. If Stampida was retracked as a GCI and got millennium flyer trains like Tomahawk but bigger, it would be a lot better and more bearable and comfortable to ride.

  • Wyatt Flynn

    Airtimes Théma Fun Vibrations

    Space mountain is not a family coaster. It has some wild laterals, good airtime, jerky stuff, and great theming. You should ride this ride at least 2 times and also the lift hill is smooth. It could be a little bit smoother, but I would say that’s a pretty good ride and I will go back there soon.

  • Mark Haworth

    Airtimes Intensité Hangtime

    This coaster is very intense. Brilliant launch that catches you out on first riding as there is no pause as you move out the station. the first element is such fun. from then on the ride is relentless

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    Shambhala is absolutely gorgeous; the location is great because you can see the Mediterranean Sea and mountains in the distance! The first drop is absolutely amazing because it has a free-falling sensation as you are experiencing sustained floater before you get blasted with positive g forces as you go through a tunnel. The figure eight turnaround is so smooth and gives very good positive forces. Every airtime hill delivers with amazing and sustained floater that lasts for a few seconds and there is one speed hill after the turnaround where you experience sustained flojector. The splashdown is great and so is the ending because the mcbr never seems to activate and you get good positives from the turnaround out of it and 2 final pops of floater into the brakes. The restraints are extremely comfortable and because the airtime is so good, it doesn't matter if you get stapled. One of the best and smoothest coasters I have ever ridden.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Théma Chef d'oeuvre Layout Baffes

    Most underrated coaster in the world! Great pacing and positives throughout the layout! Amazing ejector hills and good hangtime on some of the inversions! Although the cobra roll is very painful and headbanging it doesn't ruin the ride for me because the rest of the ride is pretty smooth. Love the theming and the absolutely bonkers layout!

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Launch Fluidité Ejectors Théma Harnais Inconfort

    The lightning quick acceleration on the launch is so intense! Brilliant ejector on the top hat and airtime hill! Amazing view and very smooth but the restraints are very uncomfortable and can staple your legs and hurt your shoulders. Best coaster at Thorpe Park!

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Launch Fluidité Temps mort

    This has such a great start. You have a unique fast launch straight up into an airtime tophat followed by a drop straight down and then... it's just kind of blah after that. After such a cool uphill launch and drop, the rest of the ride felt tame in comparison.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Ejectors

    This ride is absolutely flawless! The outer banked curved jojo roll has amazing and sustained hangtime and because you only have an extremely comfortable lap bar holding you in, it adds to the extreme factor because it really makes you feel like you will slip out of the seat, and you spin through it as well! The launches are really good for a mack coaster because the first one gives a powerful spin boost and the second one is on an airtime hill which means you will get accelerating and spinning flojector airtime, the outer banked top hat has powerful positives on the way up and extremely violent ejector airtime on the front row, the outer banked turn gives great lateral hangtime which prepares you for the absolutely bonkers first drop if you sit in the very back row and if you face it backwards the ejector is even more insane because you can't see anything coming! The positives continue as you pull out from the drop into the banana roll inversion which is very disorienting when you look down at the water because you feel like you will be flung into it, the back row gets good hangtime and insane whip on the way out providing great positives into the vertical loop that is very fun with good hangtime as well, but the following zero g roll is insanity as you are flung out of your seat as you flip through it at over 40 mph, the following turn gives good force and the twisted hill has good whip and floater up front and hangtime on the back! The double inverted dive loop is absolute madness because you get insane whip and hangtime throughout the entire twist and the dive gives good hangtime up front and whip in the back! The giant camelback gives strong sustained ejector in every row and the twist out gives a good lateral whip and the overbanked turn has great positives! The brutal double up finale provides 2 final powerful pops of ejector which go straight to the thighs! There can be a slight rattle in the valleys, but it doesn't take away from the experience as the other elements are smooth. The Ride to Happiness by Tomorrowland is my absolute favourite coaster in the world because it has an amazing layout with no dead spots combined with a beautifully themed area and station and a banger onboard soundtrack which is the best part of the experience as it adds a lot of immersion!!! 1000/1000

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Airtimes Théma Intensité Harnais

    Fēnix is a great wing coaster with a nice airtime hill full of sustained flojector, super forceful helix and a nicely themed queue, station and trains. Even though the vest restraints are quite tight, they don't stop me from getting airtime or hangtime. When it comes to shorter rides like Fēnix, I don't really mind as long as they pull good forces during their layouts which is what Fēnix does well.

  • Troy M.

    Vibrations Déception ! Inconfort

    It was a bumpy ride lol. So glad RMC turned this into the masterpiece that is wicked cyclone!