• CoaẞTR

    First Drop Bonne suprise ! Intensité Débit

    This is Masterpiece because it is so insane. It has one of the best drops, positive Forces, forceful ejector Airtime, snappy transitions and great theming. The biggest surprise for me was how much i would enjoy the hangtime on the inversion at the end, since no one talks about it. Great element to end the ride. The layout is also pretty unique and I wished we would see more coasters like this one.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Airtimes Lap Bar Intensité

    Goliath is just a different breed compared to the rest of the B&M hypers. I’m not a fan of B&M hypers because they feel slow, have weak airtime and are just pretty tame overall, however Goliath is much different. Goliath flies over every hill and is paced quite well, plus there is some intense moments such as the helix and good transitions like the exit of the turnaround before the finale. The main difference however is the airtime. While the drop and first big camelbacks are on par with a typical B&M hyper, the finale is seriously something else. It starts with these 3 mini camelbacks that give great decently sustained ejector before slamming you so hard back into your seat that it starts to hurt your chest before going into this little dip into the brake run that absolutely launches you out of your seat, it honestly rivals the airtime of the RMC in the same park. The ride is also long just as you would expect from a coaster of this model and has those awesome clamshell restraints. These ones also don’t come with a seatbelt but the ops do staple, luckily I did manage to get a decent amount of room and keep it throughout the ride. Overall I was expecting Goliath to be my favorite B&M hyper and a solid ride but it completely blew my expectations out of the water. This coaster is truly elite and finds a very high ranking on my overall list.

  • CoaẞTR

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    Loved it. I have ridden it 3 times in a row in the very back row. Every Hill (except the turnaround thing) deliverd nice sustained airtime. The first two camelbacks were especially great, as these delivered nice sustained and strong ejecetor airtime. Its also very smooth.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    First Drop Lap Bar Ejectors Vibrations Débit Temps mort

    Lost Gravity has great theming even though it makes me think of The Smiler because the colour scheme and track are almost identical, I'm not complaining because it looks nice. The trains are extremely comfortable as you only have a nice Mack Rides lap bar to hold you in which adds so much freedom especially on the winged seats, but because they are small the ride can have bad capacity. The first drop is fantastic because you experience strong laterals! The speed hill gives good ejector, and the banked top hat has good hangtime and airtime as well. Then there is another ejector hill and a very slow and drawn out slightly outer banked turn that surprisingly gives decent laterals despite how slow it is into the mcbr (it does slow down the train). After that you go into a dive loop with good hangtime and also some more turns, a great zero g roll and more airtime hills. This coaster may not be the best paced coaster out there, but it is still a fun prototype Mack Rides Big Dipper Wing Coaster with some intense sections with positive forces and ejector hills. There is a noticeable rattle, but it doesn't really ruin the ride as it is only in the valleys and if you sit in the back (weird I know) it's not as bad. I've always heard about Mack Rides lap bars coming down further during some of their coasters, but I have never had a problem with them.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Théma Launch Intensité Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    Furius Baco may have great theming, launch and inversion, it can be a very uncomfortable and rough experience which can cause a Furius Backache! The trains are well themed but the Intamin over the shoulder restraints can be really uncomfortable especially towards the end of the ride if stapled. The turns are quite intense and pull good positive g forces even though they can be really uncomfortable and rough if you sit in a bad seat. If you sit in a good row, the ride isn't that bad, but the rattle is still there. This wing coaster isn't the worst ride ever but it's not amazing, so it is a decent coaster overall with its pros and cons.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Airtimes Théma Vibrations Inconfort Temps mort

    As much as this coaster has some great laterals, decent theming and airtime, it is a very rough and uncomfortable wooden coaster! The restraints are terrible, and the ride has a few pacing issues towards the end of the layout. I actually prefer this side to the blue side because it offers a slightly smoother ride even though it's still not smooth. If Stampida was retracked as a GCI and got millennium flyer trains like Tomahawk but bigger, it would be a lot better and more bearable and comfortable to ride.

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Airtimes Théma Vibrations Inconfort Temps mort

    As much as this coaster has some great laterals, decent theming and airtime, it is a very rough and uncomfortable wooden coaster! The restraints are terrible, and the ride has a few pacing issues towards the end of the layout. This side is slightly rougher than the red side but not by much. If Stampida was retracked as a GCI and got millennium flyer trains like Tomahawk but bigger, it would be a lot better and more bearable and comfortable to ride.

  • Wyatt Flynn

    Airtimes Théma Fun Vibrations

    Space mountain is not a family coaster. It has some wild laterals, good airtime, jerky stuff, and great theming. You should ride this ride at least 2 times and also the lift hill is smooth. It could be a little bit smoother, but I would say that’s a pretty good ride and I will go back there soon.

  • Mark Haworth

    Airtimes Intensité Hangtime

    This coaster is very intense. Brilliant launch that catches you out on first riding as there is no pause as you move out the station. the first element is such fun. from then on the ride is relentless

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    Shambhala is absolutely gorgeous; the location is great because you can see the Mediterranean Sea and mountains in the distance! The first drop is absolutely amazing because it has a free-falling sensation as you are experiencing sustained floater before you get blasted with positive g forces as you go through a tunnel. The figure eight turnaround is so smooth and gives very good positive forces. Every airtime hill delivers with amazing and sustained floater that lasts for a few seconds and there is one speed hill after the turnaround where you experience sustained flojector. The splashdown is great and so is the ending because the mcbr never seems to activate and you get good positives from the turnaround out of it and 2 final pops of floater into the brakes. The restraints are extremely comfortable and because the airtime is so good, it doesn't matter if you get stapled. One of the best and smoothest coasters I have ever ridden.