• Lukas 42

    Théma Fun

    After the final lap, the slow passage even provides strange lateral hangtime. Overall, a nice family ride.

  • Lukas 42

    Intensité Layout Longueur Inconfort

    This little brother of Eurosat was surprisingly intense, has a cool layout in the darkness and the oldschool setting with a fitting soundtrack is quite nice. Unfortunately, those cars are really narrow and rather uncomfortable. But overall, the second highlight coaster in the park!

  • Lukas 42

    Situation Fun Longueur Inconfort

    It's a really fun ride: The layout is interesting and pretty long, it is nicely themed and there are even some caves providing small darkride sections. For a family coaster it's not to underestimate, but on the other side, the riding comfort is rustic, which fits to an old runaway mine train!

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Situation Débit Intensité

    The setting underneath Taron is really nice and the queue as well as the trains are well themed, the coaster was a little disappointing: it is rather tame and the layout nothing too spectacular. Longer than 20 minutes waiting time is not worth for this ride...

  • Lukas 42

    Fun Fluidité Longueur Théma Débit

    Since the ride is called "Crazy Bats", the capacity is a major downside of this ride because the dispatch time is increased due to the VR glasses. The movie of the VR option is okay, but nothing outstanding. Positive aspects about the ride is the duration of the ride and the great smoothness! When lines are not too long, this ride is good to relax...

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Situation Layout Débit

    A great coaster which provides a nice theming inside a building, some darkride sections and and even some surprises you don't find everywhere. Unfortunately, the lines are typically really long...

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Situation Layout Débit

    A great coaster which provides a nice theming inside a building, some darkride sections and and even some surprises you don't find everywhere. Unfortunately, the lines are typically really long...

  • Lukas 42

    Théma Launch Longueur

    This coaster is absolutely outstanding: the ride is a real rush of speed from the beginning to the end, the theming is faboulus and the second boost is (and sounds) extremely forceful. The layout looks not really extreme from the outside, but it still provides plenty of fun and great thrills. Additionally, the track is very long, on my first ride it felt if the ride didn't want to end because when you expected the brake run, there was still another turn or twist. Definetely one of the best rollercoasters of Germany (and maybe even in the world...)

  • Lukas 42

    Inversions Layout Hangtime Débit Harnais

    This rare "El Loco" from S&S was a nice surprise! On an extremely compact footprint there is a really interesting layout with rather unusual elements: While the first drop looks more impressive than it actually feels, especially those outwards banked turns offer a quite unusual experience and the inversions provide great hangtime. Additionally, the theming is pretty nice for this small area. The cons of this ride are the low capacity and the strange restraint system which reminds me a bit of those from the Olympia Looping, but overall, it's a great coaster you don't find everywhere.

  • Lukas 42

    A normal Tivoli small: For the small riders, its okay, but for the older ones it is a credit and nothing really more. Interestingly, this ride is probably the loudest coaster in the park :-)