• Dave Scott

    Airtimes Situation Fiabilité

    Elite-level use of terrain. Quick, smooth and plenty airtime - not of the Steel Vengeance verging on insanity variety. Launch is not all that powerful and crest of lift hill isn't the ejector seat that earlier reviews imply. Much fun to be had all the same and probably a top-20 ride. Reliability is still a problem, and probably always will be. Ride this early at all costs.

  • Dave Scott

    Fun family coaster, a step improvement over the earlier vekoma family inverts. Fast and smooth, while not being a total snoozefest.

  • Samuel H.

    Launch Vitesse Intensité Vibrations Trop court

    My favourite coaster in the UK. Really intense launch and positives, ejector airtime in the front and back rows. Perfect level of intensity, I just wish it was longer.

  • Sibren Foger

    Inversions Hangtime Vibrations Débit Inconfort

    I have 12 rides on it. It was a very packed layout, with no deadspots, but at the times i rode it, it had a serieus rattle that would give me ah litural headache. Therefor i only give it 3 and a half stars, cause comfort on a coaster is one of the most important topics that it must have.

  • Dave Scott

    Currently known as "Ice Mountain"; quasi-indoors and has a bit of minimal theming and lighting. Has appeared at Hyde Park Winter Wonderland at least once now. Like others of it's type, there's nothing wrong per se and had a good laugh riding this; but like the park the only reason to visit is to chase credits.

  • Dave Scott

    Airtimes Situation Temps mort

    Wow! Just wow! May possibly be my favourite B&M hyper at the time of writing (2019), and I've done quite a few of the genre. Has the advantage of being set at the back of the park surrounded by woods and water features. Delivers great extended floater airtime, and is relatively well balanced for pacing. Trims are usually off in the morning and as such it's a bit better at that time of day - shame they don't allow it to run completely free having warmed up; but I guess there are "reasons".

  • Dave Scott

    Perfectly reasonable kiddy coaster for its intended audience and adults can ride alongside no problem. Low capacity is a minor negative.

  • Dave Scott


    B&Ms always get better once broken in. I'm glad Banshee has broken in - all the reviews and comments themed to "boring and mild" are a chore, to say nothing of completely wrong. This is a well paced and super intense invert. The rolls are a needed break in the otherwise relentless positive G. The exit of the batwing and second loop are almost Schwarzkopf-like sustained. Harness doesn't especially bother me, though sitting on the brakes for extended time might get uncomfortable. During the ride itself, they allow moves other inverts with the standard restraints would simply not work. Especially the first drop, which is super whippy in the back of the train. Fills a hole in Kings Islands lineup very well.

  • Dave Scott


    Amusing wait in the queue with the 'rain' of mobile phones dropping from riders. Which is just as well as this is low capacity and slow loading. Ride itself is a miserable affair apart from the drop off the lift. Restraints more or less jam your head in place and impact is inevitable.

  • Dave Scott

    Well themed and punchy launch. Trains are very compact and a bit tricky to get into - bearing in mind I am of average height. Laterals in the first half punch hard. Mid course brakes completely kill momentum. Would actually be better if the main launch was slower, and less braking at half way. Slow queue so is a once-and-done