• Kellen Grady

    Situation Déception ! Inconfort

    I was really hoping for a pleasant and scenic ride through the woods on this one, but unfortunately it's so slow and rickety that any fun to be had from the scenery is sapped from the ride. I wish this ride were longer, more exciting, and smoother, but through the same area on the hill.

  • Kellen Grady

    First Drop Intensité Inconfort

    1/14/22 This ride is absolutely insane, but I found it a little overrated. Maybe I need to ride it in the back rather than the front, but it didn't seem as exciting to me as when I first rode it. Mostly just disorienting. I have a membership now, so I will definitely be riding it again soon, and I'll update this review then! 1/30/22 Rode again with a full train at sunset in the back, and holy fuck what an insane ride. The speakers were going this time as well, though unfortunately the flamethrowers were not on. I wish this ride was just a little smoother, it's age is definitely felt with some of the rocking that the seats do.

  • Kellen Grady

    Launch Fun Layout Théma

    1/14/22 - I was super impressed with this ride! I wasn't expecting it too be anything too special based on what I've read, but the dueling is truly great and it's just pure fun the whole way! I'm not someone who considers G's and airtime and all that stuff, just pure fun, so maybe that's why I rate it higher than most. Either way I can't wait to ride this one again and experience those great dueling elements again, as well as the hilariously terrible cameo by Ryan Friedlinghaus. 1/31/22 - with a bit of the novelty wearing off, and recently off the superior launches of Full Throttle, I'm knocking this one down a bit - still a great duel with some truly insane elements.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    This is BY FAR the best roller coaster I've ever ridden. It has insanely strong ejector airtime on the level of Lightning Rod, & it has the best collection of inversions out there. Not to mention the theming, storyline, setting, restraints, launches. This thing has it all!!!

  • Matthew Potter

    Baffes Harnais Sans intérêt

    If you’ve ever thought about riding this - think again. The OTSRs are pointless, and if you sit on the outside seat, your arm will most likely be trapped between the car and the restraint. The layout is dull, and you really have to brace yourself for the corners. Did this for the credit and I regret my life choices.

  • Sean Elkins

    Launch Intensité Layout Trop court Débit

    The ride that started the stratacoaster model, Xcelerator has a bathroom located just to the left. In there you will find Xelerator brand hand driers. The theming is top notch.

  • Sean Elkins

    First Drop Lap Bar Longueur Temps mort

    If you get to the park 10 or more minutes before open, you can typically get a quick ride on this piece of history. This coaster is so cool, having a portion that allows a cars to pass underneath, as well as an awesome first drop in the back row. The only beef I have with this ride is the turnaround. For some this portion of the ride might be good for them to catch their breath, but I found it to pull me out of the out of control feeling that this coaster does so well.

  • Sean Elkins

    Lap Bar Inversions Hangtime Trop court

    This compact coaster packs quite a bit of punch. The first drop was an interesting experience, but I couldn't personally help but think how the ride might have more intense forces with that extra length from the drop. I will say that the “spaghetti bowl” style layout this coaster boasts has one of the best cobra rolls in terms of head choppers and slight disorientation. It’s a lot of fun but not the best at the park

  • Sean Elkins

    Airtimes Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Harnais

    The layout of this roller coaster starts out standard for an invert. The quick turnaround from the drop into an inversion. But the second half of this ride is just absolute fun on a bun. The dip near the water is beautiful, and the finale double corkscrew is my favorite element on any coaster at Knott’s Berry Farm.

  • Sean Elkins

    Bonne suprise ! Fun

    The day I went it was nearly a walk on on almost every ride I had. If you want a fun ride that you won’t get sick on, make sure your car is loaded with all 4 people. The layout is pretty tame with a balanced train. On the other end of the spectrum, If you get 2 people on one side of the car and 1 on the other, the cars on these free spinning trains really pick up speed for a more intense experience. One of my favorite rides