• Cooper Zimmerman

    Fun Intensité Longueur

    This is a crazy long ride and probably has to be one of the best alpine coasters out there. This has like 5 lift hills and a ton of really great fast turns throughout the mountain side and the trees. Also this adds in some cool theming and props throughout as a unique bonus for an alpine coaster and each section gets better and better until that insane final helix which gives deadly laterals at full speed with just a seatbelt.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Launch

    This was actually a super fun indoor premier coaster. All the super realistic and well done mummy theming is incredible and definitely up to the Universal standard and there are some awesome backwards sections, launches as well as some good airtime moments and intense tight turns. It’s a really long ride and the way the story just continually flows between dark ride and coaster section is flawless. Definitely my favorite indoor coaster.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Intensité Ejectors Temps mort

    This is a really….weird ride. The launch is pretty decent but nothing too great but the top hat with room in the back is genuinely kind of insane. Some nice positives coming into and out of it and some shocking ejector over the top. I was able to get like way too much room on this so the airtime was just crazy. The rest of the ride features a zero g roll which is pretty good as well as a weird and pretty pointless cutback/overbank type thing. The mcbr drop is another ridiculous ejector moment in the back with or without room and the valley off of it is like oddly tight and forceful. The ride pretty much dies after the corkscrew but the airtime alone makes this actually a lot of fun.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversions Intensité Fluidité Temps mort Layout

    Great Bear is a very unique invert but not necessarily in the best way. The 4 inversions are all really solid and the zero g roll is one of my favorites and its definitely a forceful coaster but is plagued by dead spots. The helix coming off the predrop is pretty cool but wasn't very intense on my last ride and the drop is pretty pointless and dumb. The terrain and interaction with Sooperdooperlooper also makes for a weird ending with several straight sections and slow turns into the brake run that basically feel like a straight section. A fun coaster but definitely flawed.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Intensité Temps mort

    Wildcat has a decent layout for the first gci and the rough patches are cushioned by those amazing older millennium flyers. Not a lot of airtime and quite a few dull slower moments but still a fun woodie.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Lap Bar Situation

    This nearly 80 year old woodie is a ton of fun and a real classic. Some great ejector on the big drops and hills in the first half, the second half hills aren’t as strong but the laterals are really solid and the buzz bars make the whole ride so much better. I really hope this can stay around for a while longer because it’s great.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Situation Intensité Layout Inconfort

    I prefer Batwing a fair amount to this but Nighthawk is still really great. The intensity and flying coaster airtime is super fun on this but the roughness in the back is pretty bad and the corkscrews are horrible.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Inversions Intensité Baffes

    Firebird is a solid B&M coaster for it being the first one. It’s got a pretty simple and short layout but still manages to provide some solid positives and even a pop of airtime in the back to start off the second half. The bit of hangtime in the loop is also a nice touch.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Fluidité Ejectors Temps mort

    The double down is pretty much the only part of this coaster that has any sort of force but it’s so good to where this is still in my top 50% of credits out of almost 190. That strong ejector with only a seatbelt is legit terrifying and those few seconds being completely off the seat feel like an eternity. A classic terrain woodie with an insane airtime moment.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversions Intensité Layout

    This is such an underrated coaster and I really don’t see the hate for it. It’s actually a really smooth coaster with an intense layout with a solid loop and corkscrew and some forceful turns.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Inversions Intensité

    Scorcher is a really fun stand up with some intense inversions, snappy turns and a nice airtime filled drop.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversions Bonne suprise ! Hangtime Airtimes

    Hydra is a really whacky floorless but not necessarily in a bad way. The first jojo roll is so unique and the hangtime is wild. The other inversions give a bit of whip and some great hangtime and just feel really odd and different from other b&m loopers. The airtime on the drop was kind of disappointing but the park already has enough great airtime so it’s fine. It’s a very smooth coaster and overall enjoyable for what it is.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Théma Inversions Fluidité Déception !

    This is a pretty average floorless but not a bad one either. Not super intense or whippy but it’s got a really nice drop and hangtime filled loop as well as a long and smooth layout that flips you upside down plenty of times and the theming of it when it was bizarro made for some cool visuals and great effects for night rides.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Bonne suprise ! Situation Intensité Temps mort

    This is a fairly simple coaster with not much too it but it’s main element is outstanding. Some of the big drops on the hillside give some weirdly jank 1920s airtime which is so fun and the visuals with the terrain and phantom are awesome. The helix on this is just unbelievable and I felt like I cracked my ribs from the sheer force of it after my first ride. Not the best 1920s coaster I’ve ridden but a solid #2.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversions Bonne suprise ! Intensité

    Rougarou is a coaster I’ve gotten good and bad rides on but I haven’t gotten a rough one on it since my first trip. It has a very similar layout to green lantern and every element is really intense and fun. The drop gives some good floater and there are some good snappy moments throughout the layout. I also like the photogenic placement over the water.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversions Intensité Layout Vibrations

    I only rode this once and with vr so I don’t have much of a proper feel for this but Kraken is still really great. I really like the large straight first drop unlike most floorless coasters and every inversion has some crazy positives and/or whip. It’s also a really long ride and the second half is pretty unique with the trench and tunnel as well as a second vertical loop. It is pretty rough but that doesn’t detract from it too much.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Intensité Longueur

    Nitro is probably the most intense B&M hyper I’ve ridden and the great sense of speed through the woods in the back of the park and tons of solid floater make this a really long and fun coaster. The helix is absolutely insane and the ending is actually very solid.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité Temps mort

    Lots of great sustained floater with a really great first drop and unique and fun turnaround. The ride pretty much dies after the mcbr but it’s still a great hyper.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité Trop court

    This is a really fun family gci that almost feels like a thrill coaster. It gives some shockingly strong airtime on each hill and some great lats and a pretty intense ending helix. It has some nice wooden coaster roughness to give it some more character and is just really solid.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    Roar is honestly pretty good if you get it towards the back, it’s not too rough and has a long well paced layout with plenty of ejector pops and good lats.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversions Launch Intensité

    It’s insane how compact these spaghetti bowl coasters are and they pack a massive punch in that long layout. Great forceful launch, super intense and whippy inversions and some turns with some more great positives and laterals make this a ton of fun and it’s really relentless with no mcbr.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Intensité Hangtime Trop court

    I pretty much like this as much as phobia and really didn’t think the comfort collars affected anything. Just a really intense and fun compact multi launched coaster from premier.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Intensité Hangtime Trop court

    These Sky Rocket IIs are pretty fun with a nice swing launch, great airtime coming over the top and and the drop, some elite hangtime on the heart line roll and some great positive g’s throughout. Definitely a simple but fun coaster.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Bonne suprise ! Intensité Ejectors

    I’m not sure how the renovated mindbender is but I had a blast on this in 2019. This coaster had several nice drops and ejector pops as well as 2 really intense classic Schwarzkopf loops and a really forceful and lateral filled incline helix thingy. I love the forest setting and it’s just an awesome smooth and classic looper which adds even more to the very solid sfog lineup.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Théma Launch Intensité

    I never rode Big Bad Wolf but I can't imagine that came anywhere close to the amazingness of this super unique zierer multi launch. From the very solid and pretty forceful launches to the insanely intense indoor helix and turns to the awesome 3 different themed scenarios and drop track and even some good airtime, this is one of the coolest launched coasters out there.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes First Drop Inversions Temps mort

    This absolute classic arrow is such a blast in the back row. The sustained ejector in the back on those first two main drops and even the drop off the second lift is amazing and helped out a ton by the ridiculous amount of room you get with the arrow otsrs. The loops are also super cool being the only interlocking ones left standing and are crazy forceful like a B&M invert. The tunnel helix is pretty slow and kind of uninteresting but still cool. A very long coaster that is a massive icon and just so much fun.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Fun Intensité Temps mort

    This smaller and slightly newer version of Beast is a ton of fun. Insanely rough coaster but that makes the airtime and laterals so much crazier and the wooded setting and tunnel are some nice touches. I seriously love this woodie and is a must ride every visit to the park for me.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Inversions Ejectors

    Fahrenheit is a really fun little intamin coaster. The only intamin vertical lift coaster has a great 97 degree drop, 6 solid inversions and a really great ending with some intense low to the ground turns and a crazy ejector hill. The norwegian loop is really unique and intense and gives some weird floater coming into and out of it, the cobra roll is pretty weak though as it's fairly rattly and slow but those 2 corkscrews are really awesome and snappy. In general a really fast paced, smooth and intense looping coaster that feels almost blitz coaster like and a great coaster to round out the awesome intamin collection at Hersheypark.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes First Drop Inversions

    I've ridden this so many times and this still manages to be my favorite floorless by a good margin. The drop is so whippy and awesome and every inversions is a blast. The loop is gigantic and gives some excellent hangtime, the cobra roll is intense and smooth and the corkscrews give some very solid whip. I really don't mind only having 5 inversions because those fast overbanks after the loop are surprisingly forceful and the coaster gives two great ejector moments to add with the mcbr drop and pop into the final brakes. Such a long, intense and fun B&M and makes a great first impression for the park.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Intensité Ejectors

    While Griffon pretty much does everything better than it, Sheikra is still pretty awesome. The two drops gives some powerful sustained ejector and the immelmann is really intense along with that whole first half. The second half is mostly a dead spot but the second drop tunnel and splash down are some really nice touches.