Detailed user ratings
Mammut features
Onride Video
Also in Tripsdrill 6
Reviews 712
First Drop Disappointing! Dead spots
I really didn't like this ride, the first drop is good, but the rest doesn't do much. It also slows down a lot in the 2nd half, even my dad said it was boring and he's not even an enthusiast
First Drop Fun Duration Airtimes
Mammut is a weird wooden coaster. It has pretty good theming, but nothing to do with mammouths. Maybe the ride is so imposing that it's like a mammoth? The theme is more of a western style with train tracks going through the queue and station and the pre-lift reminds me a lot of blue fire's pre-launch section. The first drop is quite surprising in the back and gives some nice airtime. The rest of the layout has a few moments of mild to slightly strong floater. It mostly winds around its area and structure. The tunnel at the end is a fun way to end the ride. I prefer it to Troy purely because it's much smoother, though not completely smooth. It does rattle a little bit but it is far from being as bad as Troy, Loup-Garou or even Tonnerre 2 Zeus.
Theming Airtimes Dead spots Intensity
The ride looks the part, but it really doesn't do much. Too slow, no forces, no airtime. It doesn't rattle as such, it's more of a shake. The track seems to be too wide for the trains. Pro-tip: sit in the middle row of the 3 row carts. That way, you don't sit above the wheels and the shake is a lot less violent. The tunnel with the smoke and the show scene at the start are fun. I did a night ride during the Halloween event and that made the ride more enjoyable. The first time I visited Tripsdrill I hated this ride, but I enjoyed it a lot more during my last trip. Kids seem to enjoy it a lot. It's an intimidating looking coaster that is actually pretty mild, so a good entry coaster for younger riders.
Theming Disappointing! Dead spots Intensity
This is the most boring wooden coaster i've been on so far. Theming and the overall appearance is quite nice, but the ride itself is disappointing: Especially in the morning, the train loses speed really quickly and the layout is, except of the drop, the following turn and the final tunnel very repetitive. There are some small hills without any airtime and the rest of the layout are turns and changes in direction, which are taken too slow to be fun. Yawn...
Theming Nice surprise! Fun Rattle Intensity
I rode this very nicely themed coaster a couple of times in my most recent (and first, but hopefully not last) visit and I was suprised. Although Mammut lacks in intensity and it features, depending on where you sit, a stronger or weaker rattle, I fairly enjoyed this coaster. The layout itself isn't bad and you get some weak floater when it has warmed up. And the theming is incredible, the the preshow reminded me of Blue Fire, but this coaster was here first. It's a family coaster, but definetly #3 in the park.
Theming Fun Dead spots
Mammut is a fun family woodie but definitely weaker than its GCI cousins Wodan and El Toro. The ride just doesn't do very much aside from a few ok floater moments and some near-misses. The ride has a noticeable rattle but nothing too bad for a woodie. The theming of the ride was done very detailed with a great darkride scene at the beginning. All in all good for families but unfortunately a very forgettable ride. It makes for some good visuals in the back of Tripsdrill though.
Airtimes First Drop Duration Rattle
Nice wooden coaster that (as usual with such tracks) is a bit bumpy. However, this is not particularly bad and is not more severe than with other good wooden coasters. Very nice theming.
As a fan of wooden coasters I think this is very disappointing. The layout looks promising and all of that, but there are very few spots that actually do anything. The hills are profiled in a way that they don't give any airtime sadly and it sort of meanders around for most of the ride. I did enjoy the first drop and the tunnel when it was filled with fog and I still don't think this is bad. The rattle is normal for a wooden coaster and even in the backrow not too much in my opinion (the only rough spot being the valley after the first drop), but yeah, it's just very mid and it would have probably been better if GCI got their hands on this and not Gerstlauer.
Disappointing! Discomfort Airtimes
Complete disappointment. Looks nice, but thats more or less it. The Layout is boring, hills are much to slow for experience a glimpse of airtime, turns are tame. The train is bumpy and rattles through the course, while my knees hit the restraints constantly. There is a kind of pre-show that could be nice, but blown away by the very hard hit in your back as the chain grabs the train roughly. This is a waste of wood.
One of my least favorite wooden coasters. It doesn't do ANYTHING in terms of forces, that's why I put intensity as a con. It is very tame for a woodie and in addition it shakes quite a bit. Normally I don't mind that on woodies, but when your layout is as boring as this one it really doesn't help.
Location Pointless Dead spots Layout
This ride has no forces at all and in addition it rattles a lot.
First Drop Theming Rattle Layout
This was one uncomfortable ride. The layout was also a bit uninteresting, no forces or interesting elements, only the first drop in the back was nice. It has nice theming too though
Location Fun Rattle
Mammut was a little disapointment to me. It is not an intense coaster and in some parts it rattles pretty much. On the other hand I love the preshow in the sawmill building before lift hill where you can smell the fresh wood.
Theming Discomfort Intensity
The ride is very bumpy but not rough. It just feels a bit like you're bouncing around the track. There are little to no forces. But the trains are comfortable and the theming is not bad!
First Drop Theming Smoothness Airtimes Dead spots
Mammut is an intersting woodie for me,this ride is the only wooden coaster by Ingenieur-Holzbau Cordes and was opened in 2008.this ride is pretty smooth,the Gerstlauer trains are making the ride comfortable to ride and the ride slides well with the with the track of the ride,the ride have a pretty cool theming,like a buzz saw trains and the shed like station which its mostly themed to a redwood tree. also the layout was fun,the first drop is so cooland provides some cool airtime in the back and good views at the front. however,the ride have potntial to have much more airtime the it have with some moments which i thought gonna have some great airtime,gone weak despite these,the layout was fun. im reccomanding this coaster to everyone in germany.
Comfort Smoothness
This family woodie could have been a little bit more intense, but overall, great fun!
Airtimes First Drop Fun Dead spots Intensity
Theming Nice surprise! Fun
Location Fun Layout Rattle Airtimes
Smoothness Pointless
Theming Rattle
First Drop Theming Fun Rattle Discomfort
Theming Fun Rattle Discomfort Pointless
Theming Fun Rattle Dead spots