Detailed user ratings
Colossus features
Also in Thorpe Park 8
Reviews 743
Theming Hangtime Headbanging Discomfort Airtimes
Ow. Also I know this an inversion ride but that hill in the middle may as well be straight track.
Location Discomfort
This ride looks great. It was freshly painted, there's plenty of foliage and I love how the queue and some main paths go through it. Beautiful to look at. It also has a pretty nice soundtrack. However, riding's not that good. The trains are bad, and so are some of the transitions. Those corkscrews didn't have whip, they just had pain. I usually love extreme whippy rides and don't normally mind rattle or OTSR, but here it was rather annoying. The hangtime on the final rolls was fun, I guess, but the corkscrews were not, and the airtime hills gave some very week floater, which felt kinda disappointing. I rode towards the front, so maybe that first drop provided more at the back. Also, I only got a morning ride, so maybe the experience would be improved later in the afternoon, force-wise. In that regard, none of valleys or inversions pulled many G's, but again, could be due to the early ride. Overall, I think Colossus is worth a ride, it can be fun, but getting rerides when there are so many amazing roller coasters at the same park doesn't sound like a great idea.
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
This is probably my most hated coaster in the world. It really hurts and is uncomfortable. Maybe new trains will help but probably not. It looks good off-ride but that's about it.
Inversions Hangtime Headbanging Discomfort Reliability
If its running well, its very fun, but that's not usually the case. The ride has disgusting restraints which when pared with an intense layout can create some discomfort and headbanging.
Inversions Capacity Harness Discomfort
Not really very good. Outdated and plot could very easily hold something much better. Restraints are uncomfortable and the capacity is terrible, so would be glad to see it go.
Theming Inversions Duration
BEST RIDE UK! Music is banging, theming is great and inversions are lovely. As long as your not near the back you barely feel the rattling and it becomes a top tier coaster.
Pace Layout Rattle Harness Discomfort
It’s overall a good ride with a pretty decent layout but once you’ve passed the first inversion it just doesn’t run that well anymore. It rattles through every single inversion and the harness makes your head shake from the left to the right and back. The pacing is half decent and feels great, again, the rattle ruins it.
Inversions Intensity Duration Capacity Harness
This ride seems to be hated on too much, but I can see why. I feel like since 2022 this ride has gotten a lot smoother even in the non retrack bits, but please REDO THE GODDAM TRAINS. Most inversions hit and it’s a forceful layout. Get new trains.
Inversions Duration Headbanging Discomfort
Very glad I left this one for the very end of the day as it left me with a nasty headache on the journey home. I rode it for the first time back in 2017 and it was fantastic and had no discomfort, but then rode it again last year and it was agonising. Such a shame as the loops and constant twists really are fun and unrelenting. Thorpe Park must surely know how painful this ride has gotten, and hopefully a Colossus overhaul and potential reimagining will be their next big project after Hyperia!
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
Not even rideable, the whole time my head was slammed against the seat. This ride is too old and needs to be taken down!
Inversions Layout Harness Discomfort
Trains are so unbelievably cramped, I'm only 5'5 and I feel like a sardine. Restraints are also very uncomfortable and combined with the rattle on this coaster it quite unpleasant. Now Sik exists it just makes me look at this with sadness when I go to ride. The layout is great however, just needs work and maybe a retheme (cause at the moment it is a bit lazy and old).
Inversions Layout Duration Headbanging Harness
not the most confortable coaster ever....nice layout and some good inversions but very bad harness and in some spot you can it them,it's a quite nice ride anyway
Layout Rattle Tear it down! Reliability
Collosus wasn't good the layout is a cool design but it's just to rough and unrideable for me.
Rattle Inversions
This ride is killed by the restraints. They hurt not only because of the rattly trains, but because the most "special" part of the ride, the 4 consecutive inversions, was trasformed into the worst. My head hurt and without a worthy reason. Altair is so much better because of this.
Inversions Location Duration Tear it down! Layout
Colossus is an okay ride. The theming is a bit random and the inversions don’t seem thought through. The location is cool especially at the heart line rolls where you can watch underneath.
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
No Leg Room Wierd Theme Bad Head banging Rough Bad Capacity Fun to watch off ride
Theming Capacity Duration Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Fun coaster and the first thrill I ever went on 4 years ago. good inversions but an extremely uncomfortable ride and can easily staple you. the heartlines are quite intense especially the last one. still a fun ride tho
Capacity Inversions Pace Headbanging Harness Discomfort
colossus is a decent ride for its age but its very rough and last heartlines can be painful.
Theming Inversions Layout Harness
Despite what people say, this is a good ride if you know how to brace. I rode it twice, once in the front row and another in row 7 on the rear side of the car. I would definitely recommend queueing up for the front row, I had to wait around 8 more laps until we could go on, but it was worth it. To brace, all you need to do is push your body forward and keep your head forward, that's it. I only put the harness tag for how stupidly uncomfortable the restraints are on your legs.
Inversions Duration Headbanging Discomfort
It was a good smooth ride when it was released however as of 2019 it has become very rough with the main issue of headbanging on the seat restraints. The ride is long and has a bunch of unique inversions which is its main positive but lately the roughness of the ride has ruined it for myself and many other UK enthusiasts. In years to come many UK enthusiasts are hoping for the ride to be refurbished or removed for new and upcoming projects. If your at Thorpe park make sure to ride other rides first before this because it is better to do rides like swarm, stealth and saw then riding this in it's current state. Thank you for reading and have a good day.
Inversions Intensity Duration Headbanging Discomfort
It's old but still fun, a true classic in the UK like Nemesis at Alton Towers (although Nemesis is still a top tier coaster). Can be painful but that's part of the fun for me.
Inversions Intensity Headbanging Discomfort
Running really smooth this season! The scenery and near misses really compliment this bizzare layout. The ending rolls are a real spectacle for onlookers, even if they don't ride the best. Very outdated, but a fun classic looper with a few twists
Theming Harness Discomfort
I actually really like the Long Heartline Roll, the rest of it can go to the scrap
Inversions Pace Headbanging Discomfort
Enjoy riding due to it being the worlds first ‘10 looping’ coaster, each inversion is quite intense giving some good positive g’s and lots of hangtime on the 5 heart line rolls!! Unfortunately this ride is not smooth… you will get off with a big headache, it’s a really fun ride though other than the roughness.
Theming Inversions Discomfort
Uncomfortable ugly pile of steel that desperatly try to stay intersting with another (and another, and anot...) inversion. Please Intamin, for the love of our sanity, stop manufacturing these pointless multi-inversion rides, it's no fun.
Inversions Intensity Layout Headbanging Harness
I think ride can be really good. The rattle is actually quite bearable. What isn't is those trains. My friends didn't fit on it whilst they aren't even that badly overweight. It caused me discomfort on the collar bone. Even when I was constantly pressing myself back into the seat. This coaster could shine again with the new generation of Intamin trains. Comfortable seats and a lapbar only would make this ride popular again.
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
Rattly piece of headbanging crap. I hated every second of it. Gave it an other chance a few years later, just got even worse.
Location Disappointing! Tear it down!
This ride is seriously old and looks like it belongs in a museum. So it has many inversions but every single one is so lame and predictable. No thrill at all. This coaster has been here for way too long.
Layout Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Very disappointing ride (I had higher expectations)
Inversions Layout Discomfort Reliability
I came into this last ride with some poor memories of how rough this ride was visiting Thorpe Park growing up, but I was pleasantly surprised by the front row ride this time. Can't speak for any other row but certainly worth queuing for the front.
Inversions Layout Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Colossus seems to be worse every time I ride it. Not sure if it's my tolerance going down, or the ride genuinely getting worse, or perhaps there's only so much punishment one's groin area can take. Either way it now ranks as one of the worst coasters in the country. And it's entirely because of the god awful trains. There's really nothing wrong with the layout, and it doesn't ride overly rough either, just a few bits of poor profiling. But with legroom that even Ryanair would deem unfit for humans, seats that make a church pew feel like a reclining armchair, and restraints resembling one of the traps from it's next door neighbour Saw, every single flaw is exposed in the most brutally painful of ways. Expect the cobra roll and corkscrews to slam your head into the breezeblocks next to your ears, and the 5 heartlines take turns to crush your crotch into dust as you slam into the restraint and then back down into the seat. There's really no enjoyment to be had from this. As long as those trains remain, i think Colossus is destined to stay very low in my rankings
Layout Rattle Discomfort
Definitely the worst of the thorpe park offerings - the trains are awful and very uncomfortable for tall people. The heartline rolls are good, but be prepared to queue long for this one!
Inversions Layout Hangtime Headbanging Capacity Harness
Even as a short person, I find the trains uncomfortable with no leg room. The OTSR are too restrictive, causing your head to smash against them at regular intervals. Particularly unforgivable seeing as Flamingo Land's Sik has comfortable lap bars. However, the layout is fun, with some good airtime on the dips, a decent first drop and some excellent hangtime on the heartline rolls. I'm a sucker for coasters with multiple inversions, and Collossus's 4 heartline rolls in a row are a particular highlight. Worth a ride when you visit Thorpe Park, but only worth one ride per visit in my opinion.
Inversions Layout Duration Rattle
Amazing ride! I honestly don't know why people hate it so much! It may have made me slightly dizzy on my first ride on the coaster but that it is forgiven for it's long layout and crazy fun inversions!
Layout Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
A ride that stands out at Thorpe park, it’s just really dreary compared to the other, more modern attractions. It’s painfully rough and shaky with some of the worst trains on any rollercoaster out there. Thorpe park need to really start to consider either a retrack or demolishion.
Inversions Hangtime Rattle Harness Discomfort
A classic coaster. The air time is excellent, but the harness is rock solid, which digs into your shoulders and rattles your melon
Layout Harness Discomfort
The restraints are flat out painful. Last time I went on this ride, I got insane cramp in my legs due to the cramped trains. The headbanging was the least of my problems though. If they could retrack the whole thing, that would be great. Also, I wanna see either new shoulder restraints or new vest restraints, because I don't think lap bars really suit the ride.
Inversions Layout Hangtime Headbanging Harness Discomfort
This ride is hated for a reason, those absolutely cramped trains! Although it is one of the most uncomfortable rides, I do enjoy the layout a lot. The first drop (pretty shallow) is a good way of starting the ride before traversing an intense loop. The speed hill following is quite weak in terms of airtime because of those overly bulky restraints, but the sense of speed makes up for it. The cobra roll is a bit rough, but if you brace for it it's a nice element and the double corkscrews are probably the roughest part of the ride because of how quickly you whip through them even though they provide good positives. Here comes the sequence of hangtime filled quadruple heartline rolls which are very disorienting and fairly smooth. After you whip through a final heartline roll in the opposite direction to the previous you come to a halt on the brakes. This pause can be extremely unpleasant because of the awful operations and the awkward foot platforms on the train, however it was worth it because it is an action packed ride from start to finish! The theming is looking very outdated and tired. Overall, it is the weakest coaster at the park due to those disgusting trains, but up north, Flamingo Land have built Sik which is a near identical layout which is taller and faster with a steeper first drop, smoother profiling and best of all, lapbar trains which all make it a solid top 10 ride in the country!
Inversions Layout Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
I went on this a few years ago with my dad to see how it was for my mum, who has neck issues and came out with splitting migraines and aching necks. The layout and the amount of inversions are great but it looks grim due to it not being painted for about 20 years and the constant headbanging. It's incredibly uncomfortable and rough. I would definitely go on this again and rate it higher but only if it was to be entirely retracked at once, not some ''off season partial retracking'' like they've been doing.
Theming Fun Layout Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Such a good layout, five heartline rolls are amazing, but the rattle ruins it.
Theming Inversions Hangtime Headbanging Harness Discomfort
I was right at the back and some parts caused headbanging, notably the cobra roll, the bottom of the first drop and some of the transitions between elements. Not to mention the awful trains. They are very hard to get into and then you have this bulky over the shoulder restraint. And my legs were extremely cramped. Although I would probably have a better opinion of all of this if I sat in the front row. Some positives are the heartline rolls are smooth and offer great hangtime, the corkscrews are whippy, the vertical loop is forceful and the following airtime hill gives decent floater airtime. The theming is good and it has the best soundtrack in the park. Overall, Colossus is well themed and has some good moments but the trains and roughness retracts it from being a great ride. But I think if it got new trains with lap bars and a full retracts it would be a much much better roller coaster.
Airtimes Inversions Rattle Headbanging Harness
While it may appeal to people with 10 inversions, the headbanging makes this ride simply too painful to ride. The whole layout just throws your head into the restraints and leaves you with a massive headache. The constant pain during the ride makes me avoid it every visit. The trains are the worst part of the ride with no leg room and the worst restraints I've ever had on a coaster which makes it impossible to stop the headbanging.
Intensity Hangtime Duration Rattle Harness Discomfort
Running a little better this year however this ride still needs a retrack, if it was smooth it would be an amazing ride! This ride is still very good and fun to ride the vertical loop and the heartline rolls are the highlight for me. New trains would also benefit this ride as the tight design they have now is horrible
Inversions Fun Capacity Discomfort
I braced for some headbanging due to its reputation and the bulky restraints, but this coaster run surprisingly well. Yes, there were some slight vibrations, but nothing to write home about it. The inversions are all good fun, especially the finale with the quadruple heartline roll. The optical presentation is actually really nice - the coaster itself is very photogenetic and I appreciate the lush greenery it is located in. The biggest downsides of Colossus are the uncomfortable trains (they are very cramped and the harnesses are very cumbersome to pull down), which may lead to the low throughput of this ride - the second train had to wait quite a bit on the final break run everytime. So I would recommend to ride this coaster as early as possible (at best, right after coming off SAW!)
Inversions Fun Harness
overall, its an ok ride. not a fan of the restraints and i had a bit of headbanging but other than that it ran pretty smoothly compared to all the bad talk its been given in terms of smoothness. not the best ride at the park, not the worst. a solid 6.5/10 for me
Inversions Intensity Harness Discomfort
Very good ride but bad trains. Sik is better!
Inversions Duration Rattle
The ride isn't as bad as people make out to be its just has a rattle but this ride is an inversion MACHINE and has a good duration.
Intensity Duration Capacity Discomfort
Colossus is not as bad as people say! As a taller person, I was expecting a lot more discomfort, but I had no noticeable head-banging, just some cramped legs. The onslaught of inversions is a bit much, and it's clear they threw the corkscrews in at the end just to get that inversion count up, but it's still a lot of fun crawling through those rolls. One of my least favorites in the park, but in such a strong lineup that's hardly a bad thing!
Theming Headbanging Capacity Discomfort
Gets worse every time I ride it unfortunately. Operations are pretty dreadful, made worse by having only a single station (for both getting on and off) as well as the cramped trains (particularly the back row of each car). The inversions (particularly the final set of corkscrews) are too slow to be enjoyable, and serve only to accentuate the headbanging. The queue (which is almost always reasonably long given the poor operations) is never worth the ride.
Fun Duration Headbanging Capacity Harness
Colossus is an amazing ride, it rides really well in the later part of the day, with really fun inversions and while it gets hate, I think it is mostly undeserved. People say it's a headbanger, spine snapper, thigh crusher, and while I partly agree, I think the roughness is overexaggerated quite a bit, and its good fun. However usually it runs on 1 train which is ridiculous considering the crowds at Thorpe Park, and it can hurt your things quite a lot by the end.
Inversions Layout Hangtime Discomfort
Colossus is a pretty fun ride overall. It can provide discomfort due to the train design but the layout is solid and provides great hangtime on the 10 inversions. I would say it is one of the weaker Intamins I have been on, but that list has some insane competition so it isn't saying much. Colossus is still definitely at least worth a ride if you are visiting Thorpe and it was better than I was expecting.
Inversions Fun Duration Headbanging Harness
Remember seeing this being built! Used to be OK but has aged terribly
Inversions Fun Layout Headbanging
Colossus is one of my favourite UK coasters. It's now in its 20th year of operation and yes, it's a little rickety now. But it's a fantastic coaster overall with some excellent inversions and that heartline roll at the end is one of my favourite parts of any coaster. The queue times can sometimes get a little high as it's the first coaster you really come to in the park, but it's always worth it. It's definitely worth queuing for the front on this one as the further back you sit, the more it's going to bang your head about, and the leg room is much more adequate in the front seat!
First Drop Layout Hangtime Harness Discomfort
I would love Colossus if I was four inches shorter - as it is the restraints are just too uncomfortable for anyone 6ft or taller. The harness painfully cuts into your shoulders which is ignorable during what I find to be a good layout with a fun drop and some really enjoyable inversions but which makes every slow moment almost unbearably uncomfortable - especially the little wait to get back into the station. I don't even find it particularly rough, it's just built for short people.
Inversions Nice surprise! Headbanging
I liked this ride a lot more than I thought I would. If you sit in the front of a car, you get a smoother ride. The inversions were really fun, especially that quadruple barrel roll. However, there was a bit of headbanging, even in the front.
scarier than saw
Theming Inversions Headbanging
When I get a good ride on it, it's incredible, but when I don't I get is a headache. The ride is really fun though, and the 4 barrel-rolls are a huge highlight of the ride
First Drop Inversions Hangtime Headbanging Harness Discomfort
The First Drop was great for me, and i got some good hangtime over that loop and the last 2 of the quadruple barrel roll. This is packed with good inversions, but it's trains are really bad. Its not the worst, but it provides some leg discomfort and along with that the restraints have some headbanging. I think new trains would give this ride a much needed boost in quality.
Inversions Pace Hangtime Headbanging Harness Discomfort
Last ride I had on Colossus was good. Smoother however still rough but it contains whippy inversions that throw you side to side. It is one of the most intense rides at Thorpe park. New wheels really help the ride flow around the track without much of a rattle and the airtime hill before the cobra roll and after the loop it flies through. Delivering good airtime similar to The Smiler’s hills at Alton Towers and not to forget the extremely fun end to the ride. The 5 Heartline rolls which never stop delivering. The severe issue which is the reason why it is 3/5 is the terrible trains which are outdated and uncomfortable. New trains and a new paint job would make it the best ride at Thorpe park. The lost city theme is cool too? .
Airtimes Fun Discomfort Reliability
I am fortunate enough to be able to ride Colossus every week and as such I have experienced this ride in every seat possible on every train, during all weather conditions and times of day. And I have to say its really nowhere near as bad as people can make it out to be. The landscaping (I would call it theming, but that is few and far between on this ride) is stunning, with an incredible soundtrack score alongside it which makes the area feel like no other in the UK. Seriously even if you don`t wanna particularly ride it or even if you hate the ride just spend some time watching it weave around the landscape. It looks magic. The queue line is actually a pretty good one, with minimal cattle penning and quite a nice scenic walkthrough beneath the ride. Of course, the reality will most likely be you waiting in it for upwards of 90 minutes boxed in by 14 year old chavs blasting "the latest grime and drill hits" on a 20 quid Bluetooth speaker with the odd smell of lynx Africa wafting through the air and that might make you have not such a high opinion of it. But nevertheless, a good queue. You`ll be waiting in it for what seems like an eternity though because operations on this ride are shockingly bad most of the time. A combination of an old operating system, out of date restraints and guests faffing about in the station. Once you reach the station you`ll often be assigned a row. If you get the front of each car then your most likely in for an at least somewhat enjoyable ride experience (arguably the best on park if you get allocated to the very front row) but if you get allocated to the back of a car then you better hope your a contortionist or 4ft 2 because these things are an absolute nightmare to get in and out of. Tip: if you get allocated to one of there rows then give all the bags to the person who will sit on the left hand side of the train. Trust me, you`ll thank me. The main drop actually has some decent floater at the base of it in the middle rows and the loop is somewhat intense. The hill that follows it gives a nice dose of floater which is many peoples favorite part of the ride. The cobra roll can give some decent forces which is followed by 2 pretty snappy corkscrews. If you get lucky this can be a really good part of the ride with some varied forces. Unfortunately some of the time that isn't the case. You'll most likely find the train spending most the time in the first half of the ride shivering like a humping dog. And i8f your in the back row you better hope that you've got some ibuprofen or some money to buy some because you are gonna need it. The second half begins, which is 4 back to back heartline rolls. These give some pretty great hangtime but my tip is to not put your hands up and to just hold on for this section. If you don't, you may return home to find that your upper arms look like you've gone 7 rounds in the ring with Tyson Fury. After a brief turnaround you go into my favorite inversion on the ride, a final heartline roll in the other direction before entering the brake run. Where you will wait for an average of about 3 minutes because this rides operations are beyond saving at this point. So a lot of things that it could improve on. But also a pretty solid ride all in all. Definitely not the worst thing you`ll ever experience like some people make it out to be but also not worth the weekend 120 minute queues it produces. Give it a go, it may surprise you and you may like it a fair bit like me.
Inversions Location Layout
Pretty polarising ride for me; sometimes it has a strong rattle sometimes my head only hits the restraint 3-4 times. The latter just happened and honestly the ride was really fun.
Intensity Discomfort Tear it down! Layout
Colossus at Thorpe Park. What a fucking mess. walking up to the ride, you get to see the literal shit covered track, manky and gross. all the ground around the ride is covered in litter and just dirt. You enter the hour plus queue because it has god awful capacity. you walk through the overgrown queue, passing by overfilled bins, more litter, but some decent shots of the coaster around you. you walk under a bridge into a cattlepen, no views of the ride, only cattlepen of people stupid enough to wait over an hour. you walk back under a manky bridge, and go pass a closed shop, and a prime view of black lift hill gunk. then you either get front row or every other row. Wait an extra 30 minutes on your wait already 30 min more than the advertised wait - but have a slightly less painful experience, or go in every other row and get assigned to the second row of a train because of course life hates you. You climb into a super cramped train, where anyone above the height of 5ft 2 will will have to awkwardly part their legs so you don't dislocate your knees on the row infront of you. Then pull down the stupidly heavy, bulky restraints, which you and the ride op need to pull down together because they're so heavy. So 5 minutes later you dispatch up the stupidly sluggish lift. you turn, getting a view of the infinitely better coaster (saw) right next to you, and it'll tease you with the fact Loggers leap is still standing. you go down the stupidly shallow drop, getting 1g of force in the back. Then you get to the bottom of the drop, and despite the decent force you feel, the could literally feels like it's going to fall apart like in a crappy cartoon. Then you go over a hill, with no airtime to speak of, and even if there was, the positives on the loop smashed to massive restraint so far down it's destroying your thighs. You enter the Cobra Roll, as your head gets smashed around all the way though the element until the jank exit. Then you enter the best part of the ride, the first corkscrew, you do get whipped through the element, which is rather fun if you brace yourself on you bulky restraint, but then there's the second one which is stupidly brutally rough. Then you crawl through a forgiving break in the pain, into the worst element(s) on any coaster I've ever experienced. The first Roll smashes your head to the side, and presses it the you head to the restraint like a vice, while your thighs are being brutalised with super sustained hangtime. the you fall back into your seat, just to have another super painful roll, then another, then another. Each worse than the last and. the you enter a brief moment of dread as the most sustained roll happens, smashing your head in the opposite direction. Then you crawl into the brakes, where you will have to wait for a stupidly long time due to the dreadful operations. Then you leave to go do something better.
Headbanging Capacity Discomfort
I queued two hours for this ride, and boy what a mistake that was. Quite simply the worst rollercoaster I have ever rode, and if all coasters where like this I would have no interest in them whatsoever. The restraints are awful, I’m a 6ft guy and my neck was banged to pieces throughout the ride. If I was a few inches shorter in height, I can’t imagine the headbanging I would have experienced. I actually felt sick getting off this ride, as my neck and base of head had taken a real pounding. The ride itself is rough, and by the time I experienced the 4th?! Heartline role I just wanted the ride to end.
Theming Inversions Harness Discomfort Layout
Too cramped trains ruin this ride for most people. Repetitive layout towards the end but still a solid ride let down by other factors
Inversions Fun Duration Harness
This ride gets too much hate in my opinion. It’s a very fun ride with some great inversions. It would be even better if they replaced the OTSRs with lap bars. It’s not that rough and it is my 4th favourite coaster at the park. I actually had some really bad rides in 2018 but it was running much better and smoother in 2019.
Inversions Fun Hangtime Harness Discomfort
This year Colossus has been running great compare to recent seasons. There is little to no headbanging and its generally just running a lot smoother than it has in the past. The restraints aren't very comfortable or spacious especially in the even numbered rows so try to avoid those and opt for the oddly numbered rows. As for experience you exit the station and start climbing the 95ft tall lift hill which spreads up once you pass halfway. After exiting the lift you immediately turn to the left and go into the main drop which gives a few seconds of free fall and into a vertical loop, it's nothing special or too intense, then you go through a tunnel into a bunny hop delivering some floater and into a cobra roll which my cause some headbanging if you sit with your head pressed back. Once you exit the cobra roll you go into two corkscrews, these can be fairly whippy and after the second one they take your picture. Then you turn round and into 4 back to back heartline rolls delivering a lot of hangtime and then another turn which will lead you into one more heartline roll before you hit the breaks. All round it's a rather good coaster and enjoyable.
Airtimes Theming Layout Capacity Harness Discomfort
With different trains this would be a 4* ride, but the current bulky restraints and terrible Intamin trains really spoil the ride. The layout's good and the way you can walk through the middle of the ride area makes it an immersive experience, but it's rough to ride and the corkscrews in particular can have some violent headbanging. The offload platform in the station, especially where the baggage hold is, is too narrow and causes delays in loading and dispatch, plus on off-peak days the park commonly run this coaster with a single train, leading to longer queues than necessary. If you sit in the back row of a car, getting in and out involves significant amounts of contortion - good luck if you're over 6ft tall!
Inversions Hangtime Duration Rattle Headbanging Discomfort
It isn't an awful ride. It has a weird layout, with 5 heartline rolls at the end - being turned over 4 times in a row is hilarious. The inversions are decent. The ride just feels a bit slow, the trains aren't comfortable and it is pretty rough. Overall, an OK ride that hasn't aged well.
Good layout in a half interesting setting if it's not overran with rubbish and graffitti. Frequent power cuts in the park mean frequent downtime, and the ride has poor capacity at the best of times. Routinely fitted with 50-pence piece shaped wheels, and the restraints aren't far short of requiring a yoga instructor to get in an out. Can't help but think it was intended to have TTD-style lap bars; but insurers got nervous after some unfortunate events elsewhere.
Inversions Fun Layout Harness
I was pleasantly surprised by Colossus after hearing people complain about it. The 2 whippy corkscrews are great fun, and it's the best shaped cobra roll I've ridden. I don't mind that it makes it to 10 inversions with the gimmicky rolls, they're quite funny. I didn't find it particularly rough or rattly, but the restraints are uncomfortable.
Inversions Hangtime Headbanging Harness