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Joris en de Draak (Vuur) features
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Reviews 1234
Nice surprise! Pace Fun Too short
Vraiment fun , avec petit air Time à la GCI
Capacity Pace Fun
I think its one of the best GCIs in Europe. The middle Part feels REALLY fast and uncontrolled, i cant understand how people like troy and wodan more
Location Fun Ejectors Intensity
This side is slightly worse than the water side but it still clears the rest of the coaster line-up at Efteling.
Airtimes Fun
Really great layout for a smaller GCI Woodie, really throws you about in such a fun way, the dueling element to it just makes it that much better. Only falls short to the Wicker Man as that rides theming is unmatched. Had slightly more fun the two times I rode the fire side, than the once i rode the water side.
Airtimes Theming Fun
Its a really good starting rollercoaster, I rode this when I was 6 and 10, and it still is a fun GCI woody. Packed with airtimes and fun elements, this coaster is really good!
Airtimes Fun Ejectors Dead spots
This ride is a big smile from beginning till end. No it is not super intense, but it is in general highly underrated. And it is smooth.
Airtimes Pace Fun
This is a really fun wooden coaster and it's also one of the smoothest wooden roller coasters out there. You get some nice pops of airtime throughout the layout and it gives an out of control feeling with it's weird angles which GCI excels at. I slightly prefer the Vuur side because it's a bit more action packed and always won on my visit.
Airtimes Pace Fun
Joris en de Draak is a fun family-friendly dueling coaster. The ride is a bit jerky, but because of the comfortable seats it's not something what really bothered me. It has a fast fun pace from beginning to end with no dead spots. The duel part is nicely done. The theming is a bit poor for Efteling standards, but the dragon in the middle of the ride makes it just enough to rate is 7/10. I prefer 'vuur' over 'water'.
Airtimes Fun Intensity
The racing on these coasters is so cool, being next to each other at the first drop is something I like very much. You also don't know who is gonna win until the very end wich makes it very exciting. The layout is also very intense and has some good airtime. My only complaint is that the dragon doesn't work anymore, it used to splash water and spit fire wich was very cool, I hope they fix this again.
The race concept is fun. It's also nice that kids down to 1.10m can take this. It packs a punch compared to other coasters kids that age can ride. Other than that, it's a run-of-the-mill woody.
Airtimes Pace Fun
Favourite coaster at Efteling (side didn't matter to me). Fun and fast woody and I enjoyed the race even though we "lost" on each side :((.
Airtimes Pace Ejectors
Great coaster 2 favoured GCi really recommend granted I'm riding Troy tomorrow so this could change 😂
Airtimes Theming Ejectors Rattle
A very good medium size GCI racer. It's well themed and it's filled with airtime, but the Fire side is a bit rough, I hope more Titan Track will help with that in the future.
Airtimes Pace Fun
It's nice that there are two trains competing against each other. There are also fun airtime moments and fun turns. It's pretty fast. This might be the best roller coaster in the park for me. In the Efteling, all roller coasters are short, but with this one I have the feeling that it takes quite a long time. I don't have a preference for red or blue. All in all, a really nice GCI.
Airtimes Intensity Discomfort Layout
I like the ride, but the ride really tries to bump you into your own seat as often as possible. It could be way smoother and less bumpy, like Troy, but it's quite rough, layout wise.
Location Fun
It is a good coaster with lots of pace. But the water version had better airtime and a slightly better layout than the fire. Also fire has a few spots wich just don't deliver.
First Drop Fun Disappointing! Dead spots
Joris was a tale of two very different rides for me. On one hand, you had Vuur, which I rode in the morning towards the back, which I thought was poorly paced and not very forceful, and on the other, you had Water, which was the opposite. Vuur did not deliver at all for me. Maybe this ride needed a bit to warm up, but I found the pacing, airtime, and laterals much weaker than I was expecting. It was by no means a bad ride, just one that disappointed me.
Theming Fun Layout Reliability
Joris en de Draak is by far my favorite coaster at the Efteling. The theming is top-notch and the layout is great. The dueling aspect really makes this ride a lot of fun as well. The reason I prefer Water over Vuur is because Vuur has a simple double down after the turn close to Python, while Water has the better element here, which I elaborate on in my Water review.
Capacity Location Fun Dead spots
Lot of fun but sometimes it's only running one side which kind of ruins the ride it really needs the dueling aspect
Airtimes Fun Intensity
Great little wooden coaster, some nice airtime pops at the start followed by a lot of out of control feeling transitions
Fun Intensity Theming Dead spots
A very enjoyable wooden coaster, I had a better time with Vuur than Water, finding it to be more intense, with some pops of airtime and that classic wooden coaster feel. As this is competing with Wicker Man for me, the theming could have been better, which is a surprise given how much Efteling normally nails it.
Pace Fun Rattle Reliability
I like Wooden Coasters, because I think they really are the best way to build a good coaster. So the Tree-and-a-half is obvious. I don't give it more than that. It's okay, but nothing special. There are far better Wooden Coasters out there. In fact, I think ALL the Wooden Coasters I have done are better than Joris en de Draak...
Theming Location Pace Theming
Best coaster at the park. It's got GCI's typical awesome pacing going through a great, nonstop layout, and although the ride lacks some strong forces and higher speed, it's incredible what they've done with so little heigh. Besides, this is obviously meant to be a family coaster, and despite that it's thrilling enough and really fun. The duelling is also an extra point. The location, over the lake, is gorgeous, and the coaster stands firmly seen from the area nearby, specially from the Vliegende Hollander's square. Nothing to do with the hideous Python. The theming could be improved, specially taking into account the park's standards, since, apart from the animatronic dragon, and perhaps a nice station, it is hardly decorated. However, it has a soundtrack which really stands out, my favourite of the park, which is really memorable and full of action; perfectly fits the ride, and helps looking past the improvable theming. I don't really find any important difference between Blue and Red side; they are both awesome woodies.
Theming Nice surprise! Comfort Dead spots
Joris en de Draak defenitely get's carried by the fact that it's a duelling coaster. One time, I was talking to the other train on the lifthill about who was going to win. While my hopes were high, my train lost by quite a lot. The dueling is consistently great. It's also one of the smoothest wooden rides I've ever ridden. Yet it lacks that intensity that I love about woodies. Lets make a comparison to Tonnère de Zeus. This ride is very rough, but it's quite intense. Joris en de Draak is completely the opposite; it's smooth but forceless. What ride is better? If you're very sensitive for a rattle, than you would defenitely prefer Joris en de Draak. However, I can look past a rattle on a wooden ride and thats why I prefer Tonnère de Zeus. If you are in the Efteling, I would defenitely try getting on Joris en de Draak, but it is one you might be ok with skipping it on a buisy day. But if you find the time, it's 100% worh it. Ride it either in the front or the back, where the rides are defenitely the most intense, even if you'd have to wait a couple of minutes extra. (same review also on Water side)
Nice surprise! Comfort Intensity Rattle
A very good wooden coaster, very well themed and intense. The idea of a duel race is brillant. A bit rattly at some points
Airtimes Theming Pace
This ride is just pure power and speed from top to bottom.
Rode this many times but it is not the best GCI i did. In fact the best one i did is an hour drive from here in the Netherland. But this coaster is unique for Holland for the dualing effect and that is nice. Good coaster for the whole family.
I've heared people who said this was the best GCI(s) in europe so I was disappointed. Laterals felt unbalanced and the ride was just not as polished as some other GCIs like Wodan, El Toro and Troy. Dueling is fun though
Airtimes Fun Layout
The roller coaster overall was great. The dueling aspect worked really well and the layout is overall pretty good. However i remember this to be the rougher side of the two. They are still both in the same league.
I am used to Heidi The Ride which is a very smooth GCI, so I kind of expected it to be as smooth as Heidi. I was kinda disappointed when I found out it was pretty rough. But that doesn't change much, still a very great wooden coasters with some good laterals. The airtime is GCI airtime so nothing spectacular.
Nice race coaster ! Top wooden
Airtimes Pace Fun
Excellent pacing, with decent laterals and airtime. Rated it 4 instead of 4.5 just because I prefer water side to fire side!
Pace Fun Intensity Headbanging
I'm not normally a huge fan of woodies.. but I actually really enjoyed both sides of Joris! The pace is insane! Throws you around the corners (and into the person next to you ...) the first drop on both sides is a lot of fun, quite a lot of airtime there.. a bit rough on the back section.. but overall pretty fun :) Just the cars are a bit uncomfortable.. i felt very squashed in.
Pace Fun Intensity
Airtimes Nice surprise! Comfort
Comfort Pace Layout Too short
Airtimes Comfort Layout Too short
Comfort Smoothness Layout Too short Airtimes Dead spots
Pace Layout Too short
Airtimes Fun
Airtimes Comfort Fun Too short