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Reviews 254
First Drop Fun Rattle Discomfort Dead spots
The first drop and the hill after that are really fine and I thought it would be a pleasant surprise. It is totally smooth and it even gives some airtime in the Backrow. But after that, it progressively gets worse. The turns are really rattly and in those vehicles it is very discomforting. The Möbius racing aspect is actually pretty fun and when I was there it actually duelled all the time. Could have been so much better but Preston & Barbieri really did mess up the second half of each side. 3/10
First Drop Rattle Lap Bar
The layout itself is not bad for a family coaster. In the backseats the first drop is quite good. The problem is that this coaster is NOT comfortable at all. Riders get squished, the park doesn't even allow you to leave the bags off the ride. Sad because it 100% could be better than it is now with some improvements
Fun Rattle Dead spots
nothing nuch to say,a family coaster like the other,in my opinion could be a bit quicky in some spots and the ride would be better without the rattle
Fun Rattle Tear it down! Pointless
Just get rid of it and get a better ride
Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!
This ride LOOKS LIKE FUN, but believe me, IT'S NOT. I like the concept with the mobius track, but the awful rattle and the even worse transitions make it impossible to give this coaster a higher rating than 0.5 stars.It's just a waste of time and space. At least i did this ride right before the park closed and there was no wait time.
Theming Discomfort Pointless
This ride was bad. Capacity was weird, I don't quite understand what they were doing there. They just loaded all six trains at the same time, on both stations, and then they dispatched them all and waited till all of them had finished the cycle. Therefore, lines moved abruptly fast for an instant, and then got stuck for ages.Theming on the entrance and the vehicles was nice. That's the only good thing to say. This ride hurts. The first drops and following hills are nice, as the track is going staight, and you even get some very slight air. But afterwards, on the turns, those transitions are too janky. It's not fun to ride a coaster when every time it switches direction you have to brace for yourself and end up groaning on every transition. I'm not one to care about rattle or headbanging much, note that I can even enjoy SLCs and woodies like Coaster Express, but this coaster was just poorly designed. Do it only for the credit and then keep away!!
First Drop Fun Rattle Discomfort
This ride is fun, and it’s cool how it goes around once on each side dueling both times, but ultimately it’s uncomfortable, janky, and not super enjoyable.
First Drop Fun Duration Rattle
It's a nice möbius loop family coaster with a surprisingly fun drop. The transitions are snappy in a quite uncomfortable way and overall it's not the smoothest of coasters, but the queue is always empty so it's nice to do a mini marathon when the other rides close early to eliminate the line.
First Drop Intensity Discomfort
A one-and-done coaster. There is a fair bit of theming on the ride, but it is not immersive. The first drop, albeit very small, is surprisingly fun, as it provides that stomach feeling that I like. The rest of the ride is very rough in a way that many would find uncomfortable. While I like the rougher side of rides, the layout didn't do much for me at all to get it back in my good books. Tried the VR also. It is well synchronized and theoretically good fun, but the resolution and the glasses are horrible (standard Samsung Gear). Side note: It makes operations stupidly slow.
Headbanging Pointless
Theming Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
Duration Rattle Discomfort
Rattle Discomfort
Fun Discomfort Layout
Theming Discomfort
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
Fun Layout Intensity
Discomfort Layout
Tear it down! Pointless
Fun Harness Discomfort Tear it down!
Headbanging Discomfort
Fun Capacity
Fun Capacity Discomfort
Fun Discomfort