Smoothness Airtimes Launch

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Icon features
Magnetic Launch (LIM/LSM)
Lap bar
Reviews  466
  • George S.
    George S. 24 days ago

    Airtimes Comfort Smoothness Theming Launch

    Icon is a smooth and fun ride. It's not that intense and the launches are not powerful, feeling more like gliding over ice. The theming is lacking, but the ride still delivers strong airtime moments. It's definitely worth riding.

  • t h o m a s
    t h o m a s 1 month ago

    Smoothness Layout Intensity

    The launches are mediocre and it's not very intense but the layout is extremely fun and varied. While none of the forces are sustained, the short pops of force it has are very good.

  • Kieran Deadite
    Kieran Deadite 1 month ago

    Smoothness Layout Hangtime Dead spots

    Icon is a solid Mack launch coaster, it just needs a little more oomf.

  • James Rimmer
    James Rimmer 1 month ago

    Fun Smoothness Duration Intensity

    It's not the fastest or most intense at all, but it's respectably consistent, long and smooth, and I like how often it weaves through some of Blackpool's long-standing coasters. 🙂

  • Ewan Dagnall
    Ewan Dagnall 2 months ago

    Location Layout Duration Launch

    Icon is a Mack Multi Launch coaster located at Pleasure Beach Resort. The coaster has some great moments, my personal highlights being the: non inverting immelmant, top hat, hangtime on the inversion, s bend and a few little pops of ejector airtime. What really makes icon is the fact that its as if old meets new, as it interacts with many classic rides in the park. It truly is a great addition to the park and as of 2025, is my 2nd fav coaster in the UK. I guess the only con with icon is the forceless launches, however they do the job. Remember to follow my insta @airtimeofficial, any support id greatly appreciated!

  • Norm Moon
    Norm Moon 2 months ago

    Airtimes Lap Bar Comfort

    Probably my favourite roller-coaster, great 1st launch, to the great airtime. Best of all is the lap bars, I wish these could be fitted to more rides.

  • Alex Wood
    Alex Wood 2 months ago

    Inversions Launch Smoothness Dead spots

    It is my little sister's favourite ride. (She's not 1.4 meters

  • Simon Ward
    Simon Ward 3 months ago

    Airtimes Layout Launch Intensity

    Icon has some very fun elements but lacks intensity in other areas, i really miss the mist effect as little a thing as it was i felt it helped make those slow launches feel that much better as you flew through it.

  • Jude H.
    Jude H. 3 months ago

    Airtimes Comfort Smoothness Launch

    This ride is fantastic, with its amazing airtime, inversions, long duration and its incredibly comfortable restraints. I also love the colour scheme and soundtrack of this amazing ride.

  • Declan Hancock
    Declan Hancock 4 months ago

    Airtimes Hangtime Duration Launch

    Like the big one, a night ride is incredible, and the spinning seats at the back, enso is amazing and is worth doing

  • Freddie J.
    Freddie J. 5 months ago

    Fun Masterpiece Duration Dead spots

    I LOVE THIS RIDE SO MUCH! i has 6 rides today and its soo much fun, best coaster in blackpool. Good Operations, Good Airtime, Good Inversion, Decent Layout, Mid Launch, Fun

  • Flynn C.
    Flynn C. 5 months ago

    Lap Bar Smoothness Ejectors Launch Layout

    That mack launch is a little forceless, and when cold the ride is somewhat underwhelming. However, the proximity of this ride, and the intensity of the first 2/3 it's elite. Incredible smoothness with fantastic airtime and some really unique elements. Really shines on the ENSO seats (but they are an expensive experience). Fantastic ride imo, and deserves the kudos - nicely stylised too

  • Elliott Woollam
    Elliott Woollam 6 months ago

    Comfort Fun Duration Launch

    The launch is not very punchy but the rest of the ride is amazing. The lab bars are so comfy aswell.

  • Skyia321
    Skyia321 6 months ago

    Comfort Layout Ejectors Rattle Launch

    People make out as if icon is a forceless family coaster, and whilst not the most thrilling ride in the country, it can pack a punch. The layout is fun and dynamic, with ejector pops and sustained airtime mixed in between twists and turns; really the only forceless parts are the launches. It provides an actually long and full layout which pulls good g's when warm.

  • Amanda Hamilton
    Amanda Hamilton 6 months ago

    Comfort Fun Smoothness Dead spots Intensity

    This is a smooth and comfortable ride, the first crest is the highlight of the ride for me, great air time and hands up all the way! After that it's fun but due to the layout swerving side to side with a couple of inversions it doesn't do that much in terms of intensity, still, I find it really fun!

  • Altaisk .
    Altaisk . 7 months ago

    Airtimes Fun Duration Discomfort Lap Bar

    When I was able to ride this in around year 7, It was the most fun thing ever, i was about 5ft6 - 5ft7 at that time, but now im in college im 6ft1, this ride is great and really fun, however, I can't ride it now because of the new seatbelts, its super tight, and the seats for "larger" people dont even feel any different, I have large legs in general as I did bike riding for a while and I am on the heavier side, losing weight might let me ride the larger peoples seats but it's unlikely it'll be comfortable as I remember the ride being VERY pleasant, I'll still try to do so until the next time I ride this but until then dont bother if you know you have very big thighs, its humiliating, just stupid how I see people who are genuinely much larger than me being able to ride it just because they have skinny legs,

  • Charlie S.
    Charlie S. 7 months ago

    Launch Pace Smoothness Theming

    Amazing ride, launches are great (especially the second one) but could be more punchy. The ride is glossy smooth and is extremely comfortable. The layout is a decent length and keeps good pace and intensity right up until the last couple of turns. Well stylised aswell but could do with some theming. Better than nemesis imo

  • Dan Getliffe
    Dan Getliffe 9 months ago

    Location Comfort Smoothness Intensity

    This is a great ride for Blackpool - so many interactions with other coasters and some decent airtime. It doesn’t rank higher as it’s just not as fast or thrilling as it could be. It’s super smooth and a great ride experience, but just doesn’t fully scratch that thrill itch that I have. However ICON is an INCREDIBLE night ride. The trains are lit up and the interactions with the other coasters are more noticeable. Definitely try it at night! Update: Enso is insane and well worth the *ridiculous* price. But once you open the box you’ll never want to go back to riding it standard!

  • clubstep
    clubstep 10 months ago

    Airtimes Layout Duration Capacity

    Mack did it again, Banger ride. It has weird of axis airtime pops, some straight up strong ejector, many overbanks and Stengel dives, its just a round ride that i like to do over and over again. The Operations are not optimal tho, but you get used to this when you Tour Parks in the UK

  • rushKAPOW37
    rushKAPOW37 10 months ago

    Comfort Smoothness Duration Theming Dead spots Intensity

    Despite the 3-3 pros and cons, icon is an amazing ride. With two launches and two inversions, this is a comfortable and thrilling experience with one of my favourite inversions, the heart line roll, executed perfectly. However, it meanders at the end and theming isn’t done in Blackpool while this really could’ve used some. Still the best ride at Blackpool.

  • Sam P.
    Sam P. 11 months ago

    Lap Bar Masterpiece Ejectors

    Icon really is an elite ride, which is strange to say when it's at the toilet that is BPB. I'm a massive fan of Mack Rides thrill coasters in general, and this one delivers some fantastic ejector airtime, some whippy transitions, a fantastic hangtime-filled heartline roll and a few moments of good positives. Highlights for me are the top hat after the first launch, the junior Immelmann, the 2 bunny hops before the second launch, and the classic airtime hill in the second half, all deliver some excellent airtime, particularly in the back row. Which is the best spot I think, either the ordinary back row with the slightly larger seats which enhances the airtime, or of course on the absolutely superb Enso car, which really elevated the experience a lot, Shame it's so expensive though. Icon really is awesome, one of the best rides in the country and the only ride at BPB which would make me want to return to ride it!

  • Ben Hopson
    Ben Hopson 1 year ago

    Airtimes Smoothness Hangtime Launch Dead spots Intensity

    Used to love it but idk man, just a bit dull innit. Good fun moments in a creative layout, but absolutely not the unmatched UK #1 I used to tout it as

  • Luke Thomas
    Luke Thomas 1 year ago

    Airtimes Smoothness Hangtime Launch

    You could say the 1st launch is underwhelming, but it never bothered me. This is a close contender for the UK’s number 1. Impeccable airtime and layout featuring many unique elements. I like the junior Immelmann after the 2nd launch the most. Also, the spinning train Enso is absolutely wild. Currently the best ride experience in the uk.

  • Chubba247
    Chubba247 1 year ago

    Comfort Fun Smoothness Launch Intensity

    Super smooth, fun and comfy ride, just lacks much intensity at all. The launches are very tame but the length and overall niceness of the ride is very appreciated and makes it one of the better rides in the UK.

  • Bertie Williams

    Lap Bar Comfort Fun Theming

    this was a great experiance. this is the best in the uk in my opinion. Icon, nestled within the iconic Blackpool Pleasure Beach, stands tall and proud as a testament to the ingenuity and thrill-seeking spirit of roller coaster enthusiasts. Revered as the epitome of roller coaster engineering excellence, Icon holds the prestigious title of being the best roller coaster in the UK for a multitude of reasons. First and foremost, Icon embodies a perfect blend of innovation and exhilaration. Crafted by the renowned manufacturer, Mack Rides, this coaster introduces riders to a symphony of sensations unlike any other. With its sleek design and cutting-edge technology, Icon seamlessly combines inversions, airtime hills, and high-speed twists, delivering an unforgettable experience from start to finish. One of Icon's most notable features is its impeccable smoothness. Unlike some coasters that jolt and jerk, leaving riders feeling rattled, Icon glides effortlessly along its track, providing a buttery-smooth ride that enhances the overall enjoyment. This flawlessly engineered smoothness ensures that riders can fully immerse themselves in the adrenaline-pumping thrills without distraction. Furthermore, Icon boasts an impressive array of elements that cater to riders of all preferences. Whether you crave the weightlessness of airtime or the intense forces of inversions, Icon has it all. From the exhilarating launch to the heart-pounding finale, every twist and turn is meticulously crafted to deliver maximum excitement. In addition to its thrilling ride experience, Icon offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape, adding an extra layer of awe-inspiring beauty to the adventure. As riders ascend to towering heights and plunge into thrilling drops, they're treated to sweeping panoramas that further enhance the sense of exhilaration and immersion. Moreover, Icon's re-rideability factor is off the charts. Its addictive nature beckons riders to experience it again and again, each ride offering a new perspective and an adrenaline rush like no other. Whether you're a seasoned coaster enthusiast or a first-time rider, Icon's allure is undeniable, making it a must-visit destination for thrill-seekers of all ages. In conclusion, Icon's combination of innovation, smoothness, diverse elements, breathtaking views, and re-rideability solidifies its status as the best roller coaster in the UK. From the moment riders step onto the platform to the exhilarating finale, Icon delivers an unparalleled experience that leaves a lasting impression and keeps them coming back for more.

  • Gx3 T.
    Gx3 T. 1 year ago

    Lap Bar Fun Smoothness

    This ride to me has the feel on taking you on an adventure by its lay out. Such a smooth and enjoyable experience and with Enso you a great addition to it. I would of liked maybe a little bit more speed on its launches other than that. A great move forward for the park

  • Yankue One
    Yankue One 1 year ago

    Airtimes Comfort Fun

    Amazing smooth ride with lots of airtime and fun elements, usually a short queue.

  • James C.
    James C. 1 year ago

    Nice surprise! Fun Layout Launch

    A fantastic coaster for the park! The launches aren't great, as expected really, but everything else about the ride was better than I expected. My favourite moment is the immelmen loop (particularly the airtime on the exit), but really Icon isn't about specific moments, but more the whole package and layout as one. It's long, consistently fun and exciting and more forceful than I expected for sure. It's a completely different experience to any other coaster in the UK, and I couldn't be happier with the result realistically. Looooove it!

  • Sam Boskovic
    Sam Boskovic 1 year ago

    Fun Smoothness

    This is great, even if it wasn't as intense as I would've liked. It's incredibly smooth and the restraints were super comfortable. It's by far the best coaster in the park

  • Rosie
    Rosie 1 year ago

    Lap Bar Disappointing! Launch Dead spots

    bit shit innit

  • Niall Phelan
    Niall Phelan 1 year ago

    Airtimes Intensity Duration Inversions

    A brilliant ride whips you around and shows you the rides of pleasure beach . The s bends launched you about in a good may

  • Coolharry64
    Coolharry64 1 year ago

    Airtimes Comfort Ejectors Harness Inversions

    I got a bit of ejector on the first hill after the launch, & I loved the heartline roll too. I just wish the Jr. Immelmann after the second launch was an actual Immelmann, I was also laughing so much because this coaster is so much fun. I just wish they didn't put seatbelts on it though.

  • Claire Elizabeth Davies


    After my first ride, early morning, was a bit disappointed, enjoyed it but I think my expectations were maybe too high. Two rides later in the day were far better and more like what I was expecting. Would class Icon as my favourite coaster in the UK but no where near my top Coasters such as RTH, Taron, Kondaa and Toutatis.

  • Jack Reynolds
    Jack Reynolds 1 year ago

    Lap Bar Ejectors Hangtime

    (Both of my rides on Icon were towards the back) Launches: Not too quick but still fun Airtime: So much airtime, rivals Grand National Hangtime: Some in the inversion, quite a bit on the JR Immelman Lap Bar: Very comfortable but started to staple me. An easy 5/5


    Airtimes Pace Duration Harness Launch

    Sorry Nemesis you were number one but Icon`s in town now. The best coaster I have ever ridden without a shadow of a doubt. It`s got its faults but generally speaking blackpool knocked it out the park with this one. Its nicely stylized to a japanese cherry blossom garden I think? With a lot of gold? Honestly not too sure what it`s supposed to be stylized to but it looks banging so i`m not digging into the theming at all. It is an amusement park and not a theme park after all and for an amusement park i`m very impressed. The station is slick and modern with one of the best baggage systems ive ever seen, Greatly reduces the chances of your items being nicked. Rolling out the station you have the best anticipation music i`ve heard. Then wee. Your away. These launches ain`t great. And I wouldn`t have had a problem with them at all (its a Mack launch, they are all a bit on the slower side) IF blackpool pleasure beach hadn`t decided to put all the focus on these bland and unexciting launches. Seriously these launches now get more advertisement than the entire of the rest of the park combined. Anyway rant over and you enter the top hat. Airtime aplenty on this one and a VERY good makeup for the underwhelming start. You go into this twisty section with one moment in particular that stands out: a raised turn with a lovely dose of sideways airtime. Really fun and proper good. Downward barrel roll follows that which adds a nice dose of hangtime to the mix. 2 more pops of ejector later and all of a sudden you can`t see for love nor money cause you`ve just gone through a tunnel with the thickest mist imaginable. Perfectly placed cause that leads you into the booster launch and you cant see until your approaching into the jr immelmann. Inversion or not who gives one cause exiting this you get PULLED out your seat in a glorious moment of sideways air. From here on out its a mix of snappy low to the ground turns, higher up banked turns, s curves and a good couple of ejector hills until the final brakes are reached. Whoever said icon wasn`t intense (and its a lot of people) needs to reride the thing cause my legs felt as if i`d had one too many down the velvet coaster during parts of the second half. Genius layout. I haven`t really given it too much stick other than my little launch rant but i was expecting that. Here`s something I wasn`t expecting. The lap bar, although super comfortable has the tendency to push down on you with the force of a nightclub bouncer VERY soon after the ride has even started, killing any airtime room you might have had just after the top hat. It`s worth getting room for that element alone but don`t expect to keep any room on this. Trust me i`ve tried. VERY hard. But cause there`s no way to really push with your legs and the upper half of your body kinda surrenders with the forces you experience it`s just not really possible and the bar becomes superglued to the lower half of your body by the end of the ride. One more thing is that it`s not glossy smooth, it has got a rattle but for me that`s not really a negative, more a neutral becuase I don`t mind rougher rides and it adds character. But it does shake your head around a fair bit sometimes and can cause a bit of head ache. Overall, my new number one. Its not perfect but nothing is and its a knockout addition to an already strong park

  • Anthony Dean
    Anthony Dean 1 year ago

    Airtimes Masterpiece Duration

    Best coaster at the park. Great smooth layout with good intensity and loads of airtime.

  • Hudson A.
    Hudson A. 1 year ago

    Airtimes Fun Ejectors Launch

    Icon is just a brilliant ride at the Pleasure Beach, and when I visited I just kept getting on and on. The push that the second launch is is a small price to pay for the thrilling second half

  • Dan Hughes-shaw

    Location Smoothness Launch

    Launch is awful especially 2nd one. It’s more of a push. but i guess its pretty smooth, the layout is nothing to write home about. The inclined loop is cool, pretty forceless. It’s a good ride, but i thought i was still looking for that one standout moment when i got off.

  • Lukas 42
    Lukas 42 1 year ago

    Comfort Layout Duration Launch

    Well, the launches are both fairly weak (they one of blue fire is way more intense), but that's not what Icon is about. On my first ride, I was a little disappointed, but later rides made me change my point of view for this well-rounded coaster which is easily the best ride at Pleasure Beach. I strongly prefer the front to the back rows, because especially the first airtime hill is much more intense here. I appreciate the long, twisted layout with many intercations with the other coasters, the quick changes in direction and the barrel-roll which provides great hangtime. The end is not the strongest, it kind of fizzles out on the Taron-like transitions, but they are taken too slowly - but the strong beginning and middle section makes up for it. Theming is not really present, but the appearance is still pretty nice with its minimalistic look and sleek architecture. And the beautiful soundtrack is also worth mentioning! Overall, it's an awesome ride which shound not be missed when visiting Pleasure Beach!

  • Robert A.
    Robert A. 2 years ago

    Comfort Fun Duration Launch Dead spots

    Incredible ride. Inversions are fantastic and the entire ride is just an absolute ton of fun. The interactions with other rides are a nice touch but unfortunately you don't notice it much when riding it. The launches aren't very powerful and serve as more of a "boost" than an actual launch to get the ride up to speed. The best parts of the ride are actually sequential: barrel roll, into an airtime hill, into a completely dark tunnel, into the second boost, into the immelmann. That's a brilliant highlight there. Could probably do with the launches being sped up by about 5mph, Enso is good and I need a second opinion but not willing to splash out that much for it again

  • Patrick J.
    Patrick J. 2 years ago

    Hangtime Duration Rattle Disappointing! Dead spots

    I was very disappointed with Icon. I thought the layout was very poor, it seemed to just randomly meander around without any real sense of direction. Thought the launches were very weak compared to what you get on an Intamin. I was on the back row and noticed a bit of a rattle too.

  • Dylan J
    Dylan J 2 years ago

    Lap Bar Fun Ejectors Launch

    As my second launch coaster, I was expecting something like Rita at AT, a short but action packed layout. I got all of that and more. The first launch was actually quite weak, which is the only downside to this coaster. I like how Screwy Loops described this- A family coaster in the first half and a thrill coaster in the second half. I completely agree with that statement. The ride has almost a building intensity which adds to the experience a lot. The lap bars are very comfortable and there is so much hang time on this thing on the front row. a near perfect coaster that was a much needed addition to BPB.

  • Danny Banon
    Danny Banon 2 years ago

    Airtimes Smoothness Layout Launch

    This ride is fantastic (by far the best in the UK). It currently sits as my number 3 coaster and for a reason. Nothing beats the daunting soundtrack as you walk towards the station, the incredibly comfy Mack mega coaster restraints and the smooth experience. You start on a very weak launch which is in my opinion, the only downside to the ride, however after this, you scale a top hat that if on the front, supplies immense hangtime. The rest of the first section is great with some twisty elements, near misses from other coasters in the park and a great inversion that supplies excellent hangtime as you crawl through. There are two very good ejector airtime moments before you drop into a second launch which is much more powerful. The junior Immelmann once again gives you great hangtime and if you’re on the front, you really are suspended at quite a height. The rest of the ride is full of twists and turns and also a very intense ejector airtime hill. The only downside to the layout in my opinion is that first launch and the surrounding theming is almost non existent. Great coaster

  • Fantastic Coasters

    Comfort Smoothness Ejectors Theming Launch Dead spots

    Very smooth coaster with some great ejector in the back row! Very slow acceleration on the launches. A few deadspots towards the end of the ride. This ride is definitely one of the best in the UK but it does have its cons.

  • Samuel Henman
    Samuel Henman 2 years ago

    Smoothness Hangtime Launch Dead spots

    Somewhat slow from the disappointing launch, but the ride is very smooth and uses the most out of the small space it is built on. Good but not the most memorable.

  • Steve Parrington
    Steve Parrington 2 years ago

    Airtimes Fun Hangtime

    Great fun, especially at the back later in the day. The junior immelmann after the second launch is fantastic. I found Enso to be a great addition, although overpriced. Best airtime in the UK.

  • Danilo G.
    Danilo G. 3 years ago

    Airtimes Masterpiece Intensity Theming


  • B&M Beenie
    B&M Beenie 3 years ago

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Dead spots

    Very fun ride, true airtime and lapbars are comfortable. Cant wait for Enso. Couple dead spots but very few and far between. Dont have a problem with the launch.

  • Rebecca261102
    Rebecca261102 3 years ago


  • Daniel S.
    Daniel S. 3 years ago

    Fun Masterpiece Smoothness Theming

    Perfection. The ride is so smooth and enjoyable and is definitely one of my favourites. The only slight downside is theming, but the theming is still pretty good. I love the Japanese theme but I just wish they made it more clear.

  • Semina S.
    Semina S. 4 years ago

    Airtimes Masterpiece Duration

    Icon is a special ride that can deliver everything you want in a coaster in one. The airtime is really strong in the 2nd half and the duration is just perfect. The launches are not amazing but the 2nd one gives some good forces. Great hangtime and whip on the inversions and transitions. Really good headchoppers and it uses it’s space amazingly.

  • James Kerfoot
    James Kerfoot 4 years ago

    Smoothness Hangtime Duration

    My number one UK coaster, and by quite a stretch! Memorable theme music and general theming, and great unrestrictive restraints. Icon has everything you could want in a coaster; hangtime, airtime, snappy transitions and a lengthy unrelenting duration. Absolutely wonderful coaster, and one which the Pleasurebeach should be proud of!

  • Greg Hudson
    Greg Hudson 4 years ago

    Airtimes Capacity Smoothness Dead spots

    An excellent first half, the second half meanders in places though it does have a couple of forceful moments. I think an extra inversion at the end would have rounded it up nicely.

  • Brendan Jackson
    Brendan Jackson 4 years ago

    Location Fun Harness Disappointing!

    Was expecting a bit more. Love the way it weaves through the park and other coasters at pleasure beach. Needed a few more airtime moments or snappy transitions in the second half

  • Noah Clowes
    Noah Clowes 5 years ago

    Comfort Fun Ejectors

    2 years since it opened and its still a cracking ride even on opening day 2020 when it was blowing a gale it still ran like a dream i would definetly recommend it to anyone i would even say it would be a good first looper

  • Tyler M.
    Tyler M. 5 years ago

    Airtimes Lap Bar Layout Launch

    A fantastic ride for the UK. Great airtime and force variation, plus really comfy seats and restraints (also has a track-tap clearance fail which is fantastic fun as you traverse the roll). The layout is spectacularly weaved around some of the Pleasure Beach's other rides and attractions, and the operations are usually pretty good as well. My only negative point is that the launches aren't the strongest, but it's to be expected from a Mack, however the rest of the layout absolutely makes up for it and I can 100% justify it being my #1 coaster in the UK by a country mile!

  • Element 115
    Element 115 5 years ago

    Comfort Fun Duration Dead spots

    Fantastic multilaunch with strong airtime and a great interactive layout, spectacular clearance fail with itself in back right seat, weak launches but to be expected from a mack, even better at night.

  • Will B
    Will B 5 years ago

    Airtimes Comfort Layout Launch

    Icon is absolutely incredible and definitely one of the best rides in the UK. After three rides, I definitely preferred the back row over the others, providing incredible airtime and hangtime throughout the layout. Other than the launches, the layout is perfectly designed, weaving in and out of various classic rides at the Pleasure Beach, with highlights including the top-hat, heartline roll and the glorious airtime hill in the middle of the second half.

  • Oscar Pinchbeck
    Oscar Pinchbeck 5 years ago

    Harness Smoothness Layout Launch

    Best ride in UK- really long, great airtime! The launches can be a bit weak though.

  • Craig Hoskin
    Craig Hoskin 5 years ago

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Hangtime

    Regular visitor to the pleasure beach but this was my first visit since the ride opened and it was way better than I expected. The launches are punchy if not intense, the airtime is solid and lasts much of the way round and the hangtime on the inline twist and the immelmann is excellent. The operations and dispatch times are also fantastic. Great addition to the park.

  • Moogal
    Moogal 5 years ago

    Comfort Fun Smoothness Inversions

    Every time I've ridden this I've had a massive grin on my face. It's just such an enjoyable ride. My only real criticism is that a lot of the ride is spent meandering left and right, and it would have been nice to have either more airtime or another inversion.

  • Poodz
    Poodz 6 years ago

    Capacity Layout Duration Disappointing! Dead spots Intensity

    Icon is a brilliantly designed coaster that is very re-rideable. It lasts a decent while and some of the elements are incredibly well shaped, including the top hat, roll, and especially the immelman. I don't find the first launch as bad as some people say it is. I can't rate Icon up there with the best coasters in the world because it lacks in what I like to call '"Oh S***" moments' (Moments that make me go "Oh S***"). It's a very fun ride, but I don't find it particularly thrilling at all. It's certainly the best coaster I've ridden that has a lack of thrilling elements to it. Mack's quality is on show here, and frankly I think they did an excellent job designing such a quality ride on such a restrictive job site.

  • Dave Scott
    Dave Scott 6 years ago

    Comfort Dead spots Layout

    Icon is a bit of a first for Blackpool. Almost all of their coasters to date had their origins in pre-CAD design; whereas Icon is very obviously a finely tuned laser-cut precision machine. Unfortunately, it is also well known that the park's owner is not much of a big coaster fan (oh, the irony!) which might have biased some of the decisions on layout. The launches on Icon are functional but insipid. The trains are like other Mack Megas excellent hardware; and the inversions effective, but not earth shattering. The ride is better once it's warmed up it has to be said. A punchier launch up to a slightly higher speed might still be possible; and would improve matters greatly. The main downside is that there is an awful lot of pointless left-to-right swaying - might have been better to sacrifice a bit of length to fit in an inversion or two extra instead. The ride has done it's job of putting Blackpool on the map; and is hopefully a good sign for future investments.

  • Sven P.
    Sven P. 6 years ago

    Inversions Duration Rattle Intensity

    Ride needs to warm up to be better. Back side is too much rattle. Could go a bit faster in the final part of the layout. Overall a decent coaster but it lacks a bit of punch.

  • Aleks W.
    Aleks W. 6 years ago

    Harness Layout Hangtime

    Favourite coaster in the UK!!! Feels like a futuristic, high-tech ride...sooooooo smooth! Mack coaster so the launches aren't as intense as an intamin but i still find them exhilarating, especially when u go through the misty tunnels. Luckily managed to ride it VIP before the official opening that made it more special. Good soundtrack too.

  • Philippe-Minh N.
    Philippe-Minh N. 6 years ago

    Comfort Fun Dead spots

    While it doesn't match the graceful brilliance of Helix or the relentlessness of Taron, Britain's first multi-launch coaster possesses many exciting moments. The ride experience, somewhat underwhelming early in the day, certainly improves in the afternoon as the coaster warms up. At its best, Icon delivers a solid mix of intense turns, snappy twists and very decent airtime. The layout does have several weaker moments, however, and feels meandering and a little uninspired at times. That is only a minor complaint though, the coaster as a whole is very fun and reridable indeed!

  • - Bouin
    - Bouin 9 hours ago
  • Sam Holden
    Sam Holden 2 days ago
  • Michael C.
    Michael C. 7 days ago
  • Seroby .
    Seroby . 9 days ago

    Fun Smoothness Launch

  • crispy
    crispy 16 days ago
  • Edouard S.
    Edouard S. 16 days ago

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Duration Rattle Launch

  • George Foran
    George Foran 21 days ago

    Launch Pace Smoothness

  • Stevan M.
    Stevan M. 22 days ago
  • Marius A.
    Marius A. 1 month ago
  • Reis Elliott
    Reis Elliott 1 month ago
  • Elysia Benn
    Elysia Benn 1 month ago
  • Mark McArthur
    Mark McArthur 2 months ago
  • Charlie Bullock
    Charlie Bullock 2 months ago
  • Quentin
    Quentin 2 months ago
  • Nicola H.
    Nicola H. 2 months ago
  • David Brochure
    David Brochure 2 months ago
  • Kevin M.
    Kevin M. 2 months ago
  • Aurelien T.
    Aurelien T. 2 months ago

    Airtimes Comfort Hangtime Launch Layout

  • Andrew Chilcraft
    Andrew Chilcraft 2 months ago
  • Oliver Hughes
    Oliver Hughes 3 months ago
  • Tonton Max
    Tonton Max 3 months ago
  • Albert Sullivan
    Albert Sullivan 3 months ago

    Airtimes Comfort Duration Theming

  • Maloney's Coasters
  • Adam R.
    Adam R. 3 months ago
  • Jack Hadaway-Weller
  • Thomas v.
    Thomas v. 3 months ago
  • Dog C.
    Dog C. 3 months ago
  • Paradise Smile
    Paradise Smile 3 months ago

    Smoothness Hangtime Duration Launch Lap Bar

  • Daniel Kessack
    Daniel Kessack 3 months ago
  • Caitlin B.
    Caitlin B. 4 months ago
  • John Michael Giannini
  • GoldenDragonLord
    GoldenDragonLord 4 months ago
  • Joey Robinson
    Joey Robinson 4 months ago

    Airtimes Location Pace Rattle Theming Dead spots

  • jake c.
    jake c. 4 months ago