Detailed user ratings
Boomerang features
Reviews 708
Theming Fun Too short Layout
The ride is fun and has nice theming and a quite extensive area with a shop, food stall and arcade for one singular ride. The layout is kind of boring and too short but fun for what it is. Name is boring tho
Comfort Fun Smoothness Too short Pointless
Smooth and fun ride, it just doesn’t stand out at such a park.
Fun Too short Pointless
A decent enough family boomerang. But why are there two of them at this park?
Theming Capacity Layout
The best themed junior boomerang of the park, and it remains kinda stupid that they have two of those. Nice ride, nothing special
Pace Smoothness Too short
The shorter Boomerang layout, but it's whippy and takes the turns with good speed. Good fun
Too short Discomfort
I'am just not a fan of boomerang coasters. The first part is always oke, but the backwards section is just not for me.
Pace Fun
Slightly bizzare name that doesn’t match the theming (I get it’s a boomerang coaster, but call it Dracula/Bat or something?) but for some reason I really enjoyed this! I thought the pace was miles better than Light Explorers, and the theming as you whizz through the abandoned house was interesting and exciting. Surprisingly quick too!
Comfort Fun Too short
This is my first ride on a boomerang. It was a fun and smooth ride. Nice incorporation with the tracks through the buildings. Perfect for the family with kids.
Fun Smoothness Layout
The better one of the two boomerangs in the park, mainly because of the layout, which is packed with tight turns. The theming is nice with all the structures the track goes through as well.
Fun Smoothness
Nice Family Boomerang with a pretty forceful turn out of the station I must say. Rest of the layout is average, but still fun for what it is. Prefer this one over Light Explorers by a mile.
It's a standard, well themed family ride. Nothing special, but a decent coaster for the ones who don't need the extreme experiences.
Theming Fun Smoothness Capacity Lap Bar
Nice and smooth ride, but if you are tall don't ride it. I am 180cm tall and my lags ware crushed be the restraints.
the og
Theming Fun Smoothness Too short Capacity
One of the better junior boomerang's I've done. Quite well themed and the layout has more force than the others
Theming Smoothness
The theming of this ride was good, and I think it was a good thrill ride for children. It was smooth, and I really liked the train going inside the station building.
Fun Discomfort Lap Bar
This ride is a big disapointment. It is not Worth to wait in the queue for this ride. The lap bar is painful for legs!
For some reason the family boomerang model always feels cheap. Unlike vekomas other new rides which are fantastic and feel high quality. Unfortunately this ride is no exception.
Fun Smoothness
It's a nice and smooth family coaster, but not for thrill seekers.
Very good family coaster with nice track going over the station. The train reaches the top really close to the end of the rails, which is an additional thrill element. The ride is perfectly smooth. By far the best sit-down family coaster in the park, which easily beats Frida and Energuś.
One of the best Vekoma junior boomerangs. Smooth, nice theming and a station fly-through.
Fun Capacity
Comfort Smoothness Disappointing!
Comfort Fun