Detailed user ratings
Flight of Fear features
Also in Kings Island 24
Reviews 394
Inversions Launch Headbanging Discomfort
It has the potential to be top of the line if they do a few fixes also the final inversion in the front of the 3rd car is AMAZING
Theming Launch Fun Rattle Capacity
This ride has very good theming and a decent launch, but the ride has gotten rougher over time.
Theming Inversions Launch Discomfort
Not amazing but it fills the parks lineup well and it's just a fun ride
Theming Launch Intensity Rattle Discomfort Lap Bar
This coaster used to be 2nd on my list, but oh, the unsmoothness.
Launch Harness
Used to be much better launch was elite and it's way to much light in their now it used to be pitch black. I like the spaghetti bowl coasters just wish this one didn't get nerfed
Theming Inversions Launch Rattle Discomfort Lap Bar
This one is also nearly the same as the one at Kings Dominion. The launch is great and the inversions are very intense, but my enjoyment of it is ruined by the rattle, poor tracking, and inability to brace due to darkness. While I did find a way to brace my legs to prevent legbanging, it slings my head around enough to hurt both it and my neck. As with the KD one, it has tons of potential, but it is just too rough for me to enjoy it as a dark coaster.
Got stuck at the end but was intense especially after the first launch great turning and flips
Intensity Discomfort
This launched ride and its variants all leave me with a headache at the end. The theming is cool though.
Launch Layout Discomfort
Beat my expectations. Years ago, this left me underwhelmed. This time around, I enjoyed the intensity and the surprises in the dark. On the down side, some of the quick transitions can slam you against the lap bar and the side of the car.
Launch Intensity Capacity
Ride is better than KD’s but it isn’t very good for fatties
Theming Launch Rattle Capacity Dead spots
With a rattle, dead spots, and a terrible capacity, it seems like it would be a bad ride. Thankfully, the launch is good and the theming is great.
Theming Launch Discomfort Dead spots
Not the smoothest ride but the launch is punchy and the theming is good. Mid course almost brought it to a complete stop.
Theming Launch Discomfort Lap Bar
Rough old launch coaster, some forceful moments and whip.
Inversions Launch Intensity Capacity
this line moves so slow and they way they operate it is a huge pain as i know that from expirence
Nice surprise! Intensity Layout Headbanging
Didn’t know what to expect and it was a nice surprise! Didn’t realize there would be inversions and as many turns
Theming Location Launch Rattle Capacity Discomfort
This may just have the worst capacity in the park. It is super popular among the gp which makes the problem worse, and now with Orion, they may ride that and see this ride next to it and figure, “Might as well ride it while we are here!” That’s my main complaint, but the ride is also super rough and the trains are uncomfortable. I can stand a rough ride, but the trains may ruin it for some. This ride does have some upsides, though, like the launch, theme, and fact it’s indoor, but the cons, especially capacity, outweigh the pros so much that it’s the worst thrill coaster at the park, and three family coaster beat it, that being Bat, Racer, and Backlot. As a homeparker, I just can’t justify riding every visit, which is why my ride count isn’t even double digits.
Inversions Launch Fun Rattle Dead spots
Some decent theming, and a nice launch. Flying through the darkness never gets old, and this ride mixes in some inversions for more insanity. The first launch and inversions are fast-paced, and the ending is very rapid-paced as well. However, the middle of the ride is a glaring dead spot where the mid-course stops you like the Giovanola hypers. Also, the ride shakes the whole way through. Fix these 2 glaring flaws, and this is an amazing ride that's probably better than Rock 'n' Roller Coaster.
The launch is pretty intense, but the rest of the ride is blasé. It doesn't help that this often has the longest queue time of any ride at King's Island.
Launch Fun
I waited 3.5 hours for this ride on the day it opened because it kept breaking down while I was in line. Obviously not worth that wait, but still a fun ride. Great launch.
Theming Launch Dead spots
Powerful launch surrounded by fun theming, though the quality of the theming is noticeably weaker inside the ride than the queue. Much smoother than the other Flight of Fear at Kings Dominion, and it felt darker in there too. Really fun ride, just not built to a particularly large scale.
Theming Launch Disappointing!
A decent launch coaster which is incased and supposedly in the dark alas there was enough light to see the whole layout which for me was disappointing for this type of coaster
Rattle Discomfort Pointless
This one definitely runs faster than the KD one which actually makes it worse. The ride is very rough and the jerky transitions are extremely painful, it gave me a headache which never happens on coasters for me. Plus since the coaster is in complete darkness you can barely see the upcoming horrible transitions and you have no time to brace for them. Even though this one runs faster than the one at KD, it still feels like it’s going to valley at many points and the ride is just pretty forceless overall. Even the launch on this one didn’t do anything for me. Overall this ride does nothing and hurts like crazy, a perfect recipe for one of the worst coasters I’ve ridden.
Well themed and punchy launch. Trains are very compact and a bit tricky to get into - bearing in mind I am of average height. Laterals in the first half punch hard. Mid course brakes completely kill momentum. Would actually be better if the main launch was slower, and less braking at half way. Slow queue so is a once-and-done
Inversions Launch Layout Rattle Discomfort Dead spots
This ride is pretty ok. The launch is fun and the first couple of inversions are solid. Unfortunately everything after the MCBR is slow and uneventful because it slows you down to a near stop. Also this ride is pretty shaky and jerky
Nice surprise! Fun Intensity Capacity
I have loved this ride since I first rode it 15 years ago. The launch is more than decent, but being in the dark is what makes this thing great. You have no idea where you are going or what is coming next. They do have some lights in the "spaghettis bowl" but those only serve to blind you even more and keep your eyes from ever fully adjusting. The theming was better years ago that the last time I was there. You used to be a bit more involved in the video that is playing while you wait. They used to turn the lights out completely and alarms would go off. It was rather entertaining. It was needing as this the line for this is incredibly slow moving. That is it's biggest negative--the low capacity. It used to have two lines, but now only one. The ride itself is fantastic. Tons of twists, turns and inversions all in an almost impossibly small area full of twisted track. A rather unique ride that is very entertaining.
Theming Launch Intensity Lap Bar
This is an intense ride with a forceful launch, snappy inversions, great theming, and is really thrilling in the dark. Lap bar sucks though.
Theming Inversions Launch
Most underrated part in the whole entire park. The theming all the way to the station is very well detailed and builds up lots of suspension. Definitely gives you a solid taste of rockin roller coaster with the nice launch and inversions. But obviously the best part of this ride is that its in the dark so you cant see most of the ride. One thing I would change is the mid course break run from pretty much completely stopping the momentum of the ride but overall this is a top ride in the park and a must do.
Theming Inversions Launch Capacity Dead spots
Great ride, number 3 in the park. One hell of an underrated ride and easily better than the east coast spaghetti bowls.
Theming Launch Intensity Dead spots
Really awesome and intense premier coaster
Theming Capacity Launch Dead spots
I’ve taken a ride on the Flight of Fear and it surprised me by way over meeting my expectations of an indoor coaster. It’s a nice break from the heat, just the right enough wait times, and it’s launch was incredibly thrilling! Overall, I love the Flight of Fear and might purchase the Fastpass Plus just for it.
Theming Inversions Launch Discomfort Dead spots
Though Premier's trains are a tight fit and the MCBR hits very unreasonably hard, this is still a fun coaster. It's like an amalgamation of Orlando's indoor coasters. Aerosmith's launch and inversions, Mummy's turns and pacing, and Space Mountain's theming. I'm fond of Premier's intense twisty layouts and I'm happy about their modern comeback.
Theming Launch Intensity
Flight of Fear is an awesome Premier Launch Coaster. The LIM Launch is very intense and heads straight into the spaghetti bowl. The Inversions are fun and forceful. The ride is great in the dark and the theming throughout the queue is awesome. I love this ride and is my fifth favorite in the park.
Inversions Launch Intensity Discomfort
Spaghetti bowls are much less fun in the dark, when you can't brace for the next snappy transitions.
Launch Fun Intensity Dead spots
The first half of this coaster is wonderful; Intense, fast inversions that leave you utterly disoriented. Then it hits the trim brakes and the second half of the ride is a slow, not disorienting disappointment.
Theming Comfort Launch Layout
I really don't understand the hate for this ride! It's a great ride, can be a bit jerky, but at least it doesn't have OSTRs!
Theming Inversions Fun Rattle Discomfort
Inversions Comfort Launch Rattle Dead spots
Theming Launch Discomfort Dead spots Lap Bar