• Anthony Dean

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun Capacity

    Brilliant roller coaster with great themes and some cool surprises.

  • Anthony Dean

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun

    Great themed fun with some cool surprises. Bit of a silly end, hence only 4.5 stars.

  • Anthony Dean

    First Drop Fun Discomfort Dead spots

    Had great fun on this. Loved the first drop and had a great layout. Seat not comfortable

  • Cole Jones

    Theming Lap Bar Intensity Airtimes

    Very poor airtime, but this ride is relentless. Don’t let looks deceive you, this ride packs a hefty punch. It’s got the theming too, the Wickerman statue is pretty cool. Easily the UK’s best wooden coaster, and I don’t see it getting dethroned for a while.

  • Liv B.

    First Drop Ejectors Rattle Headbanging Harness

    SAW - The Ride is certainly not a comfortable ride in the slightest. The main drop has a big pothole at the bottom which is pretty painful to ride, the restraints crush your legs by the end of the ride and the dive loop sends your head smashing into the side of the restraint if you don't brace at the right time. On the other hand, SAW is full of great ejector airtime on the first indoor drop, the main drop, the ejector airtime hill and the drop off the midcourse. The indoor section of the ride is very well themed alongside the stations theming and the theming of the SAW Plaza. The music inside of the station can give you a headache but you fortunately don't spend too much time in the station before getting on the ride. Overall, SAW the ride is a fun coaster but can be very rough if you don't know when to brace.

  • Liv B.

    Theming Intensity Harness

    This is one of the most intense rides at Thorpe Park. The inversions are all amazing, especially going into that first vertical loop at the beginning. The restraints often sit loose on me which can be an issue of comfort some of the time but it isn't an issue for anyone else that I know. Theming is also good as the station is set inside of a volcano structure and feels very much like a Jungle in the surrounding area. It is also accompanied by the best soundtrack at Thorpe Park

  • Liv B.

    Airtimes Inversions Rattle Headbanging Harness

    While it may appeal to people with 10 inversions, the headbanging makes this ride simply too painful to ride. The whole layout just throws your head into the restraints and leaves you with a massive headache. The constant pain during the ride makes me avoid it every visit. The trains are the worst part of the ride with no leg room and the worst restraints I've ever had on a coaster which makes it impossible to stop the headbanging.

  • Cal Schattschneider Jr.

    Inversions Intensity Smoothness Too short Harness

    I love X-Flight. It is butter smooth and the inversions are some of the best out there. The only downside is that the harness can slightly hurt your collarbone and the ride is too short.

  • Cal Schattschneider Jr.

    Duration Tear it down! Pointless Dead spots

    I don't know why people like this ride. There are no forces and the entire ride is dead.

  • Cal Schattschneider Jr.

    Airtimes Duration Discomfort Dead spots

    I like Viper. The ride feels like 10 minutes long. The airtime is strong, but the turnarounds feel slow and forceless. The track does not bank enough, so there is some discomfort due to the laterals that are created.