• Austin L.

    First Drop Inversions Intensity Rattle

    Really solid coaster. First drop is great in the back, and the inversions are forceful. It does have a rattle but it didn’t bother me too much.

  • Austin L.

    Theming Launch Rattle Discomfort Dead spots

    This ride has some great theming and a great launch to go with it. The mid course break run kind of kills it though and it’s definitely not a smooth ride.

  • Turner Z.

    Airtimes Layout Duration Rattle

    Rode it in the front, middle and back. The airtime in the back was great. My wife, who gets motion sick was able to open her eyes in the front so it was smoother than the back as she is usually unable to keep them open. There wasn’t anything unique, but it was consistently interesting and had great pace.

  • Lorenzo in the Benzo

    First Drop Location Pace

    Surprised me more than Untamed. And i‘ve ridden my ever first Intamin Mega and RMC that day. There is just something about the blue color and speeding over the water. The Stengel Dive is a plus

  • Austin L.

    Airtimes First Drop

    So much airtime on this, the barrel roll drop is amazing and it feels out of control the whole time. Definitely a back row ride for the best experience.

  • Austin L.

    First Drop Pace Intensity

    The first drop is incredible, and after that this ride doesn’t let up. I greyed out every single time I rode this but I loved it anyways. This has to be one of the most aggressive coasters out there. Amazing first drop, good airtimes, awesome pacing, and some unmatched intensity make this my favorite coaster at kings dominion.

  • violet

    Lap Bar Fun Headbanging Intensity Reliability

    This coaster is definitely not for light people, your head bangs everywhere and you don’t get to raise your hands in the air or whatever. Couple friends of mine are light (I am as well) Today all of us started complaining about headaches and neck aches. Fun ride but it has terrible after effects

  • Alexander Gotzian

    Airtimes Inversions Pace

    My first rmc

  • Alexander Gotzian

    Comfort Launch Fun

    Best ride experience ever

  • Drive Safely

    Pace Masterpiece Layout

    There’s not much more I can say to what’s already been said about Zadra. While it’s not quite as crazy as I expected, it’s an easy 5 stars and a ride that I absolutely adore.