• 手取Fishland

    Rattle Disappointing! Airtimes


  • Lane B.

    Airtimes Location Ejectors

    There really aren't any cons with this ride, everything it sets out to do it does it fairly well. While not perfect I think what it sets out to do it does well, this coaster also includes my favorite airtime moment EVER, the drop off the second turn. This is my favorite SINGLE airtime moment i've experinced.

  • Lane B.

    Airtimes Fun Layout Theming Dead spots Intensity

    This is one of my personal favorite roller coasters as I just love everything about it.

  • Slovis Celery

    Theming Inversions Launch Pointless Dead spots Layout

    This ride wasn't even that rough for me, I found it had a slight bite to it, but nothing too bad. But what made this coaster not as impressive for me was the rather boring and uneventful layout. While the launch is decent, I prefer the likes of Stealth and Rock N Roller Coaster personally. The ride - while fast - does nothing with the speed. No real positive force of any kind, not negatives or laterals, just, wandering around the terrain. The twisted hill is ok, the roll is actually a quality inversion, but then the swooping turn over water does nothing for me.

  • Slovis Celery

    Theming Location Intensity Rattle

    Layout has great moments of positive G's, and some of the swings are powerful and gut-punching. While the SLC esc restraints are a pain, especially on the swings, I didn't mind it that much, but paired with the rattle, if you're looking for a smooth ride, this isn't your thing. The theming and location is outstanding, with a wonderful atmosphere shrouding the area. Also the station smells like badger, not sure if that's on purpose or there's a badger family somewhere in the walls, but it's there.

  • Daniel H.

    Inversions Nice surprise! Duration Intensity

    It is a really underrated ride in my opinion. I rode it 4 times and every time it was more intense than kumba or dragon khan, which I think are quite overrated. There was no rattle at all for me. That's weird.

  • Daniel H.

    Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Dead spots

    Mako isn't the best B&M hyper I've been on. But, it is still a really great, signature, smooth B&M. I highly recommend it.

  • Daniel H.

    Location Launch Headbanging Harness Discomfort

    The launch is ridiculously intense and has like 4.7 Gs on it. However, on the inline twist it dug into my stomach and caused really terrible pain. And, obviously, it is the roughest coaster in the park and mabye in Spain. I wouldn't go on this ride again.

  • Daniel H.

    Inversions Fun Duration Dead spots Intensity

    Great fun to go on once or twice. After a few rides though, it can get really boring. Plus, once the seatbelt that was supposed to secure my shoulder restraints fell out. Absolutely terrifying!

  • Daniel H.

    Airtimes Capacity Smoothness Dead spots

    Shambhala has the most floater airtime of any coaster that I have ever been on. I never got the ride on the front or the back thanks to assigned seating, but it was still absolute euphoria.