• Coaster Nut

    Launch Smoothness Layout

    This is my wife's favorite ride at SDC. The launch is good, and it leads to nice airtime on the first hill. There's some other good airtime throughout, and it really is a fun coaster overall.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Fun Rattle

    My favorite out-and-back wooden coaster. My best rides were when the train was full - the ride had only a slight rattle and the airtimes felt better. On a ride when there were only five of us on board, the train shook quite a bit more.

  • Lola Ann

    Airtimes Masterpiece Duration

    Too good to describe

  • Lola Ann

    Lap Bar Launch Smoothness Too short

    It's a breath taking coaster!! The feeling you get on this coaster is indescribable! It is obviously short but I honestly don't mind(I know many others do).

  • James Jenkins

    Theming Fun Smoothness Too short Dead spots

    I had a really fun ride. I used the lightning lanes so I didn’t have to wait for it and got the front row. I have to say that this was the smoothest coaster of the trip. The cars rocked on the brake runs but nowhere else. The second lift was well themed, the dwarves were really cool to see, but the coaster is so short. Too short. And the forces were very lackluster at best, probably also the worst largest drop I’ve experienced.

  • James Jenkins

    Comfort Fun Duration Airtimes Dead spots

    I got the back of one of the middle cars and I really enjoyed the cave pre lift section. But I must add that the lifts are obnoxious noisy. It was so loud I plugged my ears on both lifts (which was a theme that I saw on space Mountain as well). The ride is fun but didn’t blow me away with the forces. Good well themed family coaster that reminded me a lot of the Pepsi Orange Streak at my own home park but with surperior theming

  • James Jenkins

    Fun Intensity Smoothness Capacity Launch

    I was going in expecting it to be my new favorite coaster at Nickelodeon Universe. Turns out it was a quite disappointing. The launch was weak but I might have hyped myself to much since I had just recently done steel venom with a pretty intense launch. The bar was restricting I expected good floater at the like the screaming swings and the positive G’s. It also has terrible capacity. Like the other two coasters I did it took a good 5 minutes to dispatch. Fairly odd dispatches quickly but we waited at the base of the lift for a good 3 minutes. It is a fun ride and I would say it’s a solid family coaster is though I wish it spun more. It is very smooth and overall mild. The biggest thrill for me was staring strait down the spikes. (Update! after getting new rides with a full train I have to say it is actually a really fun coaster. If you get it at the best time it spins hard!!!)

  • Solar Winds

    Inversions Pace Intensity

    My favorite B&M invert. It is like a longer Afterburn. The pacing is off the charts and the mid course barely slows the ride down. The batwing element is downright abusive. Definitely snag a back row ride later in the day, it will be one of the most surreal coaster experiences of your life.

  • Solar Winds

    Inversions Intensity Layout

    A great floorless coaster that I find to be underrated. It is not the smoothest ride in the world, but it is way smoother than most people make it out to be. I love all the inversions and dives into the trenches. The new paint looks great too!

  • Solar Winds

    Airtimes First Drop Comfort

    My favorite B&M hyper. The layout is great and it has some of the best floater airtime out there. It is a beautiful ride and is exceptionally smooth. Easily makes it in my top 15.