• Solar Winds

    Launch Smoothness Ejectors Harness Discomfort

    A very fun ejector-filled ride that is unfortunately hindered by the comfort collar restraints. The violent airtime makes for a very uncomfortable ride. However, I can appreciate the ride's layout and intensity. I just can't ride it more than twice in a row.

  • Solar Winds

    Theming Launch Fun Reliability

    Such a fun coaster for everyone. I had a huge smile on my face the entire ride. It doesn't have crazy stats, but the launches are punchy and the elements are all great surprises. The theming is the best I've seen on any ride. The only issue is the reliability. Other than that, though, Intamin nailed it.

  • Solar Winds

    Pace Masterpiece Ejectors

    I have thought long and hard about it, but I cannot find anything wrong with this coaster. I was in pure euphoria the whole ride. The airtime is incredible, so is the downright violent pacing. I was at a loss for words the moment the train hit the brake run. It is my new #1 and I don't know what will ever top it.

  • Solar Winds

    Theming Launch Layout

    A fantastic ride from start to finish. I wish I could have added more pros. The launches are punchy, the airtime is phenomenal, and the theming is world class. I got front and back row rides and while both were stellar, the back delivered crazier airtime. Specifically on the top hat, the ejector is insane. I felt a little bit of a rattle (I think it is a wheel issue), but it did not detract from the ride at all. Universal knocked it out of the park with this one.

  • Inverted Thrills

    Inversions Location Fun Intensity

    This ride is good but overrated. It's not very intense it's just fun and has a nice setting

  • Karèl Ancqueur

    Airtimes First Drop Fun Dead spots

    Lost Gravity is a nice compact roller coaster. The first drop is unbelievably good, as is the airtime hill that follows. After the first brakes, the roller coaster gets a lot less good. The roller coaster goes just too slow here and the lap bar really gets pressed against you a lot more during the ride, making the experience for men not the best. Intensity: 3.5/5 (second half ruins the intensity) Fun: 5/5 Theming: 3/5 (good for Walibi) Comfort: 4/5 (could have been 5/5 if the lap bar wasn't so pressed against you) Overall: 4/5 (or 8/10)

  • Coaster Nut

    Smoothness Dead spots

    Very good, but not great. It's smooth, and the ride is enjoyable. The brakes ruin the pacing. I first rode this in 2011 when there was just the clamshell lap restraint and no seat belts. I must say, it sure added a bit of fear to the ride when the clamshell was the only thing holding you in during airtimes. I'd always be thinking, "I sure hope this thing stays locked in place!" I'm glad they added the seat belts in 2014 as a secondary safety measure.

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Intensity Ejectors

    This ride is incredible and is very underrated. Going into all of the MCBRs give great ejector and the ride surprisingly packs in two tight forceful helixes. Plus the music factor is very well done

  • Matthew Potter

    Airtimes Fun Smoothness

    One of the smoothest coasters I’ve been on, and with a great layout, somehow including multiple moments of airtime on an invert. Great first drop, which is enhanced in the back row. Go for the front row if you want the view and get the full effect of the leg-choppers, but go to the back if you just want the whip.

  • Matthew Potter

    First Drop Inversions Pace

    Wow. This ride absolutely blew me away, from start to finish. Great 90° drop, before diving into the structure followed by some nice elements afterwards, leading to my personal favourite moment of the ride, the stall (even better if you look upwards). Some more airtimes and turnarounds, before experiencing two zero-g rolls, and hitting the brakes. Absolutely rushes through the amazing layout with incredible pace, kept from start to finish. Definitely number 1 in the park, by a long shot.