• Tom F.

    Comfort Masterpiece Duration

    Whilst the coaster may not be world-beating, the environment within which it sits is an absolutely world-class masterpiece that is frankly unmatched. The sheer levels of immersion are unbeatable for me, the integration of the coaster into this intricately detailed and story-rich land makes this one of the best theme park experiences anywhere, globally.

  • Jeff Pimp

    Airtimes Smoothness Ejectors

    The airtime is why this ride is so great. Non stop ejector from start to finish. Its also incredibly smooth for its age. My #6 overall.

  • Jeff Pimp

    Nice surprise! Fun Ejectors

    My 2nd favorite Woodie at Kennywood, the double down was ridiculously forceful and provided standing ejector! Overall, a true fun classic you cant skip at Kennywood. 9/10

  • Jeff Pimp

    First Drop Masterpiece Duration

    A true classic. 10/10

  • X Coasters Forever

    Location Intensity Duration Rattle Dead spots

    I only got 1 ride on this during my 2021 Ohio Trip and I got to admit, This thing is nuts! Many of the turns pull insane positives and lateral G-forces. There are also a few great moments of ejector airtime, two lift hills that give some nice views of Kings Island, and four tunnels. My favorite parts of the ride are those turns through the tunnels because of how intense the forces are. I also really like the first drop because it gives great ejector air! I like the setting as well because the layout goes through a forest. Overall, The Beast is the longest roller coaster I've ridden and one of my favorites at Kings Island.

  • Jenka Zlanski

    Fun Too short Capacity Reliability

    The ride broke down on my second day, and it had a 70 minutes queue... All that for a few seconds of ride, they should improve it by... Tearing it down maybe idk or like, improving their staff and making dispatch more efficient

  • Jenka Zlanski

    First Drop Rattle Headbanging Reliability

    Bonified funfair ride model, its first drop is quite fun if you ride it backrow but the rest of the ride is just about you trying to survive the trims and not get your head bashed to death by the OTR restraints

  • X Coasters Forever

    First Drop Inversions Intensity Rattle

    This ride is super intense. There are two great moments of ejector air; the drop and the bunny hill, Almost every valley pulls insane positive G's, the cobra roll and the corkscrews are super snappy and pull great whip, and the pacing on this ride is really good. Fahrenheit is one underrated coaster with a great beyond-vertical drop, snappy transitions, and many intense moments along with a couple of great moments of strong ejector air! Overall, It is one of the most underrated Eurofighter coasters out there, and one of my favorite roller coasters at Hersheypark!

  • X Coasters Forever

    Inversions Launch Intensity Too short

    Despite that the ride is pretty short, it packs a punch! This thing slaps and it is very underrated. The launch is super powerful as it pulls insane positive G's and the inversions are pretty snappy. My favorite parts of the ride are the powerful launch because it pulls insane G's, and the flying snake dive because it's a really unique inversion and it pulls great whip! Overall, Storm Runner is one of the most intense roller coasters I've ever ridden and one of my favorites at Hersheypark!

  • X Coasters Forever

    Pace Fun Ejectors

    This thing just hauls throughout its layout! Every single hill gives violent ejector air, the turns pull some great forces, and the setting is really cool! My favorite part of the ride is all of the airtime hills because you just get yanked over those hills! Overall, Mystic Timbers is one of the best-paced wooden coasters and one of the best roller coasters I've ever ridden. Despite the stats, it packs a punch!