• Andrew E.

    Lap Bar Fun Layout

    This was the last coaster I rode at Alton Towers. I found Runaway Mine Train to be a great scenic ride that really lets you take in the forest and hills of Alton Towers. This ride has only a buzz bar and it is a lot of fun sliding around in the bench seats. One part of the ride parallels Congo River Rapids and runs alongside it through a tunnel. It never has a long line, so ride it on your visit.

  • Andrew E.

    Airtimes Launch Capacity

    Out of all the coasters at Alton Towers, Rita had the longest line. If you want to ride Rita, I'd say do it first thing in the morning. As far as the ride goes it's quite good. Hydraulic launches are my favorite and Rita's kicks off the ride on a high note. After that intense launch the coaster goes into a figure eight pattern with floater airtime hills in between the turns. After a few of those the ride ends, however it doesn't feel short the same way some other rides (Oblivion) do. I'd say it's the sleeper hit of Alton Towers.

  • Andrew E.

    First Drop Theming Intensity Too short

    B&M's prototype dive machine is one of their weaker coasters (especially considering Air, another prototype is a much more complete ride). However that does not stop the ride from being fun. The theming in this ride is incredibly dark. As you wait in line, a preshow plays of two men debating the safety of the ride. I absolutely love this type of sinister theme. The main part of the ride is the drop and being a dive machine the drop is great. As you enter the deep tunnel you will feel a good moment of intense positive g force. Unfortunately once you exit said tunnel the ride is over. It would have been nice to have at least another element before the brake run. It's not the greatest ride at Alton Towers, but you'll have fun.

  • Andrew E.

    Theming Pace Intensity

    It seems like B&M inverted coasters are everywhere. Normally they are huge steel coasters that can be seen from far away. Nemesis breaks that rule and spends its time low to the ground sweeping around the terrain. The theming on this ride is incredible from the blood red water to the monstrous design of the station. This coaster packs a mean wallop from start to finish and never lets up. A particularly intense moment comes in the beginning where the train spirals down into a trench, then hops up into a zero g roll. The vertical loop is also very intense. It is also a glossy smooth ride. In my opinion this is the greatest coaster at Alton Towers. Do not miss this one.

  • Andrew E.

    Location Fun Smoothness Dead spots

    B&M Flying coasters are always good rides. That is exactly the case with the prototype, Air, at Alton Towers. Air isn't the most intense of the B&M flying coasters but in my opinion captures the feeling of flight better than any coaster out there. Gliding over the hilly terrain of Alton Towers brings a smile to my face every time. I can't recommend this ride enough, it is very overlooked since it is located in the very back of the park. It really is an experience you won't forget.

  • Andrew E.

    Nice surprise! Location Layout Capacity

    A mountain coaster with a gorgeous setting in the rainforest. The layout stays low to the ground and hugs the terrain well. The Bobsled also has a few moments of ejector airtime. When visiting Jamaica I'd say give it a ride. The one seater cars can lead to long lines though.

  • Shark Disney


  • Shark Disney


  • Shark Disney


  • Andrew E.

    Airtimes Pace Fun Harness

    SkyRider was a pretty good coaster especially for an American TOGO. The ride had some pretty strong airtime, it wasn't too rough, and it completely powered through the layout once it hit the first drop. The awkward harnesses are difficult to get into and adjust but they aren't painful. If you want to ride this you'll have to visit its new home at Cavallino Matto in Italy.