• Mr. Roller Coasters

    Inversions Intensity Ejectors Harness

    After the first drop, the airtime on it is an underrated moment... Overall, awesome ride... And my 99th credit. That airtime hill gave me a taste of my 100th credit, Skyrush.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Airtimes Location Ejectors Discomfort

    It needs another shot but it a great ride!

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Nice surprise! Fun Hangtime

    BEST B&M INVERT... Legendary!!!

  • Vinnie T

    Lap Bar Ejectors Hangtime Too short Dead spots Layout

    An okay launch coaster. The first launch (after riding this many times) doesn't feel that forceful and the "0-50" claim is pointless because you're already moving at quite a bit of speed thanks to the sloping turn. The top hat element is my favorite moment of the ride, it's extremely intense as it gives off Skyrush-like airtime. Then looking straight down, the only thing that holds is the restraint, then into a forceful cutback inversion. The zero-g-roll is really snappy but gives off amazing hangtime. The ride then curves upwards into a "mid-course brake run"? It slows the ride down significantly but the ride packs in one more drop which gives off great airtime. The corkscrew after a very forceful, low-to-the-ground turn is has decent hangtime but the little turns and the airtime hills feel pointless. The ride recently though have picked up speed and give good airtime. I wish the second half of the ride was much better but the first half redeems it because of how intense it is.

  • Vinnie T

    Ejectors Rattle Disappointing! Discomfort

    This ride has probably one of the worst lap bars ever, even if you are thin... your legs would probably get cuts due to how sharp the sides are. Every turn, bump, and hill would make you feel like your legs are going to be torn off. The only thing going for this terrible ride is that is has great ejector in one hill before entering the lake and it's a classic, but everything else is nothing but pain.

  • Vinnie T

    Inversions Comfort Fun Rattle

    While not the most intense from this manufacturer, this is a really enjoyable floorless coaster. The vertical loop gives you decent hangtime. The dive loop and zero-g-roll are pretty forceless but are fun. The cobra roll is pretty smooth but into the mid-course break run is probably the roughest part of the ride. The helix and corkscrews are probably the best part of the ride. Other than the transition to the mid-course brake run, the ride is really smooth and is really fun. The effects... while cool but in my opinion, it doesn't add anything to the ride, one time when I went through the spraying auger thing, my eye got hit with water... that was uncomfortable but I close my eyes from now on. It doesn't have a long line either and is the only big coaster in the park (other than Kingda Ka) that can accommodate plus size individuals.

  • Danilo G.


    So much fun for the kids

  • Danilo G.

    Rattle Harness Dead spots

    Nice for such an old coaster, but the second half is pointless!

  • Marijke D.

    Disappointing! Dead spots

    Lay-out looks nice, but unfortunately it's too slow to really benefit from all the twists and drops. Also too many dead spots.

  • Vinnie T

    Theming Discomfort Pointless

    I hate spinning wild mouse coasters, and I'm glad this piece of trash is leaving the park. I only rode one side but that was enough for me. The ride wasn't painful (like Exterminator at Kennywood), neither did it spin so fast that it made me sick (like Ragin' Cajun at Six Flags America). This one was trimmed to death, it is a very boring ride. I prefer good rides over good theming but this ride had none... and it's at a Disney park. The theming for the ride is hideous, doesn't fit in Animal Kingdom at all. Good riddance to this drivel, I hope something better (like an actual coaster with some intensity) could be at it's place.