• 手取Fishland

    Inversions Launch Intensity Capacity Airtimes


  • 手取Fishland

    Airtimes Theming Dead spots


  • Nyargleblargle

    Comfort Fun Dead spots

    Solid family coaster but nothing exceptional about the ride experience.

  • Nyargleblargle

    First Drop Intensity Discomfort Dead spots

    Very weird but very fun. Had to ride it twice to figure out what was going on.

  • Nyargleblargle

    Fun Ejectors Hangtime

    Another RMC where every moment is perfectly crafted. Designed to race, otherwise the pacing is a little wonky.

  • Nyargleblargle

    Launch Hangtime Dead spots

    The roughness complaints are significantly overblown. A rare coaster where every moment is memorable, just weakened by the melodramatic mid-course lift.

  • Nathan F

    First Drop Intensity Layout Discomfort

    X2 is extremely aggressive. The inversions are aggressive. The train's spin is aggressive. The first drop is aggressive. It is an absolute beast. The spin is a little clunky and uncomfortable, but it's easy to overlook that because everything about this ride is absolutely outstanding!

  • Luca Boucher

    Airtimes Intensity Duration Disappointing! Dead spots

    I went into this coaster with really low expectations, and based off of my first ride, it met my expectations. However throughout the day Voyage warmed up immensely. By my 6pm dusk ride, it was flying. When it has warmed up Voyage is a constant barrage of intense, aggressive elements with many airtime moments scattered throughout the course. Even by the end of the day the first 2 massive airtime hills had ejector. I’d say highlights of this coaster include the banking double down in the twister section which provides two abrupt moments of ejector with powerful laterals. Also the twisted hills in the second half were exceptional, throwing you in every direction. Night rides on this ride are overwhelming, the turbulent layout is further enhanced as you are blind to all the oncoming elements, making it a truly unique night ride. I was also lucky enough to have it run trimless for one ride as the ride was down for a few minutes before due to a person having a nose bleed, making the second half even more brutal. I’d say this coaster would be in my top 3 if it were not for the tame morning rides I got on it.

  • Luca Boucher

    Airtimes Ejectors Inversions

    The ride starts with a surprisingly fun, barrel roll down drop which has some decent whip, however I do prefer normal drops. The ride then powers through a really strong and sustained airtime hill, providing a couple seconds of intense ejector even stronger than hills on rides such as El Toro which even I was profoundly surprised by. The ride then enters a good overbank which has good laterals on the entrance and exit to the elements. The ensuing two twisted airtime hills provide exceptionally strong airtime with violent laterals. The second hill stands out as one of my favourite elements, delivering some of the strongest ejector I’ve experienced with some borderline painful laterals. The subsequent overbank provides a good jolt of laterals, acting as a small relent before the following airtime hill which is similar to the first airtime hill but with slightly stronger air but less sustained. Then the ride enters its most boring element, a fun zero g roll which has good floater, however right after this more relaxing element, the coaster violently jolts with an extremely strong pop of ejector and a brutal slam of laterals. The second hill of the trick track double up while less violent is still strong and sustained, however at this point in the ride it can be somewhat painful just because of the sheer savagery of this coaster. The ride concludes with a double up with strong but sharp ejector that isn’t sustained which enters a fun helix which marks the end of the ride. Every time I was left breathless primarily due to the unrivalled aggression this ride has, I’d definitely say it’s the most aggressive RMC, giving it a spot high in my rankings.

  • Luca Boucher

    Airtimes Fun Layout Inversions

    While this coaster doesn’t have the strongest ejector, most of the hills deliver ejector and there’s just so much of it. Some of the highlights of this ride include the first two massive hills, both providing some of the best sustained ejector, especially the outward banked turn. I also loved the drop off the MCBR which had strong ejector and the wave turn which provided a brief but strong moment of sideways ejector. I’d say there are no boring points on this ride, and most elements give ejector. I’d say this ride is noticeably worse when trimmed, luckily two of my three rides were trimless. So I’d say objectively this ride is almost flawless, however it doesn’t really cater to my tastes, despite that it is so fun and I was blown away by every ride I had on Steel Vengeance.