• Manuel G.

    Pace Fun Intensity Discomfort

    A very violent wild mouse that was so much fun because the amount of aggressiveness was totally unexpected. Brakes at the end were violent on the non-fun-side, though.

  • Manuel G.

    Theming Fun Discomfort

    Decent wild mouse with very narrow trains. Quite nicely themed in the lower part. Not very aggressive but you can never go wrong with these curves.

  • Manuel G.

    First Drop Pace Ejectors Theming

    Long time never a ride on this and when I finally got to do it, I was positively surprised. I imagined this thing to be overhyped immensely, but can see where its reputation comes from. After going up the fast cable lift hill providing you with a great overview of the layout, the drop - as usual - offers vastly different experiences in the front and the back. While the front slowly exposes you to the steepness of the drop and finally lets you plummet down, the back row is clearly where its at. It feels like multiple stages of "WHOA!" in quick succession, until you finally realize, you are really being pulled down that seemingly vertical drop that fast and completely fly out of your seat. You really do not feel being connected to the coaster for a moment, but rather like you were skydiving or something. I think it is amazing. If you prefer drops that feel very long, this might not be for you, though, as it is over quite quickly. Now you are going full speed over the first airtime hill. This does not feel like the strongest airtime of the ride, but the longest. And for its duration its still incredibly strong! So the opening is great. You take a curve and then your second airtime hill. This is my favourite out of the larger hills, your thighs will immediately remind you of that. Absolutely strong ejector. I had a tendency to imagine Senator Palpatine screaming his "unlimited-power"-line before my eyes, when I rode this hill. Now imagine Werner Stengel saying this line in his office. It's hilarious. I'm getting off track. The layout in general is very smart, comprising little element-diversity, but is done in a way that it is still not very predictable for the first couple of rides. Also, the timing of the elements is perfect, for me personally there are no dead spots. The transition roughly halfway through the track is another highlight, giving a little bit of air in conjunction with the surprisingly noticeable change of direction (nothing violent though). Final bunny hops provide equally strong ejector airtime again and provide a great closer. Constantly strong positives in between the hills are present, as well. Seems like a description of a 5-star-ride. It is not for me and that has all got to do with the park. It is a mystery to me, how a ride of this quality can be presented so cheaply. The station building is a joke (I heard it didn't even have one for a long time), as is the "tent" for the second train. The ride would immensely benefit from a proper soundtrack (it actually had one once), but is now sponsored by a radio station and has to endure weak remixes of sub-par chart songs. Immediate fairground atmosphere, but not in a good way. The bleeched orange colour of the track totally mismatches the cheap-looking yellow trains, that make you hope their underlying structure is of greater stability. If it weren't for the beautiful forest this park can use to its advantage, this coaster's overall presentation would be a disaster. I developed no emotional connection to the coaster at all, because the park as a whole gave me no incentive to want to come back (which would be just for this ride anyway). That is kind of a tragedy, because out of its European sibling coasters Goliath at WH and (more remotely) Colossos at Heide Park, as a ride this is the best of the three for me - just not far ahead enough to compensate for the overall experience.

  • Manuel G.

    Airtimes First Drop Fun Dead spots

    Fun coaster. Very fun! Trains are comfortable and send you down a fantastic first drop. I believe it is so satisfying because it increases its intensity step by step, until it finally reaches a level you would not have believed it would reach. Every following airtime hill is great. Me personally, I like these rodeo-like short bursts of airtime more than the sustained ones (Helix). The dead spots are the turns in the latter half though, it would have been a 4-star-ride with them being faster. A coaster that proves that extreme stats are not needed for a thoroughly fun experience.

  • Mark McGivern

    Intensity Headbanging

    The only tolerable Boomerang.

  • Manuel G.

    Theming Launch Intensity Discomfort Dead spots

    A lot of thought was put into the design of this coaster overhaul and it totally paid off. The cue line is a fantastic attraction in itself, that is not to be spoiled in this review. The train hardware is quite uncomfortable, but alright for most people, I guess. Light and sound effects in the launch tunnel are fantastic and the launch is surprisingly strong for its age and technology. It really can compete with some much more recent launches and packs a punch! The entrance into the sea serpent roll features very strong positives and ends a great opening. The rest of the layout is mediocre and it can be argued it doesn't work outdoors. I did not find it too bad, because it always provides some amount of force, but it surely leaves something to be desired. The ending sequence in the subway provides a great closer, though. All in all, this is gonna be a controversial attraction in terms of ratings. Personally, I have a soft spot for this coaster, consider it the third best coaster in the park and am willing to look past its shortcomings.

  • Manuel G.

    First Drop Nice surprise! Intensity Too short

    The onboard soundtrack, when it works (which it did on may last visit), is a cool addition to a rollercoaster classic, that I like to ride from time to time for its quite heavy forces (especially going backwards through the loop), but which I do not find to be really amazing because of its generic and short nature. Surely not bad, but nothing you really want to ride a lot either.

  • Manuel G.

    First Drop Comfort Hangtime

    A great addition to the park with interesting and creative theming. Starts off with a bang as after you have climbed the very fast lift hill, you drop down almost instantly and intensely followed by a very brief but strong airtime moment on a bunnyhop. After that the coaster loses quite a lot of steam though and huge parts of the rest of the layout are not very memorable (except for the hangtime). The mediocrity of these parts prevent it from getting a higher ranking, but I still like it quite a bit. Trains are super comfortable and the coaster is very smooth.

  • Manuel G.

    Inversions Intensity Layout Rattle Discomfort

    While I am very tolerant with rattly and jolty rides, this thing towards the back of the train was not enjoyable, as it not only tracked badly but also gave me a beating at one point of the track (that I don't recall exactly), that made me feel like my back had just broken in half. A front row ride redeemed this prime candidate for the world's-ugliest-color-scheme-award, though. The drop feels like nothing everywhere, but I feel the layout is actually underappreciated and is also quite forceful. I think it's a solid ride, but only if you get a good seat. Is that a compliment? You decide.

  • Manuel G.

    Location Pace Layout Too short

    Lech is an amazing coaster, that only narrowly misses the 5-star-category, mainly because of its duration. The theming of the ride and the station is well done and the trains are really comfortable, despite the relatively tight shoulder restraints. A fast lift carries you up to the first drop, which is one of my favourite drops ever. It's got that Expedition-Geforce-style twist, but is also so steep, that you are flung out of your seats and into the restraints like crazy. What follows is an excellently flowing mix of inversions and great airtime moments, tight corners and all of it in a very compact layout. This means pretty strong G-forces, but I personally did not find them to be stupidly extreme, as people often say. I have had no problem with re-rides, but some people in our group have reported the same kind of grey-outs other people talked about. A highlight moment of the ride is the station-fly-through, which is great fun for the people in the cue. Pacing in general is perfect and I would consider pacing an outstanding characteristic of the ride. If only it felt a bit longer and bigger, it would venture into the territory of the very best coasters I know.