• Micha Tirion

    First Drop Pace Ejectors Rattle

    Great pacing, fantastic airtime, the first drop is wicked. Shame it has the intamin rattle in the back car, which is by the way not bothersome.

  • Sam Boskovic

    Theming Intensity

    This is way more intense than it looks, especially in the back few carts. Theming really completes it especially with the pre show

  • Sam Boskovic

    Fun Smoothness

    Tame but fun. A good coaster to start the day off and surprisingly smooth in the first section especially. Best on the first go for obvious reasons.

  • Vape rios


    Really Fun ! A mix between a kiddie and a wild mouse. I really enjoyed it

  • Proxy 303

    Airtimes Masterpiece Smoothness Lap Bar

    Lots of speed, no MCBR, plenty of airtime. Everything good about the Hurler, minus everything bad about the Hurler. Excellent ride. My one complaint is the lap bar with shin guards, those hurt my legs a bit.

  • Proxy 303

    Airtimes Fun Smoothness Capacity

    Super fun! Rode it at Hershey a few months back, and it instantly became my favorite at the park. Easily the smoothest coaster I’ve ever been on, features tons of airtime, and some really snappy twists and turns. Would give it 6 stars if I could.

  • Proxy 303

    First Drop Capacity Intensity Rattle Disappointing! Discomfort

    The continuously moving station is BRILLIANT, and it would make for a really cool addition for an otherwise good coaster (like Hagrid’s motorbike coaster) Unfortunately, the continuously moving station is one of the only things I liked about Rockit. The vertical lift was fun, really added tension. The first drop, although somewhat underwhelming, was quite fun. However, after that it was just horrible. I couldn’t focus on my ride because I was too busy trying not to get a concussion. The ride is extremely jarring, with a lot of rattle and shaking. The mid course brake runs (there are four of them) kill a lot of the momentum, but the ride still seems excessively fast on the helix before the second MCBR. I almost blacked out. The music selection thing was a neat feature, although the song options are quite limited. The layout is cool, if they could fix the rattle it would be a truly fun ride. But it’s just too shaky for me. If you’re alright with shaky coasters, then I recommend Rockit, but if not then I’d suggest skipping it.

  • Loïc H.

    Airtimes Pace Smoothness Theming Capacity

    This coaster is worth the trip to Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World (train + DiDi to reach it from Shanghai). The overall speed and the top hat + first inversion is just insane, the rest of the layout is great but maybe missing a longer element like a stall. Overall it is a great coaster !

  • Unworthy Rider

    Launch Fun Intensity

    The launch goes so fast but the train is silent because you literally can’t scream. Just an incredibly intense, unforgettable experience. Front seat is the best.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Pace Rattle Layout

    Front seat is the best where you can feel the speed better. The airtimes are also really good in the front. Airtimes in the middle and back were not as good, and the back seat had a persistent rattle. As for that boring straight section, they couldn't have put in a little airtime hill or something? Also, it feels like half the ride is spent in a helix. That element is definitely overdone here.