• Philipp König

    Launch Fun Intensity

    Sky Scream is a fun Ride, very intense as well.

  • אדר פופקו

    Lap Bar Comfort Hangtime Capacity

    altough short,sky sping gets a pretty good repoitation from me as the best coaster at skyline parks.originally opened in 2004 and was the first skyloop,its still holds up to this day,meaning its a great first coaster.first of all,the hangtime,those hangtimes on those skyloops is just insane and offers a nice amount of hangtime,a great fun to all of the riders.the lap bars makes this ride so good,its brwly presses to you knees and thats makes the ride great,its also so smooth and yes,it is short but this is a prototype,meaning this is the first try for them.altough, i will improve the operations which were slow and they can only send one train at the time.still tho,this ride is great and i feeling that wth rides like abismo,the company learned there kistakes and improve quicky overtime.and yes,it is cool and the hangtime is great on this.

  • אדר פופקו

    Lap Bar Layout Rattle Discomfort

    this ride is not that good of a maurer spinning coaster,originally build in 2003 at a diffrenet,english park,this ride still doenst hold up to thiss day,i tho say,the layout and the spinning are pretty fun like most Maurer coaster and es,the lap bars are pretty comfortable,the ride have this big rattle which is really uncomforttable.the ride spinning isnt that comfortabble and can somtimes give you a headbanging,and as i said,altough this layout have been cloned,i still thought it looked fun but the ride itself have those flaws that i really didnt enjoyed that much.i must say if they decided to smooth it a little more it will be a good spinning coaster but now its just an uncomforttable ride which can be relocated easily to another park.

  • אדר פופקו

    Fun Smoothness Layout Too short Capacity Layout

    this ride was a mixed bag for me,as the last ride by dutch manufater Caripro and the only one of its kind,that coaster does somthings good but other things it could done better,first of all the ride is smooth,not denying that out and slides well with the track,even for a prototype.the ride was overall pretty fu and good to ride on since its offered many good views and the slightly spinning cars add some thrill factor to this ride.however,the ride could hacve done more,the layout,while quarky and wacky,is could get pretty good and maybe use some work,i think it could be longer to match the style of the ride,since its not that intense and relise on the views, i think a longer ride is needed to make it much more fun to the audience to rde.the layout could use more spinning to the cars.the operatons and capcity arent that good either and that really brings the ride down on a busy day,but even with those flaws,the ride is still fun and i belive you must go and ride this little coaster just to have a fun time.

  • אדר פופקו

    Launch Pace Smoothness Dead spots

    for a prototype,this Maurer coaster done well for getting good repotation and this is what the park needed in my opinion,beacuse its a prototype,i didnt expected that good of a ride here,but still i was wrong as the ride is a cool powered coaster that you must ride.first of all the launch(which technically its not since the whole coaster operatedon power,but ill still call it a launch since its moving fast on a straight track) went great and offered a good amount of force(max force for the ride-1.2 G's) and went smooth as butter,the whole ride went so smooth that it was aweasome and good.the ride also offered a great pace as the ride went smoothly beetween the track,unfortunally,the ride have some dead spots which brings this ride down,like the airtime was neat but not as expected and some turns wasnt as intense as i thought and even the pacing can be a little slow but still,its just a prototype and i feel like they learning from theyre mistake and giving us some better coasters to ride,and im reccomanding this coasters to all the theme park lovers in germany.

  • Danilo G.

    First Drop Theming Layout Too short

    Fun to ride and fun to look at! Love the theming at the station and the colour of the track. You can get some nice views at the top.

  • אדר פופקו

    Fun Smoothness Dead spots Layout Intensity

    Kids spin is mostly your typicall SBF visa spinning fmaily coaster,a model which have been cloned to death,however its still a good kiddy coaster to this park.the ride is smooth as all those SBF coasters are and slides well with the track,the ride is also pretty cool looking with this trains,gives it a really cleaning look and the spinning factor made it much more fun kiddy coasters than other kiddy the park could have get.this ride,however,have ben dont to death as i said earlier,the layout is not that good and have some spots which were pretty lame and as a kiddy coaster,it isnt that intense but still,its a much better kiddy coaster than what they could get and this could be great for kids' first spinning coaster.

  • Danilo G.

    Airtimes First Drop Smoothness Dead spots

    A wooden airtime machine! The turns are pretty dead and it felt like it was losing it’s power at some times, but it is still a great woodie.

  • Danilo G.

    Inversions Smoothness Duration Launch

    Just WOW! I love this ride so much, if it only had more intense launches it would be even better, but it sure is one of the best coasters i’ve ever ridden. I wish i could add more pros to this one; lay-out, Capacity, hangtime, airtime, soundtrack, comfort,... HELIX just has it all.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Comfort Layout Capacity Dead spots

    this wild cat did not disapoint me,it was originally named Achterbahn and was in a diffrenet location at the park,yes,for me this is a cool looking coaster with the great ride it gave.the ride have an intrestig layout for me since its like a much better zyklon coaster you can find on theme parks but with some changes added into it.the ride is smooth, i maybe felt a little rattle but that was fine and i still managed to enjoy this ride abd have a great time on it,for a zyklon,the airtimes were pretty cool and provide some good airtimes at the drops.howver, i fell like the ride needed more extiment,zyklon coasters arent that exsiting coaster to ride and this one have also some dead spots,like the slow turns which got faster in the second half.also the capcity isnt that great on the ride,the ride is a Single car trained which riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 4 riders per car.and with long turns,the operations arent that great on this park.but still,i would have loved to get back on that and expreince this fun,little coaster again.