• Elijah C.

    Theming Intensity Smoothness

    I wish I could select more pros. Specifically, I think it has great capacity, comfort, layout, fun, airtime, etc. I really enjoy how the ride twists and turns through the rockwork at the beginning quite unpredictably. I believe this is caused by the rocks obstructing the visibility of the track ahead. I also enjoy the way the second launch feels. It feels much faster than it really is. I also really enjoy the arcs over the path in the second half of the ride. I only have a few very specific cons that don't appear on the list I can pick from. The narrow hallway in the required locker system for all loose items makes it difficult to navigate. It also doesn't help that all locker sections can't be seen from the room's entrance, so most guests just pick the first few lockers, blocking the path. Unless attendants tell you otherwise, try to walk to the back of the room and there is most likely a locker available. All the other minor issues I have with this ride are quite insignificant.

  • Carrie C.

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun Too short

    It has good theming

  • Daan Bruins

    Theming Nice surprise! Location Too short

    Now THIS is how you theme a Vekoma Junior. There is a literal walkthrough in the queue line themed to the sewers, a laser show on the lift hill, a jumpscare effect, a short hop to outside and a starry night sky effect all for an indoor vekoma junior coaster. The only thing holding it back is its length, as like most Vekoma Juniors, it's very short.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Fun Intensity

    The intensity leaves me exhausted after every ride. I love it! This is an awesome GCI that, like Prowler, is very underrated. Great airtimes, laterals and speed. It maintains its intensity throughout, and it feels much faster than 51 mph. The airtimes are outstanding in the front. The back feels a little more intense overall, but loses a little of the airtime. As with Prowler, I avoid the middle seats because they rattle too much. The twisting first drop is really fun, especially in the back. One of my top woodies. Front and back seats put this solidly in my top 20.

  • Theme Park Avenue

    I first rode this nearly 10 years ago, and over those 10 years it has garnered a reputation as being forceless, overrated, and even downright bad. I have ridden Millennium Force at least 20 times in my life, and I've been waiting for the day it grows off me. That hasn't happened yet. Millennium Force is just as good, if not better, than it always was. The whole experience is the perfect balance of fun and thrilling. The lift hill is without a doubt my favorite on any roller coaster, taking you to the top quite quickly and providing views of the gorgeous park and the rest of Lake Erie. Then as you slowly crest the hill, the fear starts to kick in, and the drop is my favorite first drop of any roller coaster. It just goes on forever and give amazing airtime. Following this, the layout does not have anything super wacky. That said, the overbanks, airtime hills, and low to the ground turns all do exactly what they should perfectly. The first turn through the tunnel provides sustained positive forces that make most of Intimidator 305 seem weak. The three airtime hills are all fantastic, with the speed hill alongside the station being an absolute joy. The sense of speed is what really ties this ride together, since it feels like you're going 90mph the whole time. All in all, there is nothing I dislike about Millennium Force. No matter what row you're in or what time you ride, it offers a near perfect experience. From the killer station music to the ride itself, I'm entertained the whole way through. It is nearly 25 years old, so it makes sense that it does not hold up for everybody, but for me, this ride is timeless, and I think even as new insane roller coasters are developed, this ride will stay standing for decades or even centuries to come.

  • Theme Park Avenue

    Maverick is the blueprint. Every modern Intamin blitz coaster that people praise, Maverick, VelociCoaster, Taiga, is building upon Maverick's brilliant design. Maverick's layout is so insane that its heartline roll was removed due to its intensity. The way the ride is, I'm amazed the rest of it is still allowed. The forces you feel on those turns are shocking, and I use to confuse them for roughness because of how draining this ride is. Maverick is definitely not for everyone, but the pacing is utterly flawless and despite being much slower than Intimidator 305, this is a much more consistently forceful experience than that ride. Even those who don't like the intensity of this ride can still appreciate some elements of it. The first drop startling and the tunnel launch, especially at night, is one of my favorite launches on any roller coaster. I don't think Maverick could ever be replicated today because of its intensity, but it's a nearly unbeatable experience for any adrenaline junkie and is among the very best launch coasters I've ever ridden.

  • Theme Park Avenue

    Time to review everything at Cedar Point. Steel Vengeance has developed a reputation as the best coaster in the world for many, but with time, that hype has faded. I think the hype made the ride worse for some people, so this ride is like the Hamilton of roller coasters. However, while I admit it is not my number 1 anymore and it is not perfect, I still think it's one of the absolute best roller coasters. Steel Vengeance focuses on what RMC does best: airtime. I think this ride still has the best overall airtime of any RMC. From the first drop to the following hill to the outer bank to the finale, each one is different and gives the feeling of weightlessness or getting thrown around that you would expect from floater or ejector airtime. No other RMC has as many top tier airtime moments. This ride is also incredibly long, but it never loses steam. Even with the midcourse break run, the second half of the ride always feels aggressive. The only issue is that the finale does slow down substantially on cold mornings. This is the only noteworthy flaw I can say and it's very situational. What more is there to say? This ride is a marvel of roller coaster engineering and I think some people overlook how impressive the layout really is because they instead talk about how it compares to the hype. For me, the ride lives up to the height and is an easy 5 stars. A must for any American theme park fan.

  • Theme Park Avenue

    I'm feeling generous. It's definitely better than Time Warp, but this is just an awful ride. Avoid if you can.

  • Theme Park Avenue

    Absolute classic. The dragon tunnel is iconic for me and I think the pacing, smoothness, and airtime are all understated overall. It's not as intense as a modern wooden coaster, but this is one of the better classic woodies in my opinion and the park clearly takes good care of it. I definitely recommend it if you ever end up in Rye.

  • Dom W.

    Pace Masterpiece Intensity

    Let me just start with this. I prefer positive g force, pure speed, and pure sustained ejector or floater airtime over quick pops of airtime, pacing also plays a huge part in how I rank rides. I also have an extremely high g force tolerance and I have to be very very dehydrated to start greying out. That being said, Intimidator 305 is in my opinion, truly the greatest coaster ever made. It has insane speed, positive gs that cause most to grey or black out (even if I didn’t since I rode it right after having a meal and drinking a bunch of water) and insane sustained ejector airtime, insane airtime pops from the lateral snaps. This is truly THE greatest coaster ever in my opinion and I don’t believe anything can beat it. It’s absolutely perfect. The transitions were designed in a masterful way, so that while you’re viciously being tossed around by the ride you get ejected out of your seat on the snaps. There is no coaster that can ever beat this ride for me, it’s absolutely the perfect roller coaster. If you haven’t ridden it, ride it asap. I love this ride. One of the 2 coasters I consider to truly be a perfect coaster. Nothing will ever beat it. It’s unreal.