• Insane Coasters

    Launch Intensity

    Best launch on any coaster and you actually get some airtime over the top hat and speed hill. It’s still too short but it’s still too 10 for me

  • A unknown man FAce

    Airtimes Intensity Layout

    My first ever ride on this was a night ride. Blasting out of that tunnel was something else. The airtime is pretty good. This is just such a fun ride. And being right next to steel vengeance this makes frontier town the best part of the park. CP has one of the best one two punch. The first drop is so forceful, being only 105 feet tall im surprised they could fit a 95 degree drop in, and since they did it give a lot of ejector airtime. If i could ride this ride forever i would.

  • トシキ カイ

    First Drop Comfort Masterpiece


  • トシキ カイ

    Airtimes Inversions Disappointing! Layout


  • A unknown man FAce

    Tear it down! Pointless Layout

    I made a big mistake by riding this pile of shit, holy moly this thing was rough. It sucks, i got a jolt on the turn around after the inversion, it hurt like fuck. Came of this ride feeling assaulted. This ride hurt me emotionally.

  • David Parrett

    Ice Breaker was probably my favorite at this park because it doesn’t give me a headache and it has more thrill than Pipeline. It’s good for families but I wish its capacity was better. The swing launch was great with pops of airtime.

  • David Parrett

    Pipeline was fun with that signature flying feeling being off my feet a bunch of times. It’s a good ride but I don’t think it’s a mind blowing one, just good solid fun.

  • David Parrett

    Mako is a good B&M hyper, it does everything well but didn’t really leave a big impression on me. Goliath at SFoG does the same thing with way more floater time and just a better layout.

  • David Parrett

    This was a smooth smaller Schwarzkopf that is worth a ride for sure. I love these older ones when they are well maintained. The ride deserves a fresh coat of paint though so I hope the park spruces this up.

  • Commander Colt

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Discomfort

    The RMC track that they've added really makes most of this ride very smooth. It is definitely worth a ride. There are still some sections of roughness, however, Fun Spot has done a good job making this smoother than it previously was.