• Caleb Vines

    Capacity Pace Smoothness Harness Intensity

    Had a great first experience on a B&M wing. The laterals in the corkscrews on a wing coaster are so unique that it's worth doing once, and the launch feels impactful in a way I've never experienced before. Smooth as silk through the whole layout with basically zero grit or discomfort in the track. The harness is pretty grim if you're tall. I'm 6'0 and felt pretty compressed. Be prepared for the first couple elements as well--I was greying out from launch until after the first loop.

  • Caleb Vines

    Airtimes Location Rattle Headbanging Discomfort

    Made the mistake of riding the back row...never again. The location is incredible and the layout is better than many other woodys I've had the pleasure of riding, but it's like going 9 rounds with Tyson in the back. Take some Tylenol before riding, and definitely secure your loose elements.

  • Caleb Vines

    Pace Layout Duration Headbanging

    Biggest surprise of the park! I expected this to be a significant step down from Voyage, but Legend really holds its own. I rode in the back car and, while it was a little whippy, it was absolutely the right call. Experiencing the crushing laterals of the second half's helixes along with bonus back-row airtime from the drops and double down was reminiscent of The Boss in its early days (SFSL is my home park--this is high praise). I'll have dreams about popping in and out of the helix tunnels for the rest of my life The ONLY thing that holds this back from a 5 is scale by comparison. Voyage is a little bigger and a little more intense, but Legend could be a star attraction in nearly any other mid-America park.

  • Caleb Vines

    Nice surprise! Location Harness Airtimes

    This is a just okay ride in a one-of-a-kind location. The views you get of the Vegas strip (especially at night!) are unmatched by so many other coasters. The ride itself, with the comfort collar/lap bar, is comfortable enough through its thrilling but uninspired layout. Ops are pretty poor and the price per ride is frankly concerning. For a coaster enthusiast, the unique flavor of this ride's location and views will make it a memorable credit. Unfortunately, you won't really remember the ride itself.

  • Caleb Vines

    Theming Comfort Smoothness Too short Capacity

    Nice theming for a park with a lot of traditional (read: boring) queues. Unfortunately, it doesn't really differentiate itself from any other boomerang clones, except that it has the smoothness of a new ride--a rare experience on a boomerang.

  • Caleb Vines

    Discomfort Tear it down! Dead spots

    My first coaster as a child, and 26 years it's the exact same ride (derogatory). History and tight pockets are the only reason this thing is still standing. It's old, poorly maintained, jerky, shockingly uncomfortable, and despite always being a walk on it feels like it takes ten minutes to get started. I hope the new family coaster at SFSL finally encourages Six Flags to rip out this waste of space and put something memorable in its place.

  • Caleb Vines

    Intensity Layout Duration Headbanging

    Truly a work of art. Maybe the single best layout I've ever experienced; the first drop is breathtaking and I will never forget the feeling dropping into the second half tunnels. It's fast, aggressive, and absolutely relentless. There isn't a single dead spot in the experience. My only complaint is that it could really use a little smoothing out. There's a line between wooden coaster charm and pregaming with two Motrin, and while it's absolutely worth the headache Voyage is riding that line.

  • Drew Laing

    Airtimes First Drop Comfort

    Best coaster in the UK by a country mile! Almost impossible to find fault, it’s not a long ride but it certainly isn’t too short either! I could and would ride this all day!

  • Max S.


    This one was not that bad and is my first bobsled-type coaster. It was a unique experience to other coasters I've ridden and gave you that feeling of being out of control since you're sliding down a slide in these heavy train cars. It's missing any type of force in my opinion since there is no opportunity for airtime and I don't remember any lateral forces (possibly some on the tight helixes). The rattle was brutal and you can feel it throughout your body. I thought the lion roar in the middle over the speaker was kind of cute though. I'm glad I experienced it but I will probably go to other coasters if I visit this park again and skip this one. 2.5/5 stars

  • Nemesis Reborn4152

    First Drop Lap Bar Comfort Too short

    A really fun family ride. The first drop is cool an is better than the final helix in my opinion