• Robert A.

    Location Harness Discomfort Tear it down!

    The ride isn't shaky enough to call it rough, but it is shaky enough to be an endurance test that is just not a good time at all in combination with the awful restraints. I enjoyed a very little amount of this ride, and it's simply not worth doing again for the slivers that I liked. "Defensive riding" in order to not come off in pain turns the ride into something that is completely unfun as you spend the whole thing bracing for whatever's next instead of, you know, liking what you're riding.

  • Sam P.

    Airtimes First Drop Masterpiece Lap Bar

    Megafobia was always an awesome ride, but it had got quite unbearably rough. Now though, after the Gravity Group completed a partial retrack, the ride is back into the elite tier of woodies. The first drop is absolutely incredible, full on standing airtime at the back of the train, and you get more of the same on the second drop too. I love the newly added double down and double up, they add a lot and again give superb airtime. The rest of the layout is the same, and that's fine by me because it's the perfect combination of airtime and aggressive laterals. There is still one moment of jolt but otherwise its running like a dream, which allows you to enjoy all that insane airtime. I'm so glad that Oakwood spent the money on Megafobia to turn it once again into an elite ride, and I hope it continues to get the care and attention a ride this good deserves to have

  • Rosie

    Theming Nice surprise! Smoothness Too short Dead spots

    Fun coaster, not worth the queues it gets. More reliable in the rain than it used to be.

  • Rosie

    Theming Location Too short

    single rider is a godsend on this, decently fun but not worth a queue

  • Rosie

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun Capacity

    the better one

  • Rosie

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun Capacity

    get TILTED

  • Rosie

    Theming Intensity Harness

    "Phantasialand can we have Nemesis?" "We have Nemesis at home." Nemesis at home:

  • Bryce Blanch

    First Drop Ejectors Dead spots

    Amazing ride with straight ejector. Its like a mini Twisted Timbers. The end roughness is literally on a turnaround, everyone is complaining about s literal turnaround. Long turns are a bit boring

  • Bryce Blanch

    Airtimes Lap Bar Too short

    Pretty fun and my lap bar barely came down. It is a bit short though

  • Elan G.

    Launch Pace Fun Harness Reliability

    This was so fun! It’s the perfect mix of dueling, intensity, speed, launches, and inversions. The high five gives decent lateral airtime. Each of the corkscrews are awesome, and the dueling really adds to it. Watching the other train fly around you that close is AWESOME!! It’s the closest you can get to being an FPV drone. The second launch was also surprising. Having only felt the Skyrocket II launches as far as Premier goes, this had so much more kick to it. It’s only a split second but the acceleration is sudden. The theming is also decent. The biggest downside are the comfort collars. They don’t hurt as much as the Skyrocket II collars do (probably because it’s not as intense), but the pain is noticeable once you’re on the brakes. West Coast Racers also broke down right when the park opened. I’m not sure if this is a regular thing, but that can slow operations down when they cycle all three empty trains. Overall though, this is an amazing ride that has the perfect balance of everything.