Fun Harness Duration

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West Coast Racers features
Magnetic Launch (LIM/LSM)
Vest restraint
West Coast Racers
 5  Elan G.
West Coast Racers
 3  Coaster Nut
West Coast Racers
 3  Evangelion Martini
West Coast Racers
 3  Evangelion Martini
West Coast Racers
 2  Six Flags Magic Mountain
West Coast Racers
 1  Coaster Nut
West Coast Racers
 0  Blake S.
West Coast Racers
 0  Coaster Nut
Reviews  326
  • Dog C.
    Dog C. 2 months ago

    Intensity Smoothness Ejectors Harness

    Quite underwhelming high five element slaps and rest of layout is smooth and decent pace

  • paul h
    paul h 2 months ago

    Airtimes Fun Intensity Harness

    the hive five element is sick, harness is super annoying because one half of it was against my ear the whole ride. not exactly symmetrical restraints.

  • Ryan A.
    Ryan A. 2 months ago

    Fun Smoothness Duration Harness

    In one word, this ride is just fun. It doesnt make you crap yourself like X2 or try to kill you like Twisted Collosus, it is just a fun multi-launch dueling coaster. The harness isnt ideal, but didnt really bother me. It bridges the gap between family coasters and thrill machines nicely, and makes for a very enjoyable ride.

  • Caleb H.
    Caleb H. 3 months ago

    Comfort Layout Duration

    The ride is great. The comfort collars didn't bother me at all. Its nice also that you go around twice which adds to the fun

  • Luke Holbrook
    Luke Holbrook 3 months ago

    Fun Harness

    It is an awesome ride but when I rode this my ears were getting cut by the safety belts :(

  • joe m
    joe m 4 months ago

    Inversions Fun Duration Headbanging Harness Discomfort

    Fun family coaster. I just really wish they would ditch the "comfort" collars like premier did with Ice Breaker in Orlando. Really fun winding inversions and turn and you get to go around twice. This ride duels everytime (unlike the far superior dueling coaster in the same park) which is great. Solid addition to Magic Mountain's already stacked lineup.

  • Mark C.
    Mark C. 4 months ago

    Launch Smoothness Layout Capacity

    West Coast Racers is exceptionally good - way better than most people give it credit for. I didn’t find the restraints to be painful at all, just slightly claustrophobic in those small trains. The ride experience itself is really really cool. The dualing is SO CLOSE it feels like you can really grab someone’s hand on the other train at times. I love how this coaster hugs the ground and has very balanced forces. The maneuvers are very RMC-esque, but the forces are more floaty and regulated instead of intense, which I think fits the racing cars theme well. The biggest downside here is the capacity. This crew runs slow as molasses, which makes the experience of that halfway wait painfully long. I wish each side was its own separate track so you could run two trains on each track. On a slow day we waited 40 minutes for this. Can’t imagine how long of a wait it would have been if busy.

  • Peter Glenn Mihelich

    Comfort Launch Fun Capacity Harness

    The line for this ride seem to always be bad. But if you can catch it at an off time it's worth the ride. Very smooth, fun layout, and the dual adds excitement. Climbing into the cars is a bit difficult as it is extremely cramped. I'm 6'2" and 200lbs but in shape, and it takes contortion to get into the seat especially if you have to cross over the first chair. The harness seems excessive as well, a single lap bar would work much better than the over the shoulder which scraped my face as I pulled it over (you have to lift your arms just to get into the thing). However once you are wedged into your seat it's comfortable enough. It's a fun ride. Anything that guarantees a duel adds to the thrill of the experience.

  • Maximo Velasco García Year 8

    Super fun roller coaster! The dueling aspect is great and this coaster is extremely underrated in my opinion.

  • Alessio Romano
    Alessio Romano 6 months ago

    Inversions Fun Duration Harness Launch

    A good ride,very long and with good inversions that i found smooth and very enjoyable. The four launch you have during a ride are too weak for me and the harness are not the best.

  • Elan G.
    Elan G. 7 months ago

    Launch Pace Fun Rattle Harness Reliability

    This was so fun! It’s the perfect mix of dueling, intensity, speed, launches, and inversions. The high five gives decent lateral airtime. Each of the corkscrews are awesome, and the dueling really adds to it. Watching the other train fly around you that close is AWESOME!! It’s the closest you can get to being an FPV drone. The second launch was also surprising. Having only felt the Skyrocket II launches as far as Premier goes, this had so much more kick to it. It’s only a split second but the acceleration is sudden. The theming is also decent. The biggest downside are the comfort collars. They don’t hurt as much as the Skyrocket II collars do (probably because it’s not as intense), but the pain is noticeable once you’re on the brakes. West Coast Racers also broke down right when the park opened. I’m not sure if this is a regular thing, but that can slow operations down when they cycle all three empty trains. Overall though, this is an amazing ride that has the perfect balance of everything.

  • Jenny Wiehahn
    Jenny Wiehahn 8 months ago

    Airtimes Fun Smoothness Harness Launch

    great fun

  • Chris J.
    Chris J. 8 months ago

    Launch Fun Layout Harness

    The dueling is really cool and it has some awesome airtime moments and moments of positives. The operations were extremely slow when I was there and the collars suck but it's a great ride if you look past that.

  • K681 Coasters
    K681 Coasters 9 months ago

    Fun Intensity

    It actually duels

  • Proxy 303
    Proxy 303 9 months ago

    Nice surprise! Smoothness Dead spots

    A solid, fun, fast coaster, with a fun gimmick. Would have been more impressive if not followed by Twisted Colossus which uses the same gimmick better. The ride experience itself is perfectly fun, exceptionally smooth, and although it’s not the biggest or fastest in the park, it’s definitely enjoyable. The waiting time between the two ride sections is a bit annoying though, and it’s just not quite as good as the rest of the rides in the park. But it would easily be one of the best in any other park.

  • random 00
    random 00 10 months ago

    Nice surprise! Fun Duration Harness

    West coast racers was a really good surprise because I didnt know it went both tracks. The layout itself is fun and uses the dueling really well. But the "comfort" collars were bad as said. Some whippier transitions were uncomfortabke with them. Atleast they could have been made soft. On the white side the high five offers great airtime. Nice ride

  • Zach N.
    Zach N. 1 year ago

    Pace Fun Hangtime Harness Pointless

    West Coast Racers is decent. There's honestly no real problem with this ride (Besides comfort collars). The only thing is that the ride is literally just everything the park already had, specifically Twisted Colossus and Full Throttle. Making this ride obsolete and basically pointless. I did like this ride, but I don't see why I should wait in line for this when I can do the same thing for Twisted Colossus or Full Throttle for a better experience.

  • Sean R.
    Sean R. 1 year ago

    Theming Inversions Intensity

    Meh...a nice concept, but not enough intensity to make it noteworthy.

  • Zachary O.
    Zachary O. 1 year ago

    Fun Smoothness Launch Intensity

    Really enjoyable, nice that it’s very long, just wish it was more forceful, launches feel super weak.

  • Evan M.
    Evan M. 1 year ago

    Fun Smoothness Duration Harness Launch

    Fun ride but a little timid

  • David Parrett
    David Parrett 1 year ago


    This is so much better and more refined than previous Premier coasters. I usually just ride a Premier to get it out of the way, like the Flight of Fear clones or the Tempesto clones. This ride was just the right balance of intensity and fun while not being too forceful. If Premier can make this ride then I have a lot more respect for them. If I didn’t know better I would think Intamin made this.

  • Austin L.
    Austin L. 1 year ago

    Inversions Nice surprise! Fun

    Pretty underrated. Thought it was going to be worse but it ended up being one of my favorites in the whole park. Great theming, and the dueling aspect is done very well.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Inversions Fun Harness

    Fun ride, pretty underrated. The dueling is great and it has a couple moments that will leave you out of your seat, most notably the especially snappy wave turn. It also has a very long ride time.

  • Logan Rodriguez

    Nice surprise! Ejectors Headbanging Harness

    got on early in the day and was surprised by the quality of the ride. that high five element has some of the best ejector i've ever experienced, but unfortunately i did experience headbanging on the second half of the ride

  • Evosioa
    Evosioa 1 year ago

    Airtimes Inversions Fun Headbanging Harness

    The ride is great but hurts really bad

  • Niko Ramos
    Niko Ramos 1 year ago

    Airtimes Smoothness Layout Harness

    It was a very good ride, now if only there were no comfort collars. Seriously Six Flags, remove them. We don’t need them

  • Leo Dunsmuir
    Leo Dunsmuir 1 year ago

    Inversions Pace Fun

    I won the first time and lost the second but I think it is always like that. It is amazing with the launch the second isn’t the best though.

  • Coaster Nut
    Coaster Nut 1 year ago

    Fun Layout Duration Capacity

    My favorite racer and favorite moderate-thrill coaster. (TC might be my favorite racer if it had actually dueled!) Anyway, the layout is great and allows for cool interactions between the trains. Four fun launches, creative inversions, nice airtimes. Highly re-rideable. Capacity is an issue, though. The park was empty on my two days there (triple-digit temps), so every ride was usually a walk-on -- except for WC Racers with an average 30-minute wait. SLOW loading times. Also, OTSRs are a bit cumbersome. Still, a fun, fun, fun ride!!

  • Ruoning L.
    Ruoning L. 1 year ago

    Fun Disappointing!

    Both times I rode this, I waited almost 2 hours for this ride. It was fun but overrated in my opinion. Also when i was in line, it closed for 15 minutes.

  • Jamie N.
    Jamie N. 2 years ago

    Inversions Launch Harness

    Pretty solid ride. The fact that it dueled every time, unlike a certain other coaster in the park, is really nice. The interactions are just really fun, and the sequencing is amazing. The launches were forces full, and all of the elements just popped. But, the comfort collars were not very comfortable at all, and dug into me the entire ride which made it hard to enjoy. But still an amazing, forceful layout.

  • Theresa Byrne
    Theresa Byrne 2 years ago

    I’m a pretty big coaster fan loved the movie Cars when I was a baby

  • Brendan K.
    Brendan K. 2 years ago

    Fun Ejectors Harness

    amazing ride but the harness really ruins it. I tried to keep my hands up for the majority of the ride, but I had to put them down to protect my ears from how much pain they were in.

  • Logan O.
    Logan O. 2 years ago

    Airtimes Theming Smoothness Harness

    I'm extremely glad Six Flags learned their mistake from Twisted Colossus and created a ride that consistently duels, which was a huge plus for me. The racing effect was amazing, the theming was good, and the layout was pretty fun, but it's a bit mediocre.

  • LolUrDad !
    LolUrDad ! 2 years ago

    Airtimes Fun Duration Harness Intensity

    This ride is underrated. The first half has some great airtime and hangtime while the second half just shows off its dueling. My favorite part is the high five. It throws you into it so hard and you get laterally ejected. I don’t like the restraints though

  • Vivaan Chopra
    Vivaan Chopra 2 years ago

    Inversions Launch Pace Theming Capacity Harness

    Literally only 12 can ride at a time, which creates gigantic wait times making this ride not worth it. The station literally is a paint and fabric, the worst themed station I’ve ever seen. Launch is good, inversions are excellent, duration is really good and the racing is more competitive than twisted colossus. However, harness was really uncomfortable and choked me at times. Not really worth the really high wait, but definitely ride once.

  • Natasha Evans
    Natasha Evans 2 years ago

    Fun Harness

    I waited 3 years to ride this thing, and when I finally did, it was... eh. Not the new gen Chiller I thought it would be. At least it's fun.

  • cres sidalia
    cres sidalia 2 years ago

    Airtimes Fun Layout Capacity Harness

    I had a blast on this ride. I love the dueling aspect, and it’s so cool how you get 2 rides in one. The launches are good and this ride has great airtime moments. But those comfort collars, man, those are the worst. And the capacity on this ride is horrendous. Oh well.

  • Josh Miller
    Josh Miller 2 years ago

    Fun Duration Harness

    Fun dueling coaster that makes perfect use of the limited space around it. Great lateral airtime right out of the first launch, and several enjoyable inversions. The premier ride harnesses/comfort collars are annoying, but they don’t detract too much from the ride.

  • Flurin S.
    Flurin S. 2 years ago

    Layout Harness Discomfort Lap Bar

    Would be a great ride with a working duel even, however, this is one case where a restraint can break a ride. This train model is already bad without the "comfort" collars. Getting in and out is even difficult for a slim person, if you do have long legs, which luckily I dont, the shin guards will be in the way and the view from non front rows sucks. On top of that comes this pointless and stupid neck distruction device that only serves two purposes: 1. make getting in and out even more difficult than it is already and 2. hurt your neck every time the train doesnt go perfectly straight or brakes.

  • Ryan Hanna
    Ryan Hanna 2 years ago

    Fun Smoothness Duration Capacity

    For the most part it is fun coaster. It is a two in one coaster, and offers two tracks that race(positive). The first track is pretty fun and more intense than the second track. Some airtime on the first track. The second track is lack luster and doesn’t have much intensity. Overall just a fun coaster that duals. Last downfall is that the coaster lacks capacity and the line is too long. Not worth riding for the line.

  • Eric Esty
    Eric Esty 2 years ago

    Inversions Launch Smoothness Harness

    Always duels, it has airtime, 4 inversions, forceful helixes, good theming, and you get to ride twice. This ride checks all of the boxes for an excellent ride.

  • Kellen Grady
    Kellen Grady 3 years ago

    Launch Fun Layout Theming

    1/14/22 - I was super impressed with this ride! I wasn't expecting it too be anything too special based on what I've read, but the dueling is truly great and it's just pure fun the whole way! I'm not someone who considers G's and airtime and all that stuff, just pure fun, so maybe that's why I rate it higher than most. Either way I can't wait to ride this one again and experience those great dueling elements again, as well as the hilariously terrible cameo by Ryan Friedlinghaus. 1/31/22 - with a bit of the novelty wearing off, and recently off the superior launches of Full Throttle, I'm knocking this one down a bit - still a great duel with some truly insane elements.

  • Randy93 -opp
    Randy93 -opp 3 years ago

    Airtimes Fun Duration Capacity

    The capacity can be a bit better but west coast racers is a good ride, I was actually surprised more by the white side, I feel like it’s a ride to transition onto the big ones

  • Ty Paylez
    Ty Paylez 3 years ago

    Fun Hangtime Harness

    - [x] West coast racers back row right seat. Had no clue you got to ride both tracks and was very pleasantly surprised by this. Train operators where pretty slow but luckily the line wasn’t bad. Very fun elements and my first time inverting over another running coaster train. Not a bad ride at all and is great for what it is. 4/5

  • John Montague
    John Montague 3 years ago


    It’s fine. My review is probably a little biased, because there was a long delay in the station right before I rode it, and nobody likes getting on a coaster feeling frustrated and impatient. I could see my rating improving after a better experience in the queue. As a launch coaster, it’s middle of the road, nowhere close to Maverick. Maybe it was just my seat location, but that last launch practically threw my back out. It would be better if it was a little faster overall and a little smoother at the end there. It lacked the intensity I was hoping for. Dueling trains always make for a fun sideshow, and this is no exception. Gemini is a better duel, though.

  • Jack Jack J.
    Jack Jack J. 3 years ago

    Launch Fun Layout Lap Bar

    I hate these restraints but other then that the ride is pretty good. The first launch(es) aren’t very forceful but are cool to have the other train racing along side you. The first interaction is cool and has some whip and airtime to both sides. The next launch has some more force but is shorter. The helix is a very forceful moment but it’s hard to see the other trains as they jockey back and forth for the lead and there is so many large supports. Then up into the brake run with some whip. It’s a good ride but not perfect. My two critiques are the restraints and how the trains can be hard to follow when your racing. On twisted Colossus the dueling is perfect when you get to duel, on this they kinda get drawn apart and are more difficult to see.

  • matthew p.
    matthew p. 5 years ago

    Capacity Fun Duration Harness

    This is just a fun ride. The high-five element give this feeling of lateral airtime that I haven't felt in this capacity before. It's such a blast to have friends on the other train and try to watch their reactions as you dart under and over them. The comfort collars don't hurt but they can definitely be uncomfortable when you invert.

  • Olivier Simard-Casanova

    Launch Fun Duration Harness

    West Coaster Racers is a nice thrill coaster. It is not too intense so it will definitely appeal to a lot of people, and the systematic dueling provides a lot of fun – yes, I'm looking at you Twisted Colossus. The inversions are also quite good, especially the first one with a nice hang time. I also enjoyed the high five element. The main drawback of WCR is the harnesses though: they are clumsy and make a bit hard to enter and exit the train. I guess it will decrease the capacity of the coaster, which could be a problem considering how popular it will probably be in the park. But it's overall a great experience and I wish more parks will add this sort of dueling coasters in the near future.

  • Sean
    Sean 5 years ago

    Inversions Fun Duration Rattle Capacity Harness

    This will carve out a nice role in the park as a step-up family inversion coaster but wow do the comfort collars hurt the ride experience. I know they want to increase capacity but they're sacrificing comfort in doing that. West Coast Racers is essentially a Greatest Hits compilation from other rides in the park with the issue being that the elements presented here are worse than those said rides. There's no airtime here, but the spaghetti bowl section does pull some g's and the inversions have some nice hangtime. Update: I've gotten a few more rides on this since the opening to the general public. I can't believe this coaster already has a rattle to it. A 25 year-old B&M invert is smoother than this ride. Reliability has also been an issue as this thing has been breaking down constantly each day. The inversions are fun and give good hangtime. The pitstop doesn't seem to take as long anymore which is good for capacity. But I can't find much else that is positive about this ride.

  • Nathan F
    Nathan F 5 years ago

    Theming Smoothness Duration Capacity Harness

    West Coast Racers is very fun and very long. Both sides could function as their own coaster. The pit stop is better than nothing, but unimpressive. This ride is not mind-blowing, but it is good. Comfort collars though, which don’t detract here like they do on other rides.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Fun Smoothness Duration Capacity Harness

    The ride is a cute, fun multilaunch dueling coaster that's got some intensity, but isn't too intense for the whole family. It's definitely worth the wait, but the capacity seems to be very low at the moment (300ish per hour as of the December 21st soft opening); Six Flags seems to be aware of this though, and have opted to go with the comfort collars, which suck, to speed up dispatch times. Whether capacity improves as the ride ops become more experienced with the ride remains to be seen, but it's likely.

  • Jason Immel
    Jason Immel 1 minute ago
  • Jason Verville
    Jason Verville 21 hours ago
  • Brian Kunkel
    Brian Kunkel 4 days ago
  • Ana Cases
    Ana Cases 6 days ago
  • Eliana Roche
    Eliana Roche 8 days ago
  • Adam N.
    Adam N. 12 days ago

    Fun Layout

  • Bo
    Bo 18 days ago
  • Elliot Aron
    Elliot Aron 22 days ago
  • Colin M.
    Colin M. 24 days ago
  • François Bln
    François Bln 1 month ago
  • Heather K.
    Heather K. 1 month ago
  • Tyler Brown
    Tyler Brown 1 month ago
  • Casey Fedorowicz
    Casey Fedorowicz 1 month ago
  • Liman CoasterLover
  • Emmanuel Stewart
    Emmanuel Stewart 2 months ago
  • David Brochure
    David Brochure 2 months ago
  • viktor konkoly
    viktor konkoly 2 months ago
  • Wolf Stephens
    Wolf Stephens 2 months ago
  • Jack Ledford
    Jack Ledford 2 months ago
  • Jeremy Feola
    Jeremy Feola 2 months ago
  • Dillon Bussert
    Dillon Bussert 2 months ago
  • A O.
    A O. 3 months ago

    Nice surprise! Launch Fun Capacity Harness Dead spots

  • Tristan C.
    Tristan C. 3 months ago
  • Cindy Ninou
    Cindy Ninou 3 months ago
  • Emiray D.
    Emiray D. 3 months ago
  • A.j. Hummel
    A.j. Hummel 3 months ago
  • Jeremiah R.
    Jeremiah R. 3 months ago
  • Camille P.
    Camille P. 3 months ago
  • Florian Blond
    Florian Blond 3 months ago
  • TBN Dusky
    TBN Dusky 3 months ago
  • Weston Blum
    Weston Blum 3 months ago
  • Diego Pineda Pacheco
  • Amelia A.
    Amelia A. 3 months ago
  • Sucka Deeznuts
    Sucka Deeznuts 3 months ago
  • Bart Peeters
    Bart Peeters 3 months ago
  • Aki Rags
    Aki Rags 3 months ago
  • Gabe S
    Gabe S 3 months ago

    Inversions Smoothness Duration Harness Discomfort Dead spots

  • Thomas Seely
    Thomas Seely 3 months ago
  • Coaster Demon
    Coaster Demon 3 months ago
  • Thoralf Island
    Thoralf Island 4 months ago
  • Spokker Jones
    Spokker Jones 4 months ago
  • Emrick Ong
    Emrick Ong 4 months ago
  • Connor G.
    Connor G. 5 months ago
  • DetlefDerBauer
    DetlefDerBauer 5 months ago
  • Nathanael S.
    Nathanael S. 5 months ago
  • Jaiden M.
    Jaiden M. 5 months ago
    WILLIAM PEREIRA 5 months ago
  • Kameron Laird
    Kameron Laird 5 months ago