• Michael M.

    Inversions Discomfort Tear it down! Pointless

    I really want to love old Arrows, and sometimes I do (like with Loch Ness Monster and Carolina Cyclone), but this one just misses the mark. The first drop (usually a great part of Arrow loopers, for me anyway) is curved, janky, and not really fun. All the transitions are rather bad and some of them are taken quite fast, leading to discomfort. (My head seems to rise far enough above the restraints on Arrow trains that I don't usually headbang per se, but it still isn't comfortable.) The first loop is nice and the corkscrews are taken slowly and give some hangtime. The rest of the layout seems rather pointless though. I hate putting "Tear it down!" on a piece of history like this, but I really don't see the need for this one to exist. The lake space would be better used by something that could actually interact with the lake, like a B&M invert or a B&M flyer or a B&M wing.

  • Nick V.

    Nice surprise! Intensity Duration

    This was the most shocked I've ever been getting off a ride. I usually have a good idea of how much I'll like a ride going into it. I expected this to be pretty good, but in the end it completely and totally blew my expectations out of the water. Amazing pacing and length. Good pops of air throughout. And the laterals - THE LATERALS - are unreal. That helix instantly jumps to be my favorite helix ever. It can be a bit much at times, but not enough for me to miss a re-ride. It's understandable why it's not talked about as much as Voyage, but this belongs in the conversation of top-tier woodies.

  • Daniel Gingell

    Airtimes Launch Masterpiece

    Just an incredible experience

  • Daniel Gingell

    Airtimes First Drop

    Absolute airtime machine

  • Chris Merron

    Airtimes Smoothness Ejectors

    Best ride on park, amazing airtime. The twisted bunny hills at the end were amazing.

  • Chris Merron

    Airtimes First Drop Pace Too short Theming Reliability

    This is the best rollercoaster in the UK, comfortably. Best first drop I've been on. The airtime is amazing (yes we have airtime in the UK now) and the whip on the drops is awesome, especially at the back. The outerbank, airtiem hill, thing feels wierd as hell in a good way and the stall lasts forever. It is short, you do feel it had a bit more to give. If it had some twisted bunny hills like at the end of Kondaa this would be about perfect. Reliability is an issue at the moment, hopefully that improves and they did cheap out on the area. Thorpe Park isn't the best at themeing but this has very little and the cheap looking metal signs around the queue line arent brilliant. The station looks like a shipping container and the dispatch "show" is underwheling and very difficult to see in day light. Should look good for Fright NIghts though. I'd love to know how much they spent on all the bespoke queue line fencing cos there's a sh*t load of it and could have been better spent in other areas IMO. Overall brilliant ride, disappointing themeing.

  • Daniel Gingell

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime

    Rode twice row 3 and row 7. It has an incredible first drop, Insane ejector airtime and hang time and 0 dead spots. It's all just crazy elements. Cons are brakes after splash down are weird and there is a Slight rattle in middle rows after first drop. Overall best coaster in uk for me and an absolute must ride if visiting Thorpe Park

  • daniel

    Pace Intensity Ejectors Capacity

    Is cursing allowed on here because holy fuck

  • MapleFlakes

    Location Duration Rattle Airtimes

    I went into this ride expecting good airtime but horrific discomfort. I came out with little to no airtime (despite sitting in the second-to-back row) and no discomfort, despite a pretty present rattle. The only moments of airtime I had were the finale's bunny hills, the rest of the ride was pretty disappointing in that regard. I think the strongest thing this coaster has is its location over the lake. It makes for a very scenic ride and experience walking by it, but only improves my opinion of it a slight bit. 5/10 - Twisted Cyclone is good and all but this would have been an insane RMC

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Fun

    It's a fun and janky kiddie coaster; there's not much more to it. The twisted first drop has some surprising laterals, the middle is dead, and the ending has what I like to call Baby Force One bunny hills that provide a little bit of airtime. Going around the layout twice is also nice. 3/10 - massive shoutout to the operator who did not care and let two adults ride