• Roan Kyne

    Hangtime Discomfort Dead spots

    I had to pee when I rode this and when the car slammed into the brakes I almost peed myself.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Dead spots

    It wasn’t the warmest day and the ride in the front row was borderline disappointing. Now the second last row ride on the other hand was a borderline masterpiece. Definitely a back seat coaster. It flat out hauls vs the front row. Way more intense. Way more airtime, especially on the first drop, where the front row didn’t have any on the first drop. Only thing holding it back is it just crawls at the end and no air time on the last small bump. Found it intense but pretty smooth. Very re rideable but do so in the back and you’ll fall in love with this one.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Rattle

    Oh man what an experience. Has a similar intensity as the voyage in my opinion, but with a more unique layout. Great pops of airtime before the lift hill especially in or near the back of the train. Not as much airtime pre lift hill in the front, but probably the smoothest ride you’ll get while still being just as intense as the back through the rest of the layout. Definitely not the smoothest but it’s so fast and intense that it’s probably hard to make a wooden coaster smooth at these speeds and forces. Kinda like the voyage as well. Thought about docking .5 star for roughness but it just kind of makes up for it with such a unique and forceful experience. Also will be adding it to my top 35 list.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Comfort Smoothness Airtimes

    Personally didn’t experience the airtime other reviews mention and so I feel like this coaster is overrated based on my experience. It’s smooth which is nice in a park full of rough coasters.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Ejectors Rattle Too short Discomfort

    You get a few huge ejector air moments, but it’s also not the smoothest or most comfortable coaster, so you pay a bit of a price, but probably worth it for a couple laps per visit.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Excellent fun. I won’t ruin what this coaster actually does. I’ll let you be surprised like I was. Let’s just say it changes direction in a way that I thoroughly enjoyed. At one point there was an excellent bit of air and I lost my stomach for a bit. Good times. The theming actually caught me off and scared me a bit twice, which upped the enjoyment. This is totally a Disney ride—as much of an experience as it is a pure coaster. Purely as a coaster it is still very good and I would gladly reride it many times. Excellent fun.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Theming Pace Smoothness

    Easily the most unique and perhaps the best coaster in all of Disney. The riding position is rather cool. “Cool” is the word that repeatedly comes to mind when thinking about this coaster. I don’t really understand why Disney chose Tron, as the remake is already over ten years old and I don’t remember it being that popular. Regardless, this is a cool ride in just about every way. I think I liked this theming as much if not more than any other coaster I have ridden. The structure is truly breathtaking at night. It sits all alone at the back of Tomorrowland in essentially its own Tron Village. People just seem to hang out there. Super cool main boarding station. The lockers are cool. Excellent launch, not other worldly, but very good. It is liquid smooth from beginning to end. Tons of excellent transitions that you don’t really see coming, especially at night. I never touched the handlebars after loading. I sat up and essentially kneeled with my arms up. It created a nice flying sensation that I enjoyed thoroughly. It felt faster than the 59mph it says it is. Super cool ride that actually delivers an excellent coaster experience.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Comfort Smoothness

    This is my favorite B&M hyper. I really remember loving the free and open feeling with all of the lovely floater air on Goliath (SFGA), but I feel this is had a bit more intensity. That actually may be first time I have ever used the word "intensity" to describe a B&M hyper as they are mostly so perfect and so smooth that they actually lack intensity. Candymonium is of course liquid smooth and perfectly comfortable with B&M's wonderful clamshell restraints. The seatbelts were a bit of a surprise, but in no way distracting at all. This actually delivered some solid forces that I really enjoyed. The floater air on the second hill lasted all the way to the bottom and you instantly transition to strong positive G's. There was zero transition time. Very cool. I rode it in the back to experience as much forces as it has to give and it was a very, very good ride. Far, far superior to Diamondback at Kings Island. I've always compared B&M to Intamin like comparing a Lincoln Towncar with a Mazda Miata. The Towncar has more power and ultimately can go faster, but it just so smooth you don't feel like you are going that fast and it is kind of tame. Whereas the Miata isn't really all that fast, but it is so small and nimble that it can deliver forces far beyond what the Towncar can. I've always felt that B&M hypers are too good to be extremely thrilling. Yes, they are fun and deliver some nice floater air, but not much in the way of "thrill". Candymonium is the first one that I can say delivers a fair bit of thrill. It is a great ride even though the last 1/4 of the ride is very, very tame. Now the real bad news: Why does this essentially brand new coaster already have 2 sets of massive brakes on it? Did they mess up the math? It is tearing itself up already? Both are very, very noticeable. They are both on uphills and neither totally kills the air over the top, but I have to wonder what could the air have been like. I'm sure more intense and it could have finally been a B&M hyper that delivers some serious, serious thrill. Not to be. It is still an excellent ride, but the brakes do annoy me.

  • Owen Felix

    Amazing great first drop and so much airtime throughout the whole ride this one is up there with voyage and el toro for the best woodie out there in my opinion end was kinda weird but didn’t change the other elements of this ride

  • Owen Felix

    Great ride super smooth and great restraints first drop was nice they just wasn’t much else after the first drop nicely themed as well