• Glass Cannonn

    Launch Intensity Discomfort

    It’s unique but I found it a bit uncomfortable. It’s the best ride park which isn’t saying much. Wouldn’t want to ride this too many times because of the discomfort so just adds to the disappointing line up SFSL

  • Glass Cannonn

    Comfort Fun Disappointing! Airtimes

    Earlier day ride with half empty train probably don’t help but not a particularly memorable ride which is sad as the parks second best coaster.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Duration Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!

    RMC this thing asap. It’s dangerously rough.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes Location Disappointing! Discomfort Tear it down!

    I feel like this got a lot worse since my last visit. I feel bad for this park. There are at least 4 flat out bad roller coasters at this park Ninja, Boom, Boss and scream. This park needs a lot of love for me to revisit.

  • Elan G.

    Launch Pace Fun Airtimes Dead spots Reliability

    It surpassed my expectations. Arctic Rescue is great. This is a coaster that shines because of the “low-to-the-ground-sensation.” Being that low to the ground enhances the feeling of speed. The launches also have some great acceleration and power. The launches may (or may not) be better than Manta’s. Most of the transitions aren’t too crazy, except for a few after the 2nd launch. Unlike Manta, there is not midcourse brake and therefore the pacing is solid. It is also silky smooth and comfortable. Front row is the best overall, yet you will also get PULLED in the back. The theming is also better than the dive coaster next door. The downside to Arctic Rescue is that it ALWAYS breaks down. Also, I wish that they would run 2 trains all the time as it would keep the queue flowing a lot faster cuz it CRAWLS. They usually have an attendant letting people in the station and they’ll assign your row unless you ask. Also FYI, fanny packs aren't allowed anymore. Despite this, it’s a fun ride and a great way to start your day at this park.

  • Max S.

    Location Pace Fun Capacity

    I thought this ride was just okay but not worth the hour-long wait on President's Day. I've never ridden a suspended train before so it was fun to swing back and forth as you take quick turns. The location of the ride against the hillside was very nice and it had great pacing too except for the final lift hill into the station. The capacity was absolutely awful for this one. They only used one train but the park was packed that day so this led to the hour-long delay in getting onto the ride. A solid family ride I would probably ride again but only if it had a 5-minute wait or less. 2.5/5 stars

  • Max S.

    Theming Launch Fun Too short

    I actually had a really good time on this short ride. The launch was a bit surprising and quicker than I anticipated. The top speed doesn't reach 40 mph so it's definitely nothing crazy but it still gave me a little thrill. The theming for this entire park is fantastic but this ride did an especially good job with the Western theme since you ride a "pony" car. I also thought the end where you make a sharp turn through the wood structure was fun and exciting as well. I usually don't compare reviews with others but I don't think the harness for this one was ever uncomfortable. It forces you to lean forward (I get it) but I was comfortable riding this one at least 4 times and had a good amount of fun (seems like small kids were more uncomfortable with the harness than adults). I wouldn't wait more than 10-15 minutes for a ride since it's so short but if there isn't a line, feel free to check it out! 2.5/5 stars

  • Maximillian Bodenbender

    Theming Fun Smoothness Too short Discomfort

    Cons first, as there are only two. Firstly sometimes when reaching the top of the drop chain it stops very abruptly and if you’re not expecting the jolt it can be a little uncomfortable but it doesn’t happen every time, everything else is smooth. Second is that I would love if this coaster were slightly longer! Never too much of a good thing. Now for the positives, I have always been afraid of roller coasters and this coaster has been the gateway to loving them. I rode it 17 times the day I went and rode in every car. I cannot give this ride enough praise. The queue decorations are very entertaining, a grandmothers house set up all throughout, the coaster decor includes flying past rolling pins, milk, egg timers, and a giant can of cranberry sauce. I always heard that getting in the back is the intense way to experience a coaster but for this one it’s the front. I saw people from like 4 or 5 years old all the way to people in their 70’s or 80’s getting on, and from what I saw they all had a great time. This ride has a good thrill even if it doesn’t go over 60mph, it’s the epitome of a coaster built for everyone. Holiday World made a gem with this beauty and it will be at the very tip tip top of my list of must do rides at this park for as long as I can imagine.

  • ajani jacobs

    Rattle Headbanging

    This ride sucks

  • Eyebrows

    Airtimes First Drop Too short

    The airtime hill, stall, and drop are all super great, but there isn’t much else to the ride.