• Keaton Knippel

    First Drop

    Very fun, and very similar to Sheikra at BGT. It is nice that you don't have to climb stairs to get to the ride, but I miss the tunnel that Sheikra has for the second drop.

  • Nick V.

    Inversions Smoothness Dead spots

    I think this is the most underrated ride at the park. Don't go in expecting an over-the-top intensity machine. Instead, what you get is a very smooth and at times very forceful ride. The first drop can sometimes cause me to gray out and is a very unique way to start the ride. The inversions are varied and give a nice mix of forces. Butter smooth throughout. The ride dies after the mid-course, but the mid-course is so late into the ride that it's not that big of a deal. Go in with proper expectations and you will have a good time with this one.

  • GLaDOS

    Theming Intensity Layout Rattle Discomfort

    This might just be the strangest coaster I've ridden. It actually feels like a Russian coaster, not like a Mack Rides coaster. It's just extremely strange. The theme feels like a time capsule. As for the lift hill, it's just something else. It's in one of the towers and has some lights with a scene in the middle to mix things up. The wild mouse section might be the best part of the ride, as it gives great views of Voltron and doesn't try to kill you. The main section is really jerky. It just has kinks that send your head flying from side to side, same for your legs. It also has a dull rattle the whole way through. But honestly, I can look through that and admire the intensity, especially when going backwards most of the time. As for how to achieve that, you have to get on a forwards seat in the station. I just think it needs a retrack and it'll be good. It might not be as salvageable as Goudurix, as its layout is inferior. Update June 2024: I actually love this thing in the so bad it's good kinda way. I love the theming, especially the Mir recreation at the entrance and painted indoor queue line. And that music is just excellent. The pre-lift section has this fun kink that tips you to the right while spinning. The scenery afterwards is simple but effective. The spiral lift section happens mostly in the dark with blinking lights and a bit of theming halfway through. The wild mouse section is fun, but the spinning can feel a bit repetitive as it is controlled. The first drop going forwards is fine. Not much kick but the transition at the bottom is quite bad. Taken backwards, it feels like a mini car crash. The middle section taken forwards is rather fun, and the transitions are fine. It also pulls some sneaky good Gs on that section. The transition diving off of the building is decent, and the following turn has great G forces. The next helix has some awesome sustained positive G forces, but the transition after that is downright brutal. The turn into the final brakes has decent G forces but the final transition is the worst of the ride. It will throw your entire upper body to the side. Taken backwards, the middle section is fun, as the forces are combined with not being able to see where you are going but the final section can be migraine inducing taken backwards, especially towards the front of the train. If you ride in the front two cars, you have to board the backwards seats to be forwards during most of the ride and vice versa. Get on the forwards seats of the back two cars if you want to be forwards most of the time and vice versa. Euro Mir is also a capacity monster. It has nine trains and ran what seemed like at least six during my visit, but it might even have been running all of them. The crew is also extremely efficient.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes First Drop Duration Rattle

    This is the best coaster at Europa Park. It's not as varied as Wodan or Blue Fire but it has great airtime. It's a behemoth and the first thing you see when arriving at Europa Park. The theme is interesting for the French area, it doesn't really fit in but it looks nice. The capacity is also great, the queue just doesn't stop moving. The drop is great, especially in the back rows. All hills offer sustained floater airtime, especially if you have some room between your legs and the lap bar. The clim into the brakerun delivers a violent pop of airtime, as do the drops off of the brakerun and subsequent turnaround, though it is more sustained here. The main con with Silver Star is the rattle in the valleys, which can be a little jarring. The coaster is thankfully the perfect length with that rattle. The best rows for airtime are the back and especially the front rows. I don't understand why row 5 is restricted to people over 1m50, as it's not where Silver Star is most intense. Update June 2024: Silver Star has the better forces in the back rows, but has a hideous rattle there. Every valley shakes quite a lot. That's why I prefer riding it up front, as the airtime is just as sustained, though maybe a bit less forceful, but the train rattles way less in the front rows, which is why I prefer riding Silver Star there. It has three trains, and always seems to run all three of them.

  • GLaDOS

    Inversions Launch Smoothness

    This is a great launch coaster. The weakest of the big three at Europa Park, sure, but it's still incredible. The dark ride section looks great and is a nice build up to the ride. Despite what everyone says, I think it has a punchy launch. Its initial kick is really good. It can take you off guard if you lean forwards, and potentially hurt your back a little in this position, I had to learn the hard way, but as long as you keep your back against the seat it's great fun. The overbank delivers some weightlessness at its peak and the bottom of the loop has a little bit of positive Gs but it's nothing crazy. The hangtime on the other hand is great. I also love the snappy transition after the loop. The clim into the brakerun gives a bit of airtime in the front rows. The drop off of the brakerun delivers a good airtime and the two zero-G rolls have some weightlessness but not nearly as much as OzIris' rolls. The twisted hill has a bit of floater airtime in the back but the final barrel roll is where the party is at. It has the strongest airtime of the ride. Upside down ejector airtime. It's honestly the best part of the ride. The trains themselves are really comfortable but the lap bar can lower during the ride, which seems to be common with Mack lap bars as they are pretty heavy but it never gets uncomfortable. The onboard audio and pulse meter only seemed to work one one train out of the three or four they were running that day. One train had speakers but they didn't work and the pulse meter was completely blanked out. The one or two other(s) had no speakers and the pulse meter was off. Not a deal breaker as the ride stands on its own as a really good coaster. Update June 2024: Pretty forceful in the front and back, I personally think this layout is overhated, as it offers a variety of forces: positive Gs on the entry and exit of the vertical loop, floater airtime on the ascent and descent of the midcourse brakerun, float on the overbanked turn at the beginning and on the horseshoe rolls, and upside down ejector airtime on the in-line twist. I also love the queue area music, it really gets you hyped up for your ride. What I hate about this ride is how it's you and your luck if you get THE train with onboard audio. blue fire has five trains, ran four during my first visit during public holidays, and three during my latest visit. Out of the three that did run on the first day of my latest visit, only one (train 3) had working onboard audio and pulse meters. One of the two others did have speakers and the same lighting package as train 3, but the audio didn't work and the pulse meter was blanked out by some sort of reflective cover. The other train that ran on that day had no speakers, and lighting package. The shell doesn't have front lights at all. As for the second day, they ran three trains, one of which had a functioning lighting package but no audio or pulse meter (the same one as the day before), one of which had everything, but everything was not functioning, that includes the lighting package, and one of the two trains that don't have audio or lighting. Only one train has everything that works, two have no speakers and lighting, and two have speakers but they don't work. They should take the time to fix the trains (at least those that have the necessary equipment) during the Christmas celebrations and off-season. Still a minor issue, as the layout is strong enough to stand on its own.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Pace Smoothness

    What a great wooden coaster. The second best coaster at Europa Park. It has some of the best theming I've ever seen. It's one of the best looking rides at the park. The trains are great. The trains are really well padded and if you manage to get some room with the lap bar, you'll really get to feel the airtime this coaster has to offer. The first drop is great. It has great sustained airtime in the back rows. The first hill gives sustained floater airtime and it just feels like the train keeps picking up speed as the ride progresses. A few of the hills have more sustained floater airtime but this coaster is mostly about quick pops of airtime . The station fly-by is visually stunning and the ending is great. It has lots of airtime and is great way to end the ride. It's a great coaster that, for now, beats Tonnerre 2 Zeus in my opinion. Update June 2024: Forget what I said about it beating Tonnerre 2 Zeus, it does not but is nearly toe to toe with Zeus. It gives some great pops of airtime and throws you around like a ragdoll but in a good way. It's relentless. I also love the music and theming. It's incredible that they managed to pack the entire themed indoor area under the brakerun. It did seem to rattle a bit more than a few months ago, which is a bit odd but it wasn't anything bad. It did rattle more than Anaconda at Walygator or Heidi the Ride at Plopsaland de Panne but way less than Tonnerre 2 Zeus at Parc Astérix, Mine Blower at Fun Spot Kissimmee or Loup Garou at Walibi Belgium. It has three trains and ran all three during both of my visits.

  • GLaDOS

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Smoothness Too short

    What a great family coaster. It's got some nice airtime for what it is, and is one of the most intense family coasters that I've ever been on. It's a great for what it is but it's over in a flash. Update June 2024: If you ride it in the back row, that first drop has some serious whip. It gives nice floater airtime and there are a few quick pops of airtime throughout the rest of the layout. I still prefer Parc Astérix's Pégase Express because it has a more complete ride experience, despite being a bit rougher and less intense. Also I don't know why VR is still listed on this website, as it is long gone.

  • GLaDOS

    First Drop Theming Fun

    This is a great wild mouse. The train goes up not with a chain lift but with a wacky elevator lift. The first drop is good. It doesn't provide much airtime but it's fun nonetheless. The lateral G forces are great and the ride still manages to remain relatively smooth. It's one of the better wild mouse coasters out there. Update June 2024: This is another coaster where I don't have much to add. Smooth, nice drops. Not much airtime but the drops are zippy. And the trains are rather comfortable, though a little camped. A weird thing is how the trains rock a little when you get on them. It has 12 cars available, and seemed to run all of them on both of my visits.

  • GLaDOS

    Theming Fun Smoothness Disappointing!

    This is a fine junior/family coaster. It is a little disappointing, as the cave it used to go though is no more, removing a focal point of the original ride, and it also is slower, as newer Mack powered coasters have a speed limit. I think I would have preferred the original, but the theming that IS there looks nice and the new generation powered coaster trains are really comfortable. For reference, these are the same trains you'll find on Draak at Plopsaland de Panne. They look infinitely more comfortable than the original trains and look better theming wise. They layout is nothing special. There are a few smooth helices and turns that don't do much in terms of forces. Honestly still pretty impressive giving the 11 months they had to rebuild the whole thing. My ride was towards the middle, which doesn't impact anything. Alpen Express did two laps on my visit and thus only has one train available.

  • George Carter

    Nice surprise! Fun Capacity Dead spots

    Like most maurer spinners, the midcourse are dead spots however the bits between are really fun. It also can spin really fast if you balance it. However the line moves really slowly. Good family coaster.