• George Carter

    Nice surprise! Fun Capacity Dead spots

    Like most maurer spinners, the midcourse are dead spots however the bits between are really fun. It also can spin really fast if you balance it. However the line moves really slowly. Good family coaster.

  • George Carter

    Headbanging Capacity Disappointing!

    This ride does absolutely nothing. The launch is the only at best mediocre part about the ride. In my opinion a ride which is boring is a lot worse than a ride which bashes me to death. Rita is just really forcless. It has really low capacity as well. Maybe I did it in a different train or something. The layout doesn't look horrible and if I went back and it ran faster I might change my mind but I just find it really boring. The only reason it's 1 1/2 stars is the launch is good.

  • George Carter

    First Drop Theming Lap Bar Capacity

    If you haven't done wicker man at night in the back row, you need to. It's insane. The drop is so whippy and it charges through the layout. It would be my favourite ride at the park if for some reason it just doesn't do the same thing in the day. I did it in the morning and it was kind of slow and I just thought it was good but not excellent. At night it's spectacular though.

  • George Carter

    First Drop Capacity Too short Disappointing!

    Oblivions first drop is really good. Shame that's literally the entire ride. I think the main flaw with the ride (apart from the duration) is the fact I don't find it that intense. There's not that much airtime on the drop and the valley isn't that intense. I don't know why cause everyone else agrees it's intense but I just don't see it.

  • George Carter

    Inversions Fun Duration Headbanging

    The smiler is actually really accurately named because whenever I get off it I'm always smiling. This ride is so fun. Gerstlauer did an amazing job craming such a long layout in such a short space. The inversion are all intense, whippy or hang time filled. And the vertical chain lift and airtime hills are also really fun. The coaster is quite rough especially on the 13 inversion but I don't really care. A great number 2 at Towers.

  • George Carter

    Pace Masterpiece Intensity Dead spots

    This ride is a masterpiece. Its so intense from the corckscrew to the vertical loop, it's really relentless. The rides theming as well is so good. The one tiny flaw is that overbank after the vertical loop does absolutely nothing. However Towers have somehow managed to improve on the original which was already a masterpiece. Definitely not overated.

  • Thomas Mitchell

    Airtimes Masterpiece Intensity

    Simply perfect, my favorite coaster in the World. I've never experienced anything like this ride, the felling of freely spinning whilst going through intense launches, inversions and airtime is unreal!!

  • Thomas Mitchell

    Airtimes Smoothness Layout Discomfort Lap Bar

    Great coaster with an amazing layout and an insane amount of airtime. I wish I could've enjoyed it more but the restraints mean that the airtime is much more uncomfortable than that found on Intamin's and Mack's so I can't rate it higher.

  • Clarkwhore WHAT

    Lap Bar Harness Duration Lap Bar

    Broke my scale. My favourite coaster but I understand the people who were underwhelmed by the experience. Velocicoaster is an untouchable work of art that none can provide critiques for. It's protected class and cult following harm it. I refuse to believe the side calling it overrated or underrated. It's hype is completely justified. The forces velo provides depends on your height. Shorter riders gain less of a lateral freeing experience. My 6'3'' self calls it a lateral godess despite the airtime centric layout. The off axis hill and mosa roll have violent torsion. The lateral shuffle during the zero-g-stall is not only a world class element but one of the best visual elements of all time. Riders shuffle in unison when viewed from the back row. Very well rounded attraction.

  • Chermaine S.


    Did not expect this to be so smooth.