• Glass Cannonn

    Location Intensity Duration Airtimes

    It’s so long, unique with amazing terrain you have to love it. It was hauling the last time I rode it. I found it pretty intense especially after the second lift hill. With all the length it would be nice to have more airtime, could be smoother and the first lift hill is slow as molasses. I’m getting old so don’t think I can handle marathoning it but a ride in the afternoon and one in the dark to end your night would be the chefs kiss to a day at Kings Island. 👑

  • Eyebrows

    Theming Smoothness Too short Capacity

    The queue and area are so lovely, miles beyond what other regional parks are putting out. The ride is surprisingly dynamic and provides the park’s first proper family coaster. Absolute home run in my opinion.

  • Glass Cannonn

    Airtimes First Drop Nice surprise!

    So after riding this I truly don’t get the flack this ride gets. Classifying as a hyper vs a giga over one foot also seems like nitpicking. I need to ride fury and “project” 305 again but I think I like it better than my home parks Leviathan. Felt it had this really unique type of airtime at the end with twist pop and side airtime, sorta like some RMC elements, that was an amazing surprise. Unexpectedly, I think this is my favourite ride in the park. Followed my mystic timbers or diamondback and then the beast.

  • CoasterKing

    Inversions Pace Smoothness Too short Intensity

    Manufacturing company Bolliger & Mabillard is famous for all their multi-looping roller coasters across the planet. Undoubtedly one of their most popular models that falls under this multi-looping umbrella is their floorless coaster; a traditional sit-down looper without floors on the trains. This model was a phenomenon in its prime. Unfortunately, Batman the Dark Knight at Six Flags New England is one of the least popular and favorable floorless coasters. As for me, it definitely falls into the lower tier of the model in comparison to ones I have ridden. That's not to say that the attraction isn't splendid. The ride may be lacking in stats but it has a very well-paced layout with no midcourse brake-run. Every inversion is taken with a great amount of speed and delivers awesome whip, depending on the row. The zero-G roll in particular is a highlight because of the essentially "upside-down airtime" you get from the inversion, which to that, is surprisingly strong. Unfortunately, as previously mentioned, the ride definitely loses some points because of its small stats. Height and speed don't typically mean much but the length is something to look at. The ride is very fun yet it feels like it ends too soon. That's not even to mention my biggest critique with this attraction; its intensity. Normally, floorless coasters exert high amounts of positive G-forces on me. On this ride, that is not the case. The inversions are fun and whippy yet do not seem to provide great forces, which is something that not many other floorless coasters can also say. The ride is definitely a well-paced attraction with great inversions, but its small length and lack of intensity do not grant this ride a spot in my favorite floorless coaster iterations.

  • Max S.

    Airtimes Intensity Hangtime Launch

    This coaster is a huge guilty pleasure of mine so I may overrate this compared to the general enthusiast. I can't get over the amount of intense force you get on both reverse launches into the rear spike (especially the further back you sit). The amount of airtime/hangtime is something I can never find on any other coaster I've ridden so far. The front spike which occurs 3 times is decent and fun but I don't really feel anything other than a cool little hangtime moment. The main drawback is the initial launch is so slow compared to most intense launches I've felt (Maxx Force launch is way better). Overall a very fun coaster and I'm glad they kept this Intamin Impulse Coaster since they are quickly phasing these out at other parks. 4/5 stars

  • Glass Cannonn

    First Drop Pace Intensity Airtimes

    Ok it’s a good ride, smooth comfortable and really re rideable. First drop isn’t huge but with the aggressive twist it feels pretty intense. Maybe I was spoiled by gravity groups Ravine Flyer 2 the day before, but found the airtime kind of lacking on this one and rode it front and back on a hot day, later in the day. With all the hype I was a bit disappointed. Better airtime moments and it would be a 5

  • Max S.

    Fun Intensity Hangtime

    This is my first time ever experiencing a Sky Rocket II model and I was thoroughly impressed. The launches are a bit lacking and don't have that punchy feeling but it's such a cool and unique experience compared to coasters I've experienced before that it doesn't hurt my overall outlook much. It basically rocks you back and forth until the 3rd launch taking you over a top hat and into the actual course. The 2nd launch backward is quite intense and seems to be Premier's signature element on their rides. I rode both the back and the front with the back having a more intense experience on the backward launch but the front has intense elements on the top hats. Maybe I have a bit of a bias towards Premier's collection but that manufacturer continues to pack in great g-forces and always delivers a great experience. 4/5 stars

  • CoasterKing

    First Drop Fun Pointless Dead spots Layout

    Mack Rides is currently a top manufacturing company in the industry for their record-breaking roller coasters they've introduced in previous years. Though, long before Mack Rides developed these world-renowned rides, they ironically put themselves on the table because of their wildly popular "Wild Mouse" model. There are many different variations of this model and it has been created long before Mack Rides developed their take, but Mack definitely had the most impact. The different Wild Mouse layouts were cloned all around the world, including Kings Dominion when they received Apple Zapple. I will say, this particular ride is one of my favorite iterations of the model, with it's large drop in the beginning and more comfortable turns. But, like any other wild mouse, this ride suffers from its repetition, lack of pacing and uncomfortable lateral forces. The 180 degree unbanked turns provide laterals in which they are an upgrade from the typical wild mouse yet are still uncomfortable. For what this ride is supposed to do, it's pretty good. I just don't see myself riding this attraction that much, especially considering the fact that it's likely the most popular roller coaster model.

  • Max S.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Comfort Dead spots

    I had a couple of very solid rides in the mid-back and third row. The first drop was pretty decent in the mid-back but definitely doesn't compare to Fury 325. I had a much better ride in the third row because it sacrificed that first drop intensity but really gave awesome airtime every time we reached the top of each hill. I think I would have maximized my ride by riding in the very front row but I've heard the very back row is a great ride as well. The lap bar was comfortable and still gave enough room to feel airtime. The day I rode this was super windy in that coaster's area so we didn't experience much trim but we also didn't get as much speed throughout the entire run as I would imagine it could reach. It barely made the score it made for me and almost lost another 0.5 stars but it's still a B&M hyper and those always seem to give consistently good rides. 4/5 stars

  • Glass Cannonn

    Smoothness Headbanging Harness Discomfort

    In general not a fan of the boomies. The pro is this one is one of the smoother ones but the harnesses are awful. Not particularly fun staring at a stranger two feet away from you either.