• Ty Paylez

    Airtimes Inversions Intensity

    This ride is very cool and I love Its inversions

  • Ty Paylez

    Airtimes Intensity

    This ride goes way harder than it needs to. I love it. I don't really feel or see any issue with it soooo.

  • Jesper Otten

    Capacity Comfort Intensity

    Taron is truly a legendary coaster. It already is fast after the first launch. However, the second launch gives more speed than I have ever experienced. I truly would recommend it to ride this coaster!

  • Jesper Otten

    Airtimes Capacity Duration

    Fly is one of my favorite coasters after the ride. It is a original concept but I loved it! It has a great theme and a great story. Also the intro of the coaster is great. I would recommend it for sure!

  • Jesper Otten

    Airtimes Fun Duration Discomfort

    Colorado adventure is a surprisingly long and fast coaster. I loved the part through the darkness. Unfortunately the trains have 1 'sofa' instead of 2 seats. There is no gap so it is possible to bonk the person next to you.

  • Jesper Otten

    Nice surprise! Pace Fun Capacity

    Crazy Bats is a surprising coaster. The VR glasses adds a nice touch to the coaster. Also it goes very fast.

  • Jesper Otten

    Capacity Fun Smoothness Too short

    Black Mamba is a great track. It is surprisingly smooth. Unfortunately the coaster itselves is a little short.

  • Solar Winds

    First Drop Inversions Rattle Headbanging Too short

    A fun little Eurofighter, while it lasts. I think it really would've benefited from another strong element or two. The first drop and inversions are great, but the ride has a pretty nasty rattle and headbanging if you aren't careful. I came off with a minor headache. It's my least favorite Eurofighter I've ridden, but it's not bad.

  • Josh R.

    Airtimes Masterpiece Ejectors

    Absolutely unreal. The first drop and following two hills are pure back row ejector heaven. The Rolling Thunder hill delivered every time in every row I tried, and the low to the ground turns were a nice contrast to the ejector hills. Hope I can come back next year for the 50th for more bonkers rides

  • Ty Paylez

    Launch Intensity Capacity

    Ride is better than KD’s but it isn’t very good for fatties