• Daniel Stark

    Theming Masterpiece Ejectors Lap Bar

    Do avoid spoilers as far as you can. I'll spoil nothing here. This is definitely a world class ride. Theming is top notch, the queue, tower and everything is very well done, and there is a solid, fitting story to the ride. The coaster is proof of what Gerstlauer can do when allowed to (budget-wise). Great pacing, some positives, a couple of pretty good airtime moments and a bunch of well placed laterals. And the whip. Oh, man, is this ride whippy. And I love that. Best is in that regard the exit of the overbank after the octopus arm; it felt as though it were to rip my arm off. The infinity coaster trains are quite good and the clamshells seem pretty comfy at first, I loved them at Fury. Here, however... They're not first class, it's too of an aggressive ride for them, and I ended up with some bruises. Nothing too bad, though. The only "big" con I have about this one-of-a-kind masterpiece is its "rerideability". It was great, and as the park was quite empty, I managed to get 9 rides. I could have ridden it once or twice more, there was time, but I didn't. I didn't feel like it. Yeah, it's awesome, but there were... certain parts (in plural) I just felt like waiting for them to pass, after two or three rides. And the main layout isn't very long to compensate that. Great coaster anyway, definetely worth a visit on its own to beautiful HP.

  • Hunter M.

    Good for what it is

  • charis Kain

    Airtimes Launch Too short

    Intense launch, good airtime and nice pace from start to finish, it's just too damn short.

  • Fazcoasters

    First Drop Theming Fun Rattle Too short

    Overall Iron Menace is a great addition to Dorney Park. In the front, the ride was smooth apart from the concerning jolt at the end of the coaster. I thought the first drop was really fun in both the front and the back and I think Dorney did a great job with the theming. In the back, the ride was rough for a new coaster. It's a noticeable rattle compared to other dive coasters I've been on. I also think it could've done with at least one more element to take it to the next level. Despite those, it's a good coaster and definitely much needed at Dorney

  • Springlocked Sausage

    First Drop Lap Bar Fun Too short

    Great ride, but I wish it was longer.

  • Mégane R

    Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!

    HORRIBLE! Don't do this sh.... please close it ! It's so bad and will give you a big headache (or worse). So uncomfortable and uninteresting.

  • Mégane R

    Nice surprise! Comfort Fun Theming Lap Bar

    Surprisingly good!!

  • Samantha P.

    Masterpiece Hangtime Duration Rattle

    I was lucky enough to be there on April 26th 2024.. opening day! :D The anticipation and the hype for this ride was huuge having followed the construction. Walking into the new themed area of Croatia and seeing the coaster for the first time in person was amazing, it totally looks the part. And I love how there are multiple trains running at the same time, everywhere you look there seems to be a train. The queue line is amazing, so much to look at and all the surprises in the station are awesome. I loved my first ride, I found it super comfortable, intense, full of airtime and super smooth too! Came off thinking it would be my number 1 for sure! Although I unfortunately got one of the rougher trains on my 2nd ride and I think that's such a shame the park/Mack let that happen. If it is because some trains were not ready then don't use them, people shouldn't have to have uncomfortable rides on a brand new coaster. I did get a 3rd ride and loved it! Definitely better on the outer seats, my fav that I got to try was row 2 outer right seat :) The launches are not very punchy but still good fun and that first vertical launch into that epic hangtime is so much fun. I love this thing and can't quite believe it's at Europa park !

  • Ty Paylez

    Capacity Fun Rattle

    Slightly worse than thunder but still plenty fun ride

  • Preston S.

    Theming Location Duration Pointless Dead spots

    The layout's just a blur for me