• Robin O.

    Location Intensity Rattle Headbanging

    Given the reviews I was expecting this to be a lot worse. The headrests are very soft so as long as you brace for the ride duration you can avoid too much headbanging. I thought this ride had good intensity and a fun first drop. Visited on a weekday so no queue - don't think I would bother queuing for a long time to ride it.

  • Alberto F.

    I used to ride this coaster when i was a child, a lot of memory come back from those times. This ride was the only real coaster of Greenland (aka Città Satellite).

  • Alberto F.

    Layout Hangtime Capacity

    I liked it, I actually miss this ride to be honest... it was a fun chill experience between one roller coaster and another!

  • Alberto F.

    I think this is a phantom coaster, i do not recall the presence of any other coaster other than the Ottovolante in this park..

  • Alberto F.

    Theming Pace Fun

    A good splash ride, you won't get much wet but still refreshing during the hot days! Theming is very cool. Be careful for the people with the water turret gun at the end of the ride :P

  • brandon bruscher

    First Drop Hangtime

    Best coaster by far in this park.

  • Kyle Marcus

    Fun Ejectors Rattle

    I don't know why people expect wooden coasters to be glass smooth. this ride does have a small rattle, but if you are complaining about a 40 year old Wooden coaster being rough get a life. The ride has a fantastic layout when while your in the back row you can get some phenomal ejector airtime. this ride is truly an underrated roller coaster and a absolute classic at SFOG.

  • SaberVizion

    Airtimes Pace

    Great wooden coaster full of a lot of small pops of airtime. I feel as if the ride was a little too overhyped to me since it does not hold up compared to the Gravity Group coasters I've ridden. I surprisingly enjoyed the front row more than the back on this attraction

  • SaberVizion

    Location Intensity Duration Dead spots

    The helix makes this ride what it is, if I was given only the helix then I would be happy. The ride is a very long trip through the woods with not much going on most of the time with a mostly smooth experience except for a few places. The modified drop was a great improvement that makes the back row experience even better.

  • SaberVizion

    Comfort Pace Intensity

    Personally, my favorite B&M Invert with a great first drop that yanks you to the side when sitting in the back of the train and to the forceful inversions that don't cause any discomfort. Towards the end of the ride when the pace starts to slow down, Banshee perfectly utilizes it's slow speed to provide hangtime to end the ride. The soft restraints have never caused me any discomfort and I actually prefer it over the old hard restraints. The scream at the top of the lift hill is a nice touch too.