• Christopher S.

    Airtimes First Drop Rattle Dead spots

    It's pretty jerky and there are a lot of dead spots, but the first drop is one of the best and the airtime is great.

  • Chrome User48

    Airtimes Launch Masterpiece

    I’m speechless

  • Robin L. ?

    Discomfort Tear it down! Pointless


  • Shroom

    Fun Capacity

    Very nice coaster with some fun turns and twists. It had some intense positives. There are also some good laterals, especially on the first drop. Worth mentioning is also the first airtime that give solid floater airtime. The biggest con is the capacity, because it always runs with only 1 train and it does 2 rounds. It usually is the longest queue in the park

  • Shroom

    Theming Capacity Fun Pointless

    Very cool dark ride part with nice theming. The coaster itself is just a bit pointless and rattly which didn’t bother me a lot. Operations were incredibly quick and very professional

  • Shroom

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun Too short

    After I rode Force one (didn’t liked it that much because of a bad rattle), this ride surprised me a lot. I expected a rattly family coaster with a drop track, but it actually was pretty smooth and had some fun floater airtime moments. The theming was alright, but not the best of Legoland. As my first drop track on a coaster, it surprised me how intense it was too. Overall I can say that this ride is very enjoyable, but sadly a little on the shorter side.

  • Christopher S.

    Smoothness Discomfort

    For some reason the one at Michigan's Adventure is better than this one. This one is more uncomfortable and provides a worse experience. Still smooth thankfully.

  • Christopher S.

    Airtimes First Drop Rattle

    It's definitely not a smooth ride, but there's still airtime and a good first drop.

  • Christopher S.

    First Drop Headbanging

    Another coaster that is good until the headbanging kicks in, and this one is brutal. It will give a headache, which is a shame because the rest of the ride besides the corkscrews is good.

  • Christopher S.

    Launch Fun Intensity Capacity

    I'm not sure why, but this ride felt better than the one at Great America, not even counting this one having the holding brake. Still bad at capacity, but with the holding brake, it's great.