• LolUrDad !

    First Drop Inversions Intensity

    This is the world’s best floorless coaster. It almost reminds me of Kumba in a way, except scaled down. The first drop is incredible and gives amazing sustained floater in the back. From there, it’s just great forces through the inversions and even some negatives in the dive loop and crazy zero-g roll. The second half also has some nice tunnel interactions and a very whippy corkscrew.

  • LolUrDad !

    Inversions Location Fun Capacity

    This is a fantastic flyer. It has great inversions including the bone-crushing pretzel loop, an amazing drop, and the turn over the water is extraordinary and it can even get you wet depending on where you sit. The ride also has a perfect setting in the front of the park decorated with great foilage. My only complaint would he the horrible operations that have you sitting on the brakerun, laying down, for a while.

  • LolUrDad !

    Lap Bar Smoothness Ejectors Theming Discomfort

    This ride is actually pretty good, post comfort collars. It has fantastic ejector airtime in both the first half on the humps, top hat and amazing spike, and the second half with the first two pops, the last pop, the sidewinder turn and the wave turn. Basically every element gives good ejector on this ride, making it much more than a family coaster and a great ride in general.

  • Ivan Claeys

    Comfort Fun Smoothness Too short

    Fénix is the best coaster of Toverland, and maybe of the Netherlands. I has a certain grandeur when you watch it, and you experience it when you're on it. If it wasn't so short it would be one of my favorite rides, no question about that. Fortunately it happens often that there isn't a waiting line (I could go three times on the first row, almost without waiting) which makes it possible to extend the time spended on Fénix. Top class coaster!

  • LolUrDad !

    Airtimes Comfort Fun

    I’m convinced this ride is the greatest B&M on the continent outside of Fury. This ride is so ridiculously good. The floater, or more so flo-jector, is seriously wicked. This ride has the best floater/flo-jector of every ride I’ve ridden. From the insane first drop to the really powerful speed hill to the trimmed hill to the hill with the turn and especially, that 5 second floater hill, this ride has nonstop airtime. The first turn in the second half also is really fun, as you can get sideways airtime from it. This ride is so good. If you’re in Orlando for Disney and Universal, don’t skip this park.

  • Clementine Northcutt


    I loved it. The speed you reach during the first launch is unreal and the indoor section is exciting. The drop track is not that bad and is definitely a thrill ride.

  • Clementine Northcutt

    First Drop Headbanging

    I didn't love it because it rattled my head around. I do like the tunnel though. It's not very intense but not tame.

  • clubstep

    Launch Fun Layout

    A lot of fun Elements on this ride. The pacing is really strong, Toutatis shoots from element to element while offering strong Airtime and laterals. The Halfpipe launch is good fun. The only sad thing is how the tophat is trimmed but since it Drops at 101° you still get alot of airtime and you have enough speed going into the Layout. 10/10 for me

  • Raymond C.

    Capacity Lap Bar Fun

    One of the most underrated rides I have been on. For an over 40 year old rollercoaster it is very smooth, has the best looping on any ride I've been on and still manages to attract many visitors. It is the perfect rollercoaster to introduce to newcomers. In terms of capacity it is great with two trains running. With only one train the capacity is atrocious. The ride itself is surprisingly good. The first drop is nice, the looping is awesome and there is a very nice airtime moment on the ride. The double helix is alright but doesn't do much. Be wary on the final brake run in the tunnel though. As on all Schwarzkopfs the braking is very abrupt. Overall it is a very good coaster which despite its age manages to stay relevant to the coaster world. A true classic that has luckily been kept and renovated by the people at Hansa Park.

  • seth w.

    Pace Fun Layout

    Really great ride. Super fun and it throws you around more than you'd expect. I marathoned this in the back row and we came off laughing every time. I know it's not the most thrilling or intense but it sure is fun.