• Raymond C.

    Pace Masterpiece Layout

    Zadra is in my opinion the closest a rollercoaster can get to perfect. And so far I wasn't really that blown away by RMC's work in Europe (Wildfire and Untamed). Zadra has a beautiful track layout featuring the best zero-g-stall I know, a great zero-g-roll and one of the best first drops I have ever experienced. There is some nice airtime on the coaster too, although I don't enjoy airtime on RMCs as on Intamins for example. Nevertheless it is fun. Zadra should definetely be warmed up in order to be experienced to the full extent, the rides on the morning often feel dull in comparison with the rides later in the day. The only real con of the coaster which I could not select is the queue line. What were they even thinking. I mean yes it is better to have a longer queue line than you actually think you need but they really went over the top. Walking 10 minutes just to get back in line is really annoying. But overall Zadra as a coaster is worth a trip to Energylandia on its own because it is a masterpiece.

  • Jonathan A.

    Always first ride near the entrance. Childhood memories :-)

  • Jonathan A.

    I loved this coaster as a kid.

  • Henry Hanauer

    Airtimes Lap Bar Duration Capacity

    This is honestly a great ride. Feels like a Gerstlauer Infinity without the spinning and inversions in a way. Really can't describe much else. Great ride in a great park.

  • Arnand S.

    Airtimes Comfort Duration Rattle Dead spots

    Surprisingly good airtime in the back with nice pops of ejector. Pacing does have lulls during the turnarounds and a couple of the hills however, and there is already some roughness in a couple of the valleys. Overall fun coaster and I am curious as to how intense this will be in the summer when it should be running much faster.

  • X Coasters Forever

    Airtimes Pace Fun Capacity

    Slime Streak is really intense for a kid’s coaster with it’s open lap bars, which they allow room for great pops of ejector airtime & great lateral forces. Despite its size and capacity, I really enjoyed this ride! Every hill gives strong pops of ejector airtime and the turns pull great lateral forces! I also really like the drop, especially in the back row since it also gives some sustained ejector airtime! The back row is the way to go on this ride!


    Inversions Launch Masterpiece

    This one of my best coaster I've experienced the whole coaster is masterpiece great moments the launch is amazing the the inversions are great any one of them. The theming damn the best theming I've experienced the music so damn tomorrowland did a great job for the theming i ain't going to lie one of the best coaster I've experienced ever wonderful ride for real for real.

  • Rosie

    First Drop Theming Too short

    It's so unapologetically 90's and I love that for it. Too short, but some of the best merchandise so an extra 0.5 star for that.

  • Rosie

    Nice surprise! Intensity Theming

    My friend after my first go: "I'll laugh if this ends up being your favourite coaster at the park." Me getting off the third time in a row: "Well.........I'm not gonna deny that."

  • Rosie

    Comfort Harness Theming

    "Welcome to space, Galactanauts. If you take a look out of the left window, you'll see a great view of the great concrete planet that is the Alton Towers Car Parks."