• Joe Bord

    Lap Bar Launch Intensity

    This coaster is very intense and pulls lots of gs. The inverted tophat is crazy and the overbank is intense. The zero-g spike is my favorite part and when you get pushed up the track you are just leaning on your lapbar. The drop down is good and you get to repeat the whole thing over again forwards

  • Joe Bord

    Fun Intensity Ejectors

    This ride is very underrated and is one of my favorite coasters ever. The loops are incredible pulling 5.9 gs on its riders. The Drops and hills are excellent and give you some of the strongest ejectors I've felt. This ride is fun, intense with strong positive and negative gs, and it is BETTER THAN MIND BENDER. I don't care if Mind bender has good terrain, this ride is a lot better.

  • Joe Bord

    Airtimes First Drop Duration Dead spots

    HOLY MOLY is this thing good. I like the design of the trains and how it is themed to a Cadillac. This thing is smooth too. The first drop is spectacular and gives loads of air in the back car. The First step up to the overbank is excellent and the overbank gives you good sideways zero-g. The next overbank is very whippy and gives you ejector the way through. The next overbank is coo and provides good head-choppers. The next hill is probably the best airtime moment on the ride. This hill is taken fat and gives you a good 2 and a half seconds of sustained ejector air. The midcourse brakes thankfully do nothing and the next dive is great in the back. The next 2 hills give you fantastic ejector and whip. The next 2 hills aren't as strong but provide some great floater airtime. The last set of hills is a good lifter (flo-jector airtime). The tunnels are cool and overall this ride is great and the best coaster in the park.

  • Joe Bord

    Capacity Discomfort

    This ride deserves the bad rating the website gives this thing. It hurts your butt soo bad and it thrashed you around like potato in a toddler's Halloween bag.

  • Joe Bord


    Great coaster. This was my first flying coaster. You really feel like you are superman flying around metropolis. If you've never ridden a flying coaster, pick the front row. The restraints are a little weird for first-time riders. If you have never been on a flying coaster. I recommend it to all people.