First Drop Theming Fun Capacity
Although not as much as Colossus, Saw does get some hate. People say it’s rough and has a rattle but I disagree. This ride has some great theming and the two drops are both brilliant. It is much better in some seats than others. It is a lot rougher in the front row so I always try to sit in the back. Also, try to put your head forwards so it does not hit the OTSRs. If you do these two things, your ride will be much better and you will enjoy it much more. It is my fourth favourite ride at Thorpe Park.
Theming Fun Smoothness
I love this coaster. Best coaster at the park in my opinion. It is fun and nicely themed. I rode this 13 times in one day once (they let me stay on the coaster as it was raining and there was no queue) a nice suspended coaster and a fun family coaster.
Theming Nice surprise! Fun
This is a fun spinning dark coaster. It has excellent theming. However, it’s queues are way to long. The first time is calm and explained what is happening and then it gets crazy with huge turns. I would not recommend it for young children as it may be to extreme and scary.
Avengers Assemble: Flight Force - Disneyland Paris - Walt Disney Studios Park
Mr Coller Roaster 4 years agoTheming Inversions Launch
I love this ride. I ran there first thing when the park opened. I had 5 walk on rides in a row. I love the launch and the theming is great. I love how you have a soundtrack to listen to. The queue is great and it is a great coaster.
Theming Fun Duration
This was my first coaster I ever rode. It is a great first coaster for kids. I liked the theming with all the Lego. It is a good credit and a fun ride
Theming Launch Fun
This is a great coaster. The theming is AMAZING. It is the best indoor coaster I have ridden. I love how the fire shoots up right next to you. It really adds to the experience as you can feel the heat. This is a must ride coaster at the park if you love theming and thrill. It has a fun launch. It is an exciting thrilling ride. It has an AMAZING queue line as well. This coaster is AWESOME!!!
Theming Fun Smoothness
This is a great coaster for young children and the family. It has great theming and is a fun ride. It is smooth and I like how the trains are themed to look like a crazy metal train.
Theming Fun Smoothness
It is a great family coaster and is brilliantly themed. I love the animatronic of BuckBeak and the design of the train itself. Best kiddy coaster at the park. You get a great view of The Hogwarts Castle. It has a nice queue line. I would like to ride it again.
Fun Rattle Inversions Layout
SO MANY MID COURSE BREAK RUNS!!! It is fun on the vertical chain lift. Then a NON INVERTED LOOP!!! What the heck... They spent more money on making it have ZERO inversions when they could have easily had at least ONE. It is a fun ride but I think they should replace it with a better coaster.
Inversions Launch Layout
I love this ride. Best rollercoaster at the park. 7 inversions and a really enjoyable ride. They could have put lap bars in to create a more intense ride with more hang time. Great themed in the queue. Overall an AMAZING rollercoaster. Would love to ride it again.???
Lap Bar Fun Too short
A fun ride. 3rd best coaster at the park. Good credit to get. A great family coaster and if you have never been on a boomerang it is a good starter coaster. Overall, a good, fun coaster at a nice park. It is my home park and I go often. Always love going to this park. Great coasters and flat rides.
Casey Jr., Le Petit Train du Cirque - Disneyland Paris - Disneyland Park
Mr Coller Roaster 4 years agoDisappointing! Tear it down! Pointless
???Bad coaster. Only did it for the cred.???
Theming Smoothness
Great theming. A fun family coaster. I love how the train is a purple cat.
Airtimes Theming Layout
A small fun coaster. A good first credit. It’s a good family coaster. I like how the train is a dinosaur. I like how you go around a few times.
Location Fun Duration
Loved this alpine coaster. My favourite alpine yet. I rode it 3 times. Best coaster at the park ( only coaster) Amazing views of the snowy mountain. Watch out POV on Mr Coller Roaster on YouTube. Fun coaster and would love to do it again
Airtimes Fun Smoothness Theming
This is the 2nd best coaster at the park in my opinion. It has a bit of airtime and a near bus when you go through the shed. I love the small helix. There could be a bit more theming though. It is a nice fun family coaster.
Airtimes Launch Fun Too short
Best Coaster at the park. 0-80 in 2.3 seconds! 205feet tall. Awesome coaster. The only bad thing is that is is only 26 seconds but it is a launch coaster, so who cares. Check out are review of STELTH on our YouTube channel.
Nice surprise! Fun Smoothness
This ride really surprised me. I think Galactica is the definition of fun. It is the only B&M flying coaster I have been on and I can’t wait to do more! It’s very underrated, unlike the coaster next to it (Nemesis). Definitely a solid third best ride at the park and I wish I rode it more!
Comfort Fun
This ride is LEGENDARY! On a serious note, it’s a fun family coaster and I enjoy it. A good break from the other bigger rides at the park.
Inversions Fun Duration Harness
This ride gets too much hate in my opinion. It’s a very fun ride with some great inversions. It would be even better if they replaced the OTSRs with lap bars. It’s not that rough and it is my 4th favourite coaster at the park. I actually had some really bad rides in 2018 but it was running much better and smoother in 2019.
Theming Comfort Fun
It’s a fun coaster with some good theming. Although it’s not very re-rideable, I still enjoy it. I do prefer the original (X) though.
Location Fun
A fun indoor coaster that’s great for young children riding one of their first coasters.
Comfort Fun
This is a fun family coaster at my home park!
Comfort Fun Smoothness Capacity
This is my favourite ride at my home park - Crealy. The Twister is a great coaster for the family and it’s very smooth and enjoyable.
Headbanging Capacity Discomfort
This coaster is very uncomfortable and I did not enjoy it at all!
Nice surprise! Fun Intensity Too short
I know this ride is very small and Behemoth towers over it but there is something about Backlot Stunt Coaster that I just love. It’s really fun and great for both families and thrill seekers. It’s my fourth favourite ride at the park! Don’t miss out on this coaster when visiting Canada’s Wonderland.
Theming Headbanging Discomfort
I really wanted to love this ride - but I didn’t. I know many people love it and this will be an unpopular opinion. I respect that this ride is very iconic but it is not comfortable. Either it was too intense or just too much head banging. I gave this ride 3 chances but I just didn’t enjoy it. It is only my 6th favourite ride at the park and if I wanted to go on something fun, I would just go to the ride next to it (Galactica). But the theming is cool and it never has long queues.
Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!
It’s an SLC - what do you expect? I rode this once in 2018 and I have not been on it since. It is really rough and uncomfortable. When I was on it, I just wanted it to end. It is awful! Tear it down and replace it with something much better like a B&M invert or a multi launch.
Inversions Fun Duration Headbanging
I rode this roller coaster first in October 2019 and as soon as I rode it, I knew it was my number 1. Over 3 days at Alton Towers, I rode it 14 times - more than any other ride. Although this ride has the most inversions in the world, my favourite part is actually the second hill and that gives a great moment of airtime. Whilst it is not the smoothest ride in the world, I think people exaggerate the roughness a bit. The only time it is a bit uncomfortable are the last couple of inversions. It is a really fun coaster and it should definitely be on your bucket list if you have never ridden it.