• Jannick S.

    First Drop Theming Location Too short

    It has a good theming and location with the kraken on the lake. The first drop is nice, but probably week compared to the bigger dive coaster. Its main problem is definitely it length. It's way too short, even compared to other smaller dive coasters.

  • Jannick S.

    Theming Fun Disappointing!

    Vliegende Hollander disappointed me a little bit, but the theming is still great and it's overall an enjoyable experience.

  • Jannick S.

    It's just a wild mouse. I think they are fun, but not special in any case.

  • Jannick S.

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun Capacity

    Despite its weak stats it's a really enjoyable coaster. The theming is great and it feels faster than it actually is. However the capacity is really bad and it always had the longest or second longest line in the park, but that doesn't effect the ride itself.

  • Jannick S.

    Capacity Duration Theming Pointless

    This coaster doesn't fit in the park. It doesn't have a good theming or anything like that and it feels weird to have this around all the other outstanding roller coasters. However its Duration and capacity without VR are pretty good and it isn't really bad, it's just pointless in this park

  • Jannick S.

    It's a very classic coaster so you can't compare it to newer coasters in my opinion. Back in the days this ride was the longest coaster in all of europe. Nowadays the ride is kinda dull and seems unoriginal, but it's still fun. The ride experience is enjoyable and because of the retracking and the vest restraints it's an enjoyable experience, unlike Big Loop for example.

  • Jannick S.

    Pace Intensity Layout

    It's an outstanding wooden coaster! The layout is incredible and so is the experience on this ride.

  • Jannick S.

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Too short

    Fenix is a very good coaster and helps the Toverland to be more noticeable. It has surprisingly high positive and negative g-forces and it just looks gorgeous. Sadly it feels a bit short, even though it's longer than the other european wing coasters. Still a great ride, but not the best in the park in my opinion.

  • Jannick S.

    Airtimes First Drop Fun

    This ride is great. It could be seperated into 3 parts. The first one includes the first drop, the big airtime hill and the Stengel Dive. All of these elements are great. The finale's also great with its 3 awesome camelbacks that provide some very fun moments of airtime. Sadly the mid-section of the ride can't live up to the start and the ending. It only has those two drawn out helices and a twisted airtime hill that wasn't as great as the other airtime hills. It's not bad by any means since the helices are pretty fun, but the rest of the ride is far better in my opinion. It has no theming, but i think that's ok for a coaster of its kind. Overall a great coaster.

  • Jannick S.

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Capacity

    A great ride with many good elements. The second half isn't as phenomenal as the first half, but it's still nice.

  • Jannick S.

    Theming Launch Layout Airtimes

    This ride is a masterpiece! It has everything in its very long and twisty layout. You've got 2 good launches (especially the second one), fast tranitions, good positive g-forces and a very good airtime moment (and some weaker ones). This all is packed within an amazingly themed area. While it could use more airtime moments, it's still a great coaster that earns a 5-star rating in my opinion.

  • Jannick S.

    Theming Fun Layout

    It's a good roller coaster. It's pretty long and overall a very fun ride. For me this coaster is very underrated.

  • Jannick S.

    Inversions Fun Hangtime Intensity

    It's a good coaster. You get some nice hangtime on the first drop and it's packed with inversions. However it could be more intense. On my first ride i was actually disappointed, but then i started to like it more and more.

  • Jannick S.

    Nice surprise! Fun Capacity

    It's a good ride that can really surprise you if you haven't ridden it already, but even if you did, it's still a fun experience. However it isn't as good as Winja's Fear.

  • Jannick S.

    Headbanging Harness Tear it down!

    This ride is easily the worst roller coaster i've ridden. It gave me a headache the first and only time i've ridden it. It's headbanging is brutal.

  • Jannick S.

    Theming Pace Intensity Rattle

    This roller coaster is beautiful. It's very intense, has an outstanding theming and feels way faster than it actually is. However i do find this to be a bit shaky the last time i visited the park, but it didn't hurt.

  • Jannick S.

    Fun Layout Duration Discomfort

    This ride is always a must-ride when visiting Phantasialand. While most of its stats just look like the stats of a typical family coaster, it's much more. The layout is amazing and it feels surprisingly intense and fast. However it isn't the most comfortable ride. It doesn't hurt by any means but it has some shaky moments.