• Eric Esty

    Airtimes Location Harness Headbanging Inversions

    Scenic, a few good airtime moments, better restraints, fun... but unfortunately the two inversions are terribly shaky and have rough trackwork.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Location Fun Too short

    Scenic, fun airtime, nice helixes, interacts with other rides, beautiful and photogenic.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Location Fun Capacity

    Line moves slow but really fun ride. Sharp drops and turns, great theming and location in the park, awesome effects and animatronics, and a fun splash at the end.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Fun Masterpiece

    Smooth, well themed, well paced, a variety of elements, comfortable, intense, and fun.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Fun Intensity Too short

    Awesome E&F Miler kiddie coaster. I love their rides to bits. This ride has good airtime and laterals and goes around twice. It was easily better than Looping Thunder before they replaced it with Adrenaline Peak.

  • Eric Esty

    Location Fun Intensity Harness

    Though the OSTRs feel unnecessary on this no-inversion, floored suspended coaster, the swinging is still fun and well paced in a cool forest location.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Inversions Pace

    Though shorter than Pyrock, I think Blizzrock was the complete package. A zero-g roll, a cobra roll, a loop, and a corkscrew. And since it was shorter, it was much better paced, and got more intense as the ride went on. Because of this, it was my favorite of the two, and I'll definitely miss it the most.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Intensity Duration

    Pyrock was a long invert, with two whippy flat spins and two forceful immelmanns. The dueling was amazing, the layout snappy, and the theming excellent. I'll truly miss this awesome Invert, as Dueling Dragons was the best coaster on Universal property.

  • Eric Esty

    Pace Fun Layout Rattle Discomfort

    Lion felt like the definitive Gwazi experience, while Tiger felt quirky and unique. The elements went farther out, and side we rode this side less, it felt like a new spin on an old favorite. Still pretty lousy, but badass when it dueled with millennium flyers.

  • Eric Esty

    Pace Fun Layout Rattle Discomfort Dead spots

    As bad of a ride it was, this was my first woodie. It's long, well paced, and twisty. The ride was at its peak when it dueled with millennium flyers, and without there was still fun to be had. I love the memories it gave me, and I'm glad it's getting reborn as a better ride.

  • Eric Esty

    Intensity Layout Discomfort

    This ride was terrifying, but nostalgic. It was one of my first big coasters, and I adored it. Forceful, long, intense, and ready to fall apart. I don't really miss it much, but I'm happy for the memories it gave me.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Fun Layout Rattle Discomfort

    I think Georgia Cyclone was a much more fun ride than Scream Machine. It had great laterals and airtime, and a nice location. However, it was ridiculously rough, and that made the hilarity of riding it go up even more. The lack of historical significance and better layout makes me glad this was RMCed instead, but the park now needs a good wooden coaster.

  • Eric Esty

    Rattle Pointless

    Mean Streak was so lousy. Forceless, unmaintained, neutered, and really really slow and long.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Inversions Launch Too short Layout

    Volcano is a ride that really added to the uniqueness of King Dominion, and it's a shame it never got to coexist with Twisted Timbers. The launches were great, the theming was outstanding, and the ride was exciting. The barrel rolls are fun and the volcano is awesome. The layout is repetitive and too short, but that adds to how unique and quirky this ride was.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Fun Smoothness Dead spots

    The main draw for this one is the amazing onride OST. However, there are very few drops, and the last half of the ride is only right turns, and I think that's lame. Still a really fun family coaster.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Launch Duration Dead spots

    This is a really weird coaster. I rode this as California Screamin', and I enjoyed it. The launch is great, but most of the layout is awkward meandering. The loop is fun, but the airtime hills didn't have airtime. Still, it's a really long ride and it's quite fun with the music.

  • Eric Esty

    Lap Bar Launch Fun Too short

    Xcelerator takes off like a bullet and leaves your stomach in the station. It's intense, and the layout is over quickly. No launch has come close quite yet, except maybe TTD.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversions Pace Fun

    Silver Bullet is more B&M awesomeness at work. Six inversions (I might argue seven because of how hard the stengel dive banks), two helices, great pacing, and a great location make this a fine invert indeed.

  • Eric Esty

    Pace Fun Layout

    Pretty fun ride. Smooth, twisty, and compact.

  • Eric Esty

    Lap Bar Inversions Launch Too short

    Though quite short, this ride still show Schwarzkopf's masterful engineering. A smooth launch, a forceful loop, and a fun backwards section. I'm glad this coaster is still around.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Fun Duration

    Definitely one of the best family coasters I've ridden. The ride is long, the interaction with the paths and other rides is excellent, and the theming is great.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Pace Duration

    I rode this ride pre GCI treatment, but I still adored it. This was possibly the first good wooden coaster I ever rode, and it blew me away. Floater airtime, great laterals, huge size and speed, fast pacing, an unpredictable layout, and a great final helix. GhostRider is one of my keystone coasters and I'm glad for that.

  • Eric Esty

    Location Pace Too short

    I remember enjoying this ride, but the memory is vague. My biggest memory is being disappointed that the ride didn't have a second section after the second lift hill.

  • Eric Esty

    Fun Layout Rattle Theming Dead spots

    Colossus was fun as far as neutered parking lot racing woodies with minimal maintenance go. This is probably one of the worst coasters of the second golden age, so I don't find its demise regrettable.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversions Fun Layout Headbanging

    Viper is one of my favorite Arrows. Though a bit rough, it has a long layout, a good location, and fun inversions, and a helix at the end. I remember being pleasantly surprised.

  • Eric Esty

    Location Smoothness Layout

    Revolution holds up extremely well. Smooth, well paced, with a great terrain layout through the trees. The loop is fittingly dramatic, the positives on the turns are forceful, and the final helix is great.

  • Eric Esty

    First Drop Location Fun Harness

    This is like a smoother, more exciting wild mouse, essentially. It's twisty, sharp, and fun. And just like Canyon Blaster, the location is excellent.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Inversions Smoothness

    This is definitely one of my favorite Arrows. The inversions are smooth and fun, and the turns at the end are excellent too. But what really makes this ride is how it interacts with the landscaping of the park, which I think is really spectacular, and makes the ride look larger than life. This was one of my first looping coasters, and when I re-rode it a couple years ago, it held up in my mind.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversions Location Layout

    Viper is one of my favorite Arrow coasters. It's relatively smooth, well paced, and the plot of land it sits on is pretty. The inversions are great, the final helix is excellent, and the coaster feels like a classic. I do hope this ride sticks around.

  • Eric Esty

    Pace Fun Layout Too short

    Tantrum is my favorite Gerstlauer coaster I've yet ridden. Though I've ridden few, I favor this over Dare Devil Dive. It is better paced without any boring moments, and is in a more fitting park for its capacity. An excellent first drop starts off a wonderfully twisty layout that I honestly barely remember. It's so twisted and tangled up in on itself that the experience is constant and so much fun. The restraints are comfy, and the ride is butter smooth. Though it is short, it's also sweet and an excellent addition to the park that I hope stays around under the Six Flags banner.