• Shroom

    Fun Rattle Theming Discomfort

    It´s a wild mouse, but very rattly to be honest in comparison to other ones. It´s pretty discomforting and there is absolutely no theming, except that facade around it, which looks incredibly ugly. It´s still fun

  • Shroom

    Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!

    I thought this ride was fun and had some good moments, but after I rerode this again, I have to say that this is absolute garbage. It rattled a lot and I´ve never experienced such a headache after a roller coaster. This has to get RMC refurbishment

  • Shroom

    Fun Capacity

    Very nice coaster with some fun turns and twists. It had some intense positives. There are also some good laterals, especially on the first drop. Worth mentioning is also the first airtime that give solid floater airtime. The biggest con is the capacity, because it always runs with only 1 train and it does 2 rounds. It usually is the longest queue in the park

  • Shroom

    Theming Capacity Fun Pointless

    Very cool dark ride part with nice theming. The coaster itself is just a bit pointless and rattly which didn’t bother me a lot. Operations were incredibly quick and very professional

  • Shroom

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun Too short

    After I rode Force one (didn’t liked it that much because of a bad rattle), this ride surprised me a lot. I expected a rattly family coaster with a drop track, but it actually was pretty smooth and had some fun floater airtime moments. The theming was alright, but not the best of Legoland. As my first drop track on a coaster, it surprised me how intense it was too. Overall I can say that this ride is very enjoyable, but sadly a little on the shorter side.

  • Shroom

    Pace Smoothness Ejectors

    Incredible airtimes in the front and back. I have to admit that the front row was more fun imo, but the drop was way more violent in the back. I understand why some people might think that it’s not intense enough, but I think it’s perfect and it actually has some forceful moments. The immelmann stall inversion after the drop was stunning and the other inversions had some very good hangtime too. The pace was amazing and the train runs very smooth and fast later in the day through its layout. Absolute perfection on that scale

  • Shroom

    Duration Theming Pointless

    It´s fine. It is unbelievably long, but pointless. The theming isn´t good for phantasialand, even after the refurbishment of the queue and the new VR headsets. But there´s nothing in the building to see, it´s just dark and you can´t see anything. I hope it get´s replaced by something better because its neighbor Hollywood Tour is closed for a couple of years now in the same building.

  • Shroom

    Theming Nice surprise! Intensity

    My expectations were pretty high for this ride because I heard a lot about it, but I’ve got everything and more. This ride is so intense and I can’t understand how they called this a family coaster. Those positives and transitions can be incredible. But also the seating position was very unique and not uncomfortable

  • Shroom

    First Drop Intensity Ejectors Too short

    Incredible airtimes and lots of positives. This ride absolutely delivers. It’s so intense and the first drop made me grayout everytime. Pretty sad that this ride is a little on the shorter side

  • Shroom

    Theming Fun Capacity

    The same as winjas force, just a little better because of the length. I like the theming and those special tracks. The biggest con is the capacity, it can get to one of the longest queues in phantasialand on crowded days

  • Shroom

    Theming Fun Capacity

    Really good Maurer SC. The theming is good as always in phantasialand, and it has some really cool special elements. The main con is, that it has a really bad capacity, especially on very crowded days. It´s just a little worse than fear because of the length

  • Shroom

    First Drop Fun Rattle

    Really cool family coaster. The first drop in the back row was really good and fun. After that it´s just a family coaster and nothing really special. At some points it was actually a bit rattly

  • Shroom

    Location Fun Smoothness Dead spots

    A really fun Maurer SC. It´s really smooth and the location next to the lake is actually pretty cool. The first half had some good moments just like the second half, but it has some annoying dead spots because of the brakeruns, which absolutely ruin the pacing. Anyways it´s a good family coaster

  • Shroom

    Theming Launch Hangtime Too short Lap Bar

    As it was my first sky rocket, i was pretty surprised of that ride. The Hangtime was awesome and the launches were pretty strong. It looks stunning from the outside, but also the queue is well done. My only complaints are the restraints that are actually pretty uncomfortable, and also the length of the ride... it´s very short. I heard it´s much more comfortable than most other sky rockets, but that one´s also pretty uncomfortable because your shin always presses in a hard cushion. But it´s anyways a really fun roller coaster with lots of hangtime, good airtime moments, nice theming and powerful launches.

  • Shroom

    Theming Nice surprise! Smoothness

    One of the best kiddie coasters I´ve ridden. It´s smooth and very good themed inculding the queue. It really surprised me what they could do out of a really small layout

  • Shroom

    First Drop Intensity Ejectors Capacity

    I absolutely loved that ride. The ejectors you get on every single airtime moment is insane. The first drop is in the back row crazy, but also in every other row its pretty intense. I loved every single second of that ride, except there are some other coasters I´ve ridden where I think they were a little bit better than GeForce. My only complaint that doesn´t have to do anything with the coaster itself is the capacity. It ran the whole day at only one train and on top they have a really annoying system of an express pass, so if you go to the backrow or front row, the chance is pretty high you have to wait 2 times at the same spot because some people from the express queue undoubtedly take those seats. Anyway, this coaster is insane

  • Shroom

    Intensity Ejectors Hangtime Too short

    That ride was so much more than I expected. It had a pretty good launch and the airtime you get in the backrow was so violent... But you also have good hangtime moments! Overall such an intense ride and it totally surprised me (I couldn´t put it in the main pros anymore)

  • Shroom

    Inversions Ejectors Hangtime

    This ride was amazing from the beginning, until the brakerun. Those violent ejector bunny hops were one of my favourite moments on any coaster. The 270° Stall was unique also. It had everything, it had violent ejector, good inversions & hangtime. It blew my expectations away, and I think they couldn´t have done a better job.