• A Useless Guy

    Lap Bar Hangtime Launch

    Mack with their stupid launches but it makes up with the hangtime.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Lap Bar Smoothness

    Love wooden coasters and made this my 200th as this thing is a beast with airtime in the front and back with tons of laterals at the end while running buttery smooth.

  • A Useless Guy

    Intensity Ejectors

    this thing is more about quick turns and quick pops of air but it threw is some inversions.

  • A Useless Guy

    Inversions Ejectors Too short

    Definition of short but sweet but its really short.

  • A Useless Guy

    Nice surprise! Pace Intensity

    did not know much about this coaster going into it but this thing blew me away there's like 1 corkscrew that I did not see coming and left me in shock at how intense it was.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Intensity Rattle Reliability

    I was not expecting this to be my favorite B&M hyper but this thing was insane with airtime at the end to the helix in the middle this thing blew me away. also idk what six flags is doing but this thing goes down very 10 minutes its ridiculous especially for a B&M.

  • A Useless Guy

    Launch Intensity Reliability

    This thing was great back in 2019 before they made it go super slow but it was to fix its reliability which it went down 7 times during the day.

  • A Useless Guy

    Pace Fun

    Gci with a masterpiece funny how a filler coaster became the best in park but this thing flies through the layout in the woods just a great wooden coaster.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Intensity Ejectors Lap Bar

    went on a dead day and rode storm chaser 20 times in a row with its amazing airtime but those Rmc restraints gave me tons of bruises on my legs.

  • A Useless Guy

    Location Smoothness Ejectors Too short

    This thing flies and the airtime was so strong i was holding on the the lap bar for dear life but its very short which is very sad.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Smoothness

    Love wooden coasters and this thing mostly made me stand up in my seat mid ride that's how good the airtime gets.

  • A Useless Guy

    Pace Intensity Rattle Lap Bar

    this thing is really in really intense but your thighs getting crushed is also very intense.

  • A Useless Guy

    Pace Intensity

    Very intense for an invert but it blew out my eardrums while riding very loud, very good.

  • A Useless Guy

    Inversions Nice surprise! Smoothness Theming Capacity

    Love smooth inversion machines also people tend not to like this ride but I found it to be really fun for me. They also only have 1 train that's operational at a time so that's a major downside as it really popular. also hate the theming being a Bengals fan.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Location

    Love the view of lake Eire from the lift and then it being built on a cliff its my favorite location for a coaster.

  • A Useless Guy

    Pace Intensity Intensity

    Very intense for a coaster and thats a positive for all the quick turns but its also a negative for making about 99% grey out which can be fun or a main complaint.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Ejectors Discomfort Lap Bar

    A shorter Rmc but it has some of the strongest ejector airtime that absolutely yanks your over them its almost incredible.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Ejectors Duration Capacity Discomfort Lap Bar

    This ride is amazing for airtime lovers but the Line is always super long and you have to go through metal detectors which is extremally annoying then the seats are cramp feel bad for anyone that gets paired with a random person.

  • A Useless Guy

    Pace Intensity Smoothness

    Easily the best Giga this thing flies through its layout.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Fun Duration Harness

    I love wooden coasters and this one is like el toro but it like twice as long and goes in the woods reminds me of a modern Beast all Holiday World needs to do is get new trains PTC trains are not meant to be on this ride.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Capacity

    Intamin with another masterpiece even when their making a wood coaster but being a guy that loves wooden coasters this is the best no doubt.

  • A Useless Guy

    Airtimes Ejectors Duration Theming

    With most Rmc's it ran very slow in the morning and was disappointed but re rode in the afternoon and was blown away by its airtime defiantly the best Rmc but like most Rmc's the theming and name are non existent or trash.

  • A Useless Guy

    Theming Pace Masterpiece Reliability

    Defiantly one of the most well rounded coasters in the world with some of the most comfy restraints to amazing inversions only problem I had was that it went down for 1 hour right as park opened then went down for 4 hours around 1pm.